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Herbal Healing

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408 E. Fillmore St, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
  • 719-632-5904
  • Today: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    • Monday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    • Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    • Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    • Thursday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    • Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    • Saturday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    • Sunday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM


We're The 2015 Cannabis Cup Winner for best Indica in the country! We strive to bring you the highest quality product with our state of the art growing technique. Come in and check us out. We have friendly and knowledgeable staff to help you will all of your medical needs.

CO License #402-01162

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Herbal Healing

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Herbal Healing

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Herbal Healing

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Herbal Healing

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Herbal Healing

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Herbal Healing

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10% College Student Discount EVERYDAY!!!

Herbal Healing

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10% Military Discount EVERY DAY FOR LIFE

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Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Medical Deal Alerts
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WARNING: Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to:

  • Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, or difficulty distinguishing reality)
  • Mental Health Symptoms/Problems
  • Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) (uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting)
  • Cannabis use disorder / dependence, including physical and psychological dependence.

(Posted pursuant to Section 44-10-202 C.R.S (HB21-1317))
03-21-2025 04:14 PM
Herbal IR 001 Healing pl Or.101.11111111 $55 OTD Select Pre-Weigh OZ s 2 for $90 OTD 30 OFF Olio Carts $6 OTD Nine Extracts Infused Joints I /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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03-14-2025 04:01 PM
7- Fs --711717 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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03-07-2025 05:00 PM
nfu D0.eFimr-K CiTs2 Pl /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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03-01-2025 04:44 PM
Herbal Healing $3 OTD Pre-Rolls Excludes Green Dot 30 OFF ALL Olio Carts $55 OTD Select Pre-Weigh Flower OZs 2 for $90 Use d Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 11. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychoticdisorder delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing reality2 2. M ental Health Symptcens/Problems3 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis usedisorder/ dependence including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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02-21-2025 04:39 PM
Zirba HwUng -40415 Kint Du- Mj1 UlD.O.2 Novf-re Cg oyg atlzii Tairc Mtn. IRd1i /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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02-14-2025 06:41 PM
N 5516111 Flower OZ 2 for $90 30 OFF ALL Oil/Sesh Products IIP $20 0114gbles 1000mg Gummies 2 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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02-14-2025 04:33 PM
N 5516111 Flower OZ 2 for $90 30 OFF ALL Oil/Sesh Products IIP $20 0114gbles 1000mg Gummies 2 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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02-07-2025 04:28 PM
erbaE H $55 OTD Select Pre-Weigh Flower OZs 2 for $90 $13 OTD KzelkdolavDrinfis $20 OTDYetibles 1000mg lid. Ann 1 Gummies /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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01-31-2025 04:45 PM
Negta 14tg t3ggaEl-171tKo3rLrAEt-WV11iMnk02Ally4 Mg.4XWDxMoUnWctmmiHa /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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01-24-2025 05:00 PM
$55 OTD Select FlOwer OZs 2 for $90 $15 OTD Olio Live Resin $25 OTD Incredibles 1000mg Gurnin 40 OFF Stratoc /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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01-17-2025 05:02 PM
Pre-Wei914 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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01-10-2025 05:00 PM
.$8 o-r mAimtm Oft 19 Cotrfs $2.0 o-TD DetYkdy Dimes 2000YK3 GinvAmies $10010T1 Jaw Flower OZ. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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01-03-2025 05:00 PM
rx. ..... /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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12-27-2024 05:09 PM
livedeal image /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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12-20-2024 05:00 PM
$35 OTD Flower OZ Pre-weighs 300/COFF ALL Concentrates vc. 30 OFF ALL Edibles De 11A don. 4p-o 2par Dwf Cbmi rig /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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12-13-2024 04:59 PM
dor 535 OTD Select Pre-Weigh OZs STO OTD Newt Bros Resin .A.Z 250/o OFF ALL Olio confientratis - /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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12-06-2024 05:00 PM
al 4itg ifIN lithafi Sul I /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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11-29-2024 05:10 PM

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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11-15-2024 05:07 AM
Herbal Healing Seed Smith Pop up Goodies Sat llam-2pm / /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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11-08-2024 04:00 PM

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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11-01-2024 04:00 PM
livedeal image /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-30-2024 07:32 PM
TOMORROW 10/31 . r HALLOWEEN ONLVIRI lha UM a71E1 PINDMIDM 4 It EPP U1351 Z91350111 m s I ow siEcuss s spj us uaNms 7211 Q /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-25-2024 04:00 PM
$455 0 S Pre-/Veigh Flower s for $90 .fro.C.....asaaSia41.11...194.....44 bar ah. tC11111.11C illotaftl......1.840.4.1.4 11...4.0.1MpOnte /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-18-2024 04:00 PM
$55 OTD Select Flower OZ 2 for$90 30 OFF Live Resin /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-11-2024 04:00 PM
ea25OF ALL nrtrates OTD Pre-Rolls Eiroludes Green Dot /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-04-2024 04:48 PM
WARNING Overconsumption of Marijuana Conce may lead to Psychotic symptoms and/Or Psychotic disorder. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems Cannabis MYSmaemesis CHS. and Cannabis use disorder/dependence. including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-04-2024 04:00 PM
livedeal image /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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09-27-2024 04:00 PM
00 070 Fl er ars $65 4C911 Fictuere 40Z or gSID /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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09-20-2024 04:00 PM
IILLL.L.L LIE4LLIZ $55 OTD Flower OZs 2 for $90 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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09-13-2024 08:32 PM
t W eqe Cia 0 4 V .66 ..4dol l 14 if I SI4 k- iv4f 40 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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08-30-2024 04:00 PM
$35 OTD Se r Pre-WeigIvElower. Vs P2 / 25 FF ALL Edibles 520 OTD Olio Live Retie /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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08-23-2024 03:44 PM
OM CaD MI xicalagm it 0E0 CUD Ciuo 11011 Gnaa cco cup oAlosu Pu2f-sqem osclg /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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08-16-2024 04:00 PM
livedeal image /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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08-09-2024 04:00 PM
Herbal 1.0 SOPO 40 30 OTD Pre-Weigh 0/30s Topicats/Tiltures FF ALL Rosin Medicated Suckers /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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08-02-2024 04:00 PM
livedeal image /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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07-27-2024 04:00 PM
5 OID DookEL ffi WARNING CNerconsumptbn of MarijuanaConcentrate may lead to Psychaticsymptams andja Psychotic disonier Mental HealthSymptoms/ProblemsCannabisHypereminisCHS and Cannabis use disorder/dependence inducling physical and pwchologkal dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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07-19-2024 03:59 PM
e Ilearbal $55 VTD Pe-Weigh 2for$90 $25 gm Mountain Select Voain Carta /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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07-09-2024 06:00 PM
ettoLO1 0 L. or $8.40 Sugar/Shatter $30 OTD Cookies Rosin 30 OFF ALL Concentrates $100 OTD Jar OZs Free Goodie Bags Come Early 1st - 8g Sugar/Shatter 2nd - 7g Sugar/Shatter 3rd - 6g Sugar/Shatter 4th - 5g Sugar/Shatter 5th - 4g Sugar/Shatter 6th - 3g Sugar/Shatter 7th - 2g Sugar /Shatter 8th - lg Sugar /Shatter /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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07-04-2024 03:34 PM
$10 OTD Newt Bros Live iiesin 1 KR-Cookies $100 Jar OZ OTD Close 2pm Today /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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06-28-2024 03:30 PM
SZE 0711-Seletet SOSTO7oon. Remo OFF seed asmith Symp s Problems. Cannabis gn1cot is rymptb sands PZyh - dente eluding physic /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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06-21-2024 04:54 PM
HerbedHemiliiiid e S35MTD SELIECT FLCAAVER OZ.S .... Ac.s. c NEW4BROS LrifiRESIINI 55. OTD 1100MGROSIN MSLLOW .-... /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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06-14-2024 04:00 PM
44616-44 I 510 GYP WO- 151135 Live 5iii 535 GYP 5elect P4/ii Fh3Wer OZic 307. OFF P054 6.1141t1le5 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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06-07-2024 04:00 PM
PgmkP It214ad4 Pu 10alid SuPnlx PudaP/nPlog 1P a 51PuOMI11 bxIAH cNruatewanosowndwAs torn Iowan ..aptotp poNAtd Joipu nunchnk goy t 01 peal luau asmw uo tuenlults he uo5thantuonaao MW /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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05-31-2024 04:12 PM
livedeal image /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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05-31-2024 04:01 PM
livedeal image /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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05-24-2024 04:13 PM
yAy Sa NGWR Dvio EtZw LaGAm B DUD Kovno 02 Dal m MCGICty giO C23 ID RJR WM ILOw od/ Lacgdm garag kk1 2 COP mem apq 441 025D PRONOGP an /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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05-17-2024 03:30 PM
Her 11 Heai lef gigKr PE.3 EEfrg 520 E...1.37. 1.0MMEIM EIMM317 WATEn .20.02.171123 hash C NILL JAIVOZS NOW /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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05-10-2024 04:01 PM

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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05-03-2024 04:00 PM
535 OTD Select Flower OZs P BuylCookies Live Rosin/Resin gram Get 1 Cookies 500mg Cart Free $35 OTD Dialed in 500mg Rosin Gummies /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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04-26-2024 03:59 PM
$15 Newt Bros Live Resin 30 OFF ALL Robhots $55 OTD Select Flower OZs WARNINCI use of Mariitinnn rnnnartnatn rnav land to 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions. hallucinations. or difficultydistintuishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems3 3. Cannabis Hype remesis Syndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence including physical and psyc hologic a Ide pendence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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04-17-2024 04:01 PM
HeinOrin i 4 $3 OTD Pre-Rolls $100 OTD All Jar OZs $8.40 OTD Shatter/Wax $30 OFF Concentrates 30 OFF Edibles 420 QP Giveaway 1st OZ 2-3 OZ 4-7 V4 OZ 8-15 1/8 OZ With Purchase .tre dittbtritt mot eat tat re a it i ay ay Food and Give Aways 420 aa a We Ile WARNING Overconsumption of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder Menta I Health Symptoms/Problems Cannabis Hyperemesis CHS and Cannabis use disorder/dependence including physical and psychological dependence. irt Ice thy tit . t Sit I i /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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04-15-2024 06:43 PM
4/16-4/20 $3 OTD Pre-Rolls $8.40 OTD Sugar Wax $100 OTD ALL JAR OZS 30 OFF ALL Concentrates 30 OFF ALL Edibles QP Flower GIVE AWAY 1ST OZ 2-3 1/2 02 4-71/4oz 8-151-8 oz WITH PURCHASE April 160 BOYPaTka soon milk /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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04-12-2024 03:51 PM
$3 OTD Pre-Rolls $55 OTD Select Pre-Weigh OZs 2 for $90 $35 OTD ig Green Dot Live Resin Carts April 16th First 15 Patients Receive Gift with Purchase 1 10Z 2-3 Va OZ 4-7 1/4 OZ Cupcakes 8-15 1/8 OZ Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 11. Health Symptoms/Protlems3 3. Cannabis HyperemmisSyndro el depenclemil /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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04-05-2024 03:50 PM
Fi Tri vicr rrs 71 I I 1.-- I. I CS ri 1.1 I I r f r 7 7- Herbal Heating WARNINGOverconsumption of MadjuanaCorxentrate may lead toPsychoticsymplomsand/or Psycholicdisonier Mental HealthSym ptams/Problems Cannabis Hyperernwis CHS and Cannatiuse d tx. rder deter der cludtrg sl cal and decentiere /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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03-22-2024 03:35 PM
Herbal Healing $55 OTD Select Pre-Weigh Flower OZs2 for $90 $100 OTD Jar OZs $125 OTD Platinum Shelf OZs $10 OTD Nine Extracts Wax/Shatter Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 11. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptorm/Prcbl 3. Cannabis HyperemesisSyndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4.Cannabisus disorder/dependence including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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03-15-2024 03:34 PM
Herbal Healing Etii $3 OTD Pre-Rolls $30 OTD Mountain Select Rosin Grams/Carts $10 OTD Nine Extracts Shatter/Sugar/Budder L. - A renstkitk WARNING Overconsumption of Marijuana Concentrate may lead toPsychoticsymptoms and/or Psychotic d isonier Mental Health Symptoms/Problem CarmabisHyperermrisCHS andeannabis use disorder/dependence inducing physiel and psychologkal dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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03-14-2024 03:30 PM
17trc. 134... ea in Due to the ongoing inclement weather Herbal Healing will be closing today at 12pm for the safety of our Patients and Employees. We are sorry for any inconveniences and appreciate the understanding. -I-. - - ..... -. dra..-----.1. ammo. . - /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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03-08-2024 04:55 PM
Herbal Healing $3 OTD Pre-Rolls Excludes Green Dot $20 OTD Oil Well Cured Resin ig Disposable Cart $25 OTD Seed Smith Dart Pods $30 OTD Oil Well Live Resin ig Disposable Cart $30 OTD Natty Rems Live Resin ig Carts $30 OTD ALL Mountain Select Rosin Grams/Carts 30 OFF ALL Batch 1g/2g Carts $30 OTD DabLogic 500mg Rosin Gummies 40 OFF ALL Accessories Use of Marijuana Concentrate may I ead toll. Psychobc won pton-s and/or Psychotic disader delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems3 3. Cannabis Hyperemmis Synd rome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Ca m abis use disader /dependence indudirg physical and pswhologie I dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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03-01-2024 05:04 PM
GREENDOT BLACK LABEL tIVE RESIN ROLL Ar lethal H 214 $55 OTD Select Pre-Weigh Flower OZs 2 For $90 $30 OTD ALL Mountain Select Rosin Grams Carts 30 OFF Green Dot Pre-Rolls 30 OFF Green Dot Live Infused 5pk Buy 1 Cookies 1g Cart Receive 1 500mg Cart 40 OFF lovia Tinctures Buy a Dart Pod Receive Free Battery 30 OFF My Brothers Flower Carts Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 1 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions. hallucinations. or difficulty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/ Prcblems3 3. Cannapis Hyperemesis Syndrome CMS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence. including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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02-23-2024 07:12 PM
Shots frigsp Atr 47L Herbal Healing New Lower pricin $20 CND Happy Fmk ALL fa ozz be-s Select Ice 990 Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 1 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions. hallucinations. difficuhy distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems3 3. Cannabis Hyperernesis Syndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence. including physical and psychological dependence. tn Multiple Brands /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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02-23-2024 05:01 PM
Shots frigsp Atr 47L Herbal Healing New Lower pricin $20 CND Happy Fmk ALL fa ozz be-s Select Ice 990 Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 1 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions. hallucinations. difficuhy distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems3 3. Cannabis Hyperernesis Syndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence. including physical and psychological dependence. tn Multiple Brands /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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02-16-2024 07:44 PM
Herbal Healing tint tRe.ceaurgumacs...a. I $25 OTD Select Pre-Weigh Small Bud 07s $20 OTD Happy Fruit Rosin 500mgGummies BOGO Cookies cart buy lg get 500mg for penny $5 OTD Medicated Suckers $5 OTD Wonder St ix rer $30 OTD M uncheez 40 off iOVIA 4er deipsydloWai otpautrio /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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02-09-2024 06:55 PM
-- $25 OTD Select Pre-Weigh Flower OZs $100 OTD $125 OTD Flower Jar OZS Buy Cookies 1g Cart Receive a cookies 500mg cart for penny $5 OTD Wonder Stix $5 OTD ALL Medicated Suckers $10 OTD Nine And WM Shatter/Sugar Wax $30 OTD 1000mg Muncheez Bars 25 OFF Oil Well Live Resin and Cold Cure Carts 40 OFF lovia Tinctures 40 OFF Seed Smith Dart Pods lett /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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02-02-2024 04:26 PM
$35 OTD Select Flower OZs Buy Cookies 1g cart receive a cookies 500mg cart for penny $5 OTD Wonder Stix $30 OTD Muncheez 1000mg Bars 40 OFF Green Hornets 151 GREEN 14001INET. libm1Pre A4. 411 TAIFECTA Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to I L Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions. hallucinations. or difficulty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Probienr3 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 9. Cannabis we disorder / dependence. including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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01-19-2024 05:01 PM
HONfld CINV1Si iamb euerr tvV /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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01-12-2024 04:41 PM
Herbal Healing frvr$35 OTD Select Pre-Weigh OZas 25 OTD Happy Fruit Rosin Gummies 30 OFF Dialed In Gummies 30 OFF Wonder Stix 30 OFF Medicated Suckers $40 OTD Robhots1000mg Rosin Gummies 30 OFF Mountain Select Rosin 30 OFF Seed Smith Dart Pods Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Martin Luther King Jr. - Martin Luther King Jr. WARNING Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to1 1. Psyc hob c symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing reality 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems 3. Cannabis Hyperemr3is Syndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitivevomitird 4. Cannabis use disorder /dependence including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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01-05-2024 05:00 PM
Herbal Healing $35 OTD Select Pre-Weigh Flower OZs $3 OTD Pre-Rolls $25 OTD Colors Carts 30 OFF Wonder Stix 30 OFF Mountain High Suckers tlse of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 11. Psychotic sqnptoms a nd/or Psychotic ceder delusions hal kicinations or difficulty distinguishing real ityI2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problerns3 3.Ca mabis Hyperernesis Syndrome IC HS Uncontrolled and repetitNe vomiting 4.Cannabis use disorder/dependence including physical a ndpsychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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12-29-2023 04:43 PM
mem ce gamv an Dayll thletwa gr ea oet aS ba nfrell Now New Years Eve $35 OTD Select Flower Ozs Multiple Strains -1-411300FFJar Flower 30 OFF ALL ConcentratesC 30 OFF All Edibles 30 OFF ALLTopicals 30 OFF All Tinctures ------- 30 OFF Infused Cones 20 OFF ALL Green Dot Flower .46 1$ 3 OTD Pre-rolls of Mari nitrate 41t. to 11. Psychotk wmptoms and/or Psychoticdisorder delusions hallucinations or diffsccIty diotinguishing reality2 2. Mental Heath SymptorrcfProblems3 B. Cannabis HyperernsSyndrorne CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4.Carnabis use disorder/ dependence including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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12-22-2023 05:01 PM
r ewe leeciaava pxi4xiif.0 / accp canue0 7 16te-9cawadwis rauxuatOry rix$1 Z Z641tv- . v -2-Iralsr4r4 2-02IPP x9r-02P TA.a.Ala I I CC3.RW S110e1-3eld 010 ES H3MOld 100 N33d9 11V dd0 0Z S3NO3 03SrldNI dd0 02 S3t11113N11 -1-1V AdO 02 511131d01 -1-1V did OE 4144 S318103 -1-1V did OE S31V211N33NO3 -1-1V did OE SNIVellS 3idusinvi SgZO 213MOld 13313S 010 SES 11VI-1 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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12-14-2023 07:48 PM
$35 OTD Select Flower OZ Pre-Weighs Not applicable with other deals $8 OTD Sesh 500ing Carts $30 OTD Lepow Full Spectrum 1000mg Syrups $25 OTD Colors 1000rng Disposable 30 OFF ALL Green Dot Labs Carts 30 OFF Dab Logic Gummies 40 OFF ALL incredibles 30 OFF Topicals /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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12-07-2023 06:11 PM
applicable 444ittwbvtfr.ity.4-4 atAt t4t447.frti 4433444.ettAV4444- /sAke4/4444ett 41-tittm4.10412 P6144- 144tr-1CtsitreVit 434 -Ihtaf-- arn4441 Zten.nntikt 141 4 rant 1dr ft 44eic /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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12-01-2023 04:28 PM
S. . $55 OTD Select Pre-weighT.iticVer..021-s -.. . 2 for $90 . . S . . . . $10 OTD Seed Smith Orange Creamsicle Sugar Wax 30 OFF Green Dot Live Resin Carts $25 OTD Green Dot Black Label Live Resin $35 OTD Lazercat Ultra Premo Rosin $25 OTD Happy Fruit 500mg Rosin Gummies 30 OFF Medicated Suckers 40 OFF Dosd 250mg Gummies $40 OTD Robhots 1000mg Rosin Gummies . ... . Useof Markuana Concemfiate may cad to 11. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorda fdelusions11 Camabis Ityderemesis Syndrome GIS/ funcontroMed and rePctithv vomkingl 4.Cannabis us . . . . . - cf2GEADOTI 41 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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11-24-2023 04:54 PM
J Leff BLACK FRIDAY I am CYBER MONDAY arD Pre-Rolls isal rnig Select Pre-weigh Flower 01 00 OTD Jar OZ Excludes Platinum Shelf 0 Off Concentrates Excludes Products already discounts 20 OFF Green Dot Flower Jars 30 OFF Infused Pre-Rolls n nit 4 r k LI nappy Fruit 100Orng Gummie oak kg S. b4 40 OFF Dn unn OTD Robhots 1.000mg Rosin twmmie. Free Goodie Bags Friday. Use of Marijuana Concentrate may I ead to 11. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic dlsocder delusions hallucinations or difficulty distnguishing real ity2 2. Mental HealthSymptoens/Prcblems3 3. Cannabis Hyperem esi s Syndrome CHSuncontrolled and repetitive vom king 4. Cannabis use disorder/dependence including physical and psychological dependenoe. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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11-17-2023 05:00 PM
Herbal Healing $55 OTD Select Pre-Weigh Flower OZs 2 for $90 $8 OTD Oil Well Shatter $8 OTD Sesh 500mg Cart $15 OTD Harmony Live Sauce Disposable Carts $20 OTD Happy Fruit 1000mg Gummies $21 OTD Leiffa Rosin $25 OTD Happy Fruit 500mg Rosin Gummies $25 OTD Compound Genetics Red Bulk 1/8th $27 OTD Lazercat Premo Rosin $35 OTD Lazercat Ultra Premo Rosin $40 OTD Robhots 1000mg Rosin Gummies 20 OFF ALL Green Dot Flower Jars Use of Niariju3naConcentrate n-aylead 1 r. Psychotic srrptoms andtor Psychotic disorder halsinations or difficulty distrguishing realit2 2.11enti Health S rrptorrs/Problen-s3 3. Cant Hypereresis Sythrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitht twitting 4 Carrabis use disorder/ dependence indudirg physical and psycThiotcal dependence. I j $20 OTD /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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11-08-2023 05:00 PM
Member 1 OZ 1/3 OZ 1/4 OZ 1/8 OZ 1 Gram $150 OTD $80 OTD $50 OTD $30 OTD $10 OTD Non-Member 1 02 1/2 OZ 1/4 OZ 1/8 OZ 1 Gram tr our I-Ar H Jim mg New Flower Pricing Tiers $150 Tax $80 Tax $50 Tax $30 Tax $10 Tax Herbal Healing Member 1 OZ 1/2 OZ 1/4 OZ 1/8 OZ 1 Gram Pre-Weigh Flower $125 OTD $70 OTD $40 OTD $25 OTD $8 OTD Non-Member 1 OZ 1/2 OZ 1/4 OZ 1/8 OZ 1 Gram $125 Tax $70 Tax $40 Tax $25 Tax $8 Tax $8 OTD Oil Well $10 OTD Ice Cream Cake Sugar Wax $20 OTD Green Dot Silver Live Resin $25 OTD Green Dot Black Label Live Resin $25 OTD Harmony Live Sauce Disposables $27 OTD Lazercat Premo Rosin 20 OFF Select Green Dot Flower Jars $30 OTD Compound Genetics Red Bullz WAR G Use of Marijuana Concentrate may le lucinaiions or difficulty distinguishi an H emmisSyndrome CRS uncontrol dependence including physical ticsymptomsand/or Psychotic disorder Mental Health Symptoms/Problemsitive yom king 4. Cannabis use disor ological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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11-03-2023 04:00 PM
Herbal Healing $55 OTD Select Pre-Weigh Flower OZs 2 for $90 30 OFF Jar Flower $8 OTD Oil Well Shatter $10 OTD Ice Cream Cake Sugar Wax $27 OTD Lazercat Premo Rosin 20 OFF Veritas Flower Jars 20 OFF Green Dot FlowerJars $30 OTD Compound Genetics Red Bullz Dialed In Rosin Gummies Now Back WARNING Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 1. Pwchoticsyrnptomsand/or Psythctk dis delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing reality 2. tviental Health Symptorra/Prcbl Cannabis HyperernwisSyndrome 04S uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis use 0 dependence including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-27-2023 06:00 PM
BDU dap iviloiotpAscl pie le s -..9111111.11VilliditucodwAs e H lElLe pl ZA41E3J 1111111111 slum pasnol T1V dd0 OS salcilR3 TIV did0 OE saleiwaouo0 IIV dd0 OS kits iamou did0 0E 06$ 104 3 r SZO Lpiam-ald pales 410 99$ /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-20-2023 04:29 PM
Herbal Healing $55 OM Select Fl er Ors 2 kit $90 $7 OTD Oil Well Shatter $10 OTD Seed el Smith Scoops of Own Live R $20 OM 6 men Dot Silver Label Live Reski $27 MO Bit Label Green Dot Live Resin $35 0Th SL 2g Live Resins $25 0Th Harmony Live Sauce Carta $29 OTD Lazercat Premo Rosin grama $25 OM Hammy Fruit Gummies 1000nrog $30 OTD Ha ft Fruit R k ra Gunnies 5 25 OFF Muncheez 1 14111c3 $14 OTD Seth Syrirees 1 WARNING Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder de I usicns halludnations or diffkulty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/ProlNerns3 3. Cannabis Hyperernesis Syndrome CHS uncontrolled and repet it ive von it ing 4. Cannabis use disorder/ dependence including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-13-2023 04:38 PM
HerbalHealing hatte OIL arlah DCA ILSG s Ski 28 Se 2an ISTeen Do4 Reoln GeGGIN 04 Rodn gQ To s ed ss Scoops d hem IS acisin Nmemonv Live Smite Cat grratt P r e E Rootlin emait OTE Nappy Fmk Sammlesn000m MOTO Hippy Min-12min eigmaS I WARNING Use of Marijuar a Cc- cer crate may lead to 1 Rsychoticsym ptoms and/or Rsychobcdisorder delusions hallucinations or d ifficu Ityd istingui sh ins reality2 2. Menial HealthSyrnptoms/Rrcblems3 3. Cannabis Hyperernmis Syndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis use d isord er /dependence indudirg physical and psycholcgial dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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10-06-2023 04:03 PM
1111111Srai $55 OTD Select Pre-Weigh OZ 2 for $90 OTD $8 OTD Oil Well Shatter $10 OTD Seed Smith Scoops of Chem Live Resin $25 OTD Harmony Live Sauce Carts $29 OTD Lazercat Premo Rosin grams $25 OTD Happy Fruit - Gummies 1000mg $30 OTD Happy Fruit Rosin Gummies 500mg 4 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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09-29-2023 05:49 PM
Herbal Healing $55 OTD Pre-Weigh Flower OZ 2 for $90 $8 OTD ALL Oil Well Shatter $10 OTD S S Scoops of Chem Live Resin $15 OTD Robhots Squishers 500mg $25 OTD Leiffa Rosin grams $29 OTD Lazercat Premo Rosin grams $30 OTD Harmony Live Sauce Carts $30 OTD Bosky 1000mg Rosin Syrup Use of Marijuana Concentrate may I ead to 11. Psychotic syrn ptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Sympmms/Problems3 3. Cannabis HyperemmisSyndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis use disord er /dependence indudirg physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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09-22-2023 03:35 PM
Cat SEED SMITH Herbal Healing 10$55 OTD Pre-Weigh Flower OZ 2 for $90 New Strains $8 OTD ALL Oil Well Shatter $10 OTD S S Scoops of Chem Live Resin $15 OTD Robhots Squishers 500mg $29 OTD Lazercat Premo Rosin grams $30 OTD Harmony Live sauce Carts $30 OTD Bosky 1000mg Rosin Syrup I $30 OTD Lepow 1000mg FS Syrup $40 OTD Lepow 1000mg Rosin Syrup Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 11. Psythotic sym proms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing real ity2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems3 3. Cannabis HyperemesisSyndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4.Cannabisusedisorder /dependence including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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09-15-2023 04:03 PM
Herbal Healing kJ. $55 OTD Flower OZ 2 for $90 25 OFF ALL Concentrates Rosin Live Resin Wax Carts Syringes 25 OFF ALL Infused Cones 30 OFF Koala Rosin Bars 30 OFF Happy Fruit Gummies Use of Marijuana Concentrate may I ead to 11. Psychotic sym ptoms and/or Psychaic disorder delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problerns3 3. Cannabis Hyperemnis Synd rome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis usedisorder /dependence indudirg physical and psycholcsial dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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09-07-2023 05:04 PM
Herbal Heatin $55 OTD OZ Rower Pre-Weigh 2 for $W Se OM Oi Well Shatter $335 OM arca Premo Rosin 25 OR Green Dot Labs Carts $5 MD Mountain High Suckers 30 OFF Happy Fruit Gummies 25 OR Liquid Edibees Compound Genetics. Dropping Tecia.JyA SNAX114-kNI Flower Fitesn Drop WARNING Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 1 1. Rwchotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions haljucinations or difficulty istinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Rrotlems3 3. Cannabis HyperemoisSyndrome CRS un c cntroll ed and repetitiyevom king 4. Cannabis use disorder/ dependence including physical and psychological d ever FLOWER MENU n GRAPPti IlL /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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09-01-2023 04:05 PM
gig r- crm Jtn 0tq Litlowce fl foce 11 10 WA ntttece 713 la2rca1 Premos itg-n Ntgov 511E it Gutofia WARNING Use of Marijuana Concentrate may I ea1 to 11. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic d border delusions hallucinations ordifficuIty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems3 3. Cannabis itypereiresis Syndrome CRS unconird led and repetithe vomiting 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence including physical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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08-25-2023 05:45 PM
Herbal Healin L.RZEREFIT $18 OTD Veritas 8th Jars $55 OTD Select Flower OZs 2 for $90 $8 OTD ALL Oil Well Shatter $14 OTD Sesh lg Syringes $35 OTD ALL Lazercat Premo Rosin 30 OFF ALL Torches Useol Marijuana Concentrate may lead to11. ess.hotte symptoms and/or enthotx disorder ddusons.hanucinatans. or difficulty distinguishing ree/ity2 2. Mental Health Symptornslerobkam3 3.Cannebis Hyperentis Syndrome CMS uncontrolled and repetitive mamitingke.Cannabis use disorder dependence. including physical and psycho/nice dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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08-11-2023 04:39 PM
$55 OTD Flower re-Weigh two for $90 $15 OTD Seed Smith Live Resin $15 OTD Kaviar Grams $18 OTD New Bros Infused Duo Pre-Rolls 30 OFF Xiaolin Seed Smith Jupiter Infused Joints 30 OFF Bubbas Kush and TS Labs Hash 30 OFF Sesh Syringes 30 OFF SMJ Koala Wonder Stix Edibles ki44taiaidi Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 11. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems3 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome CHS uncontro I led and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence includingphysical and psychological dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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08-04-2023 04:30 PM
SMOKE WEED AND SURD MOTORCYCLES Her q $8 OTD Select grams of Oil 1/1/011 sugar wax BOGO 1/2 OFF Harmony live resin 500mg Disposable Cart -ftfrT $18 OTD Veritas 8ths 20 OFF Rozzies mixed berry 1000mg rosin edibles 20 OFF Cheeba Chews taffies 20 OFF Sweet Mary Janes popcorn Runtz back in stock waNiar 30grsillien vjellS Er e . WAR 0.-tentra. fr-N i Cs tit yrs and/otAthotic disorder deusionshdPacL9e.ons or 411kutv dOcT41sh.11 Ca 11VX.Itfor... S. OS uncon..i4r old rcpenht vaitin 4.CaInabis use e10.rder / ... Sturgis 12 2. Mental IIcath Syrnptems/Prob.c.ms3 Kcal dcpendence. esixo ANNIVUllsilav /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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07-28-2023 02:01 PM
HdbalHe44aling 10 $10 OTD Wax and Shatter se $125 STD Jar OZs $8 OTD Reef Colas Buy 2 get 1 FREE Nine Extracts infused pre-rolls $25 OTD Rosy Rosin $25 OTD Cold Cure Labs Rosin WARNINGUse of Marijuana Concentrate may dto 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Pisychotic disorder delusions hallucinations or difficulty distinguishing real ity2 2. Mental Health Symptipms/Problems3 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting1. Cannabis use disorder/ dependence Including physicaland psychological depende4 11 I -ow /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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07-21-2023 05:12 PM
$125 OTD jar ounces 20 off Cookies carts 20 off Olio 500 mg gummies $30 OTD Cereal Killaz Bars $15 OTD indica hybrid Kaviar 1 gram BOGO 1/2 off 500mg Robhots Squishers $10 OTD half gram Sesh carts $15 OTD full gram Sesh carts 8 for $70 plus tax wax/shatter /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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07-14-2023 04:19 PM
erbalril Healing P . 1 if$11 il V4iir -2 Color Carts BOGO Buy 2 gettone FREgashSyringe I $20 OTD Silver Label Gnilive resin 2. 0 - $1 OTD White Mousse Shatter and Wax $10 OTD Sesh half gram cartridges sliN15 off all infused joints et Jo z s z It WARNING Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 1. Psychoticarnartsand/or Psychotk disorder delusions hallixinaticns or difficultydiginguishing real ity2 2. Mental Health Sym ptoms/Problian4Cannabis Hyperemesis Syn drome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiti ng 4. Can nabis usedisorder dependencg including physical and psythologic al dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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07-10-2023 01:53 PM
Herbal Healing Pi rsa0 7/10 Deals 25 Off All Rosin Grams 25 Off All Cartridges Spend over $75 get a penny infused Cosmos pre roll All wax and shatter is $8 OTD Color Carts BOGO 50 Off 30 Off Live Resin Frye food truck on location at 12pm -.-.. 1. --- . - 4 is.. -tp.i c . WARNING Use of Marijuana Concentrate me lead to 1. Psych oticsyrn ptoms and/or Ps r ct it otsorder delusions hallucinadans or difficulty distinguishing reality2 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems3 3. Cannabis HypererrurisSyndrome CHS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4.Ca m abis use d isorder / dependence ind ui ing physical and psycholcgieldependence. 1 /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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07-04-2023 02:00 PM
cuP274414Y 4 ass I PS 4dillr I qtr.. MERU MEI Herbal Healing 4th of July Deals $125 OTD Ounces Any Jar 20 Off all Edibles $10 OTD All wax and shatter Spend Over $50 and receive a penny gram of shatter ARNING Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder delusions. lullucirutions or rlillkultydistInguishingreald02 1. Mental Health Symptoms/Pr oblertn3 3. Cannabis Hype etnesIs Syndrome CMS uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence including physicaland pnychologgal dependence. /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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06-30-2023 05:34 PM
r0 -v aiMmwbbenimm rAt r 25 uFP Escape Artili $1011T.D. 0T W ..k.hatter Two for.$90 .budk p. t 7 / 1 Oi - B.000 50194.1 OFF Color Carts etcream se of uan nresLtra or diflic distin shin controlleands ti yo din d Psych mptorns altS /Proble 4. 3. at order tdependenceii s chotic disord Y i physic /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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06-23-2023 09:08 PM
11 t I. I. V. 4 er2. ealing rakt7 I N Ir. t 14i 41 Aiiin a . r. is 1 ir A k 1C r 0 $30 Cold Cure Labs Rosin Restock . 7$20 OTD select Veritas 8th jars ... 4 f f r t 4A4 t 1I BOGO Mile High Suckers . BOGO Wonderstix 50mg edibles Spend $75 get a 1 gram Veritas joint for free 30 off l000mq C I 14cartridgeskh E-Select jar ounces $1000TD Slik- 11 eir cf 4 I 1. II it is I 4s N WARNING Use of Jan-Juana Concentrat 1 frsyclibtaptins an or difficulty distil guishingreality2 alth Syrnetalf/Problems fa no . .nd repetitive vomiting tali rabisOse I s dad dependencr mclu It k t4 In . $ 11 r /

Herbal Healing

Open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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WARNING: Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to:

  • Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, or difficulty distinguishing reality)
  • Mental Health Symptoms/Problems
  • Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) (uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting)
  • Cannabis use disorder / dependence, including physical and psychological dependence.

(Posted pursuant to Section 44-10-202 C.R.S (HB21-1317))

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