Vaping: What Products Are Denver Experts Excited About?

image of a marijuana vaporizer next to a small jar of bud

Vaporizers are the wave of the future. Everyone's catching on to the benefits of vaping -people quitting smoking tobacco, consumers getting into cannabis, those that like a little splashy flavor, and everyone in between. It's convenient, portable, discreet, and a lot of fun.

Additionally, vaping is a potent way to ingest marijuana, filled with flavorful and powerful terpenes and technology designed to enhance the smoking experience.

With this massive demand also comes a large supply, and there are a lot of vaping options out there. For example, there are desktop vaporizers versus pens – some are machines that take up space and others slip easily into a pocket. Some options are packed full of fun and fancy flavors, some are just evaporated water.

Lightshade is considered one of Denver's top vape shops, with many locations scattered throughout the metropolitan area. In addition to offering many cannabis products, from fresh flower to delicious edibles to delightful concentrates, Lightshade has also created a name for itself on the vape frontlines. This high-end dispensary has everything necessary for anyone interested in vaping: a wide selection, top quality products, and a knowledgeable staff that is more than willing to help, assist, and recommend their favorite items to any guests in the store.

Cannabis Vape Recommendations at Top Denver Vape Shop Lightshade white background with an image of marijuana vaporizers like ones that could be sold at a vape shop in denver

Several Lightshade managers chose their favorite vape products available, offering their cannabis wisdom and expertise.

Hayley, Evolab G-Pen and Gio Pods 

"My favorite vape products are the Evolab G-Pen and Gio Pods. The pods carry zero PPG (polypropylene glycol) and they have a high terpene profile – which makes them very tasty and satisfying. The high is extremely consistent, boasting both longevity and quality, plus the price is affordable. The heating time is instantaneous, the battery life is long-lasting, and most of all, these products make for an excellent experience, every time."

Jose, Evolab Chroma Colors Cartridges

"The Evolab Chroma Colors Cartridges are my favorite vape item on the menu. They provide rich terpenes and pure cannabinoids, which deliver a delicious, potent, and aromatic product. The cartridges also have a wide range of flavors – I never get bored – a great atomizer, and a high percentage of THC, which is highly satisfying. In addition to a very competitive price point, these cartridges also allow me to enjoy my oil without any clogging issues or that awful burn taste. Smooth and easy!"

Aja, Evolab G-Pen and Nomad Distillate Cartridges

"I have two favorite vape products. First, I love the Evolab G-Pen, to no one's surprise. It has so many things going for it: the cartridges last longer than any other cartridge I've ever had, which is a bonus for someone who is an all-the-time smoker like myself. The cannabis terpene-rich oil is incredibly flavorful and the pen provides a consistent hit at the perfect temperature, literally all the time. I have trouble getting high with just vape pens sometimes, but the G-Pen always does the trick!

Second, the Nomad Distillate Cartridges are awesome! The oil is incredibly pure and potent. Nomad recently introduced a few new flavors, like cantaloupe and dreamsicle. Absolutely delicious. I love these cartridges not only because of the inventive and yummy flavors, but also because of how smooth the oil is when you hit it. Sometimes vape pens can feel harsh and can burn or cause coughing; the Nomad cartridges, however, do anything but. They pair a pleasant hit with flavor that isn't too overwhelming."

Heather, Pax Era Vaporizer, Pax Era Live Resin Pods, and High Terpene Extract Pods image of the cartridge end of a vaporizer next to a small bud of marijuana

"My favorite vape product that Lightshade carries is the Pax Era vaporizer with the Pax Era Live Resin Pods. They have an unparalleled smoking experience unlike any other cartridge when it comes to flavor and a very nice buzz.

The High Terpene Extract Pods are one of my favorites as well, if you want a cartridge that will give you a high most comparable to flower. If you're looking for variety, you'll definitely find it within the Pax brand.

Pax also allows you to customize your device to your own personal preferences through a free downloadable app. It has the capabilities to adjust the temperature that you vaporize your oil at, and you can even play games on the era device! The newest feature on the app allows for one to log a smoking “sesh” so you know how much of your pod you’ve been smoking and for how long, as well as how much product gets you to where you need to be. Overall, I recommend this product to both seasoned veteran smokers as well as first timers, because of how easily customizable the smoking experience is."

Check out to look into new products and to explore all of Lightshade's well-stocked menu, both as a Denver vape shop and cannabis market in Denver.

Lightshade is a proud partner of Leafbuyer Technologies, Inc.