The First-Ever CannaBowl Was a Huge Success

nugs with football on top for the canna bowl

This year's Big Game was remarkably unremarkable. Football fans were disappointed by the lowest scoring game in history, stale commercials and an even staler half-time show. The highly anticipated Bikini Bottom Super Band tribute only lasted for three seconds. Luckily, our marketing team here at Leafbuyer came up with an alternative to the boring football game – the CannaBowl.

The CannaBowl is essentially the Puppy Bowl with less puppies and more weed. The first-ever CannaBowl featured the two biggest teams in cannabis going head to head: Sativa vs Indica. It was a game for the history books, the final score being even lower than Sunday's Big Game. Sativa and Indica both ended the game without a single touchdown or field goal. To quote CannaBowl sports-commentator Errl, "It seems like none of these players really want to play football."

After a lackluster performance on Sunday fans are anticipating the retirement of long-time quarterback OG Kush. We reached out to O.G. Kush for an interview, but he declined to comment. Quarterback for Sativa, Blue Dream, said post-game that he is, "[...]super stoked to play again next year, this is the best bowl [he's] ever been in."

Watch the first-ever CannaBowl here!

Big thank you to Sticky Budz for sponsoring our top-shelf athletes this year!