The changing legalities of cannabis may present a moral dilemma in some situations and create questions regarding appropriate use. This week's question from Quora brings up one such controversial area of discussion.
While many parents in the past have lost custody of their children due to marijuana convictions, the age of legalization is looming, causing many parents to seek guidance on what's appropriate and what's not.
Here’s a question for parents who consume marijuana; what are your house rules when it comes to smoking weed? What’s the best way to approach it in front of your kids and how do you present it to them? Do you smoke in front of them? Any tips come to mind?
Despite being an outspoken cannabis advocate, I am a firm believer in preserving innocence in children. While I know, there are a lot worse things a kid can get into, a child's developing brain isn't ready for an influx of cannabinoids. Therefore, just like with prescriptions, alcohol, and even Tide pods – we need to protect our kids.
I was 34 when I started smoking cannabis again, recreationally, in 2008. At the time, my son was 12 years old, and we lived in Iowa – where marijuana was and still is highly illegal. As a professional woman working in the corporate world, I had a reputation and a career to uphold, so I kept my cannabis use very private. Most times, I would wait until my son was in bed and exhale the smoke through a homemade filter made from a paper towel tube and dryer sheets. Yet, I had no problem pouring myself a captain and coke or a glass of wine and drinking it in front of him.
I never forget when I had to explain to him I was a pot smoker. He was nearly 20 years old and moving back into my house – he was an adult, and I wasn't going to hide it anymore. Just a few months later we smoked together for the first time and had one of the greatest conversations I can remember in our entire relationship.
Naturally, now that my husband and I are living in Colorado, as medical cannabis patients, I don't hide it all. In fact, we host an Airbnb in the mountains and have strict rules against hosting anyone under the age of 18 – only because we entertain out-of-state guests who aren't familiar with the concept of legal cannabis. We've had one too many instances of people requesting we put away our "stash" to hide it from their children – as they sat with a cocktail in hand, sauced by 3 p.m.
I would never tell someone how to parent their children, but as a veteran cannabis consumer and responsible parent, please allow me to provide a few pointers from my experience:
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