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SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV 89704
  • Today: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    • Monday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    • Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    • Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    • Thursday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    • Friday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    • Saturday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    • Sunday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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03-14-2025 05:51 PM
3.14.25 100mg Orange or Grape Keef Sodas 3/$31.41 tax lg Ultraviolet OG Pre-Roll $3.14 tax Limit one per person SoL Stash Box - $31.41 tax even more in-store C alorarb0a57S Roc 02411001046260902247 Mod 05344592693159836450 p art al read of ch dren For vs only by adult. 21 wet of me or o /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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03-09-2025 03:32 PM
Today only 3.9.2025 SoL Pineapple Jalapeno Gummies io tax each 00014 ORGANIC so4 S 0 1111h tir cannabis Cl/ -a -z STRAIN SPECIFIC 0 13 co o 7o itiIeS o - 4 c o iz 1 . o 0 wrm itioykt e 8st While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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03-07-2025 07:09 PM
S 0 L cannabis Flower Power 3.7.2025-3.10.2025 All deals tax ig Pre-Selected Pre-Rolls S5 Pre-Selected 1/8ths from Si5 Pre-Selected 1/2s from 50-$85 Mix-n-Match Pre-Selected ioz from $8o- 125 Mix-n-Match Pre-Selected 2.5oz 200-$25o even more in-store While supplies last. May not be col See store fo fried with any other discounts. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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03-03-2025 09:36 PM
s 0 L cannabis Today only 3.3.2025 SoL Blackberry Keylime tummies 5 tax each 4ortGANicsol4 q9 40...- V SoL . cannabis r ci STRAIN SPECIFIC 4 IIIS 1 guihm6 4.3 se -n/ gf. . e tvmouvcsiz. While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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03-01-2025 07:21 PM
SoL cannabis 1111 e 1 hank You 7 7 for supporting4 local. . Every transaction like share and comment can mean the difference between a small business remaining open or corporate big-box stores taking over. We encourage you to support your favorite locally-owned businesses and we remain grounded in gratitude for your continued support. As one of the last locally owned and operated facilities in Northern Nevada remember that without U there is no US. IP Team SoL Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /

SoL Cannabis

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02-25-2025 01:07 AM
SOL cannabis Best of Reno 2025 Last day to cast your vote for SoL as A404 Best Marijuana Dispensary in Reno 2025 Oho the link below to cast your vote or Goole Best of Reno 2025 tt s//bitly/BestofSoL2025 ready voted check your email to vote again 3ftget to vote for your other favorite locally-owned uginesses Thank you for your continued support Team SoL /

SoL Cannabis

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02-19-2025 04:02 PM
Wednesday Special MIX--MATCH 54motax othotootax ioomg Baked Goods tax ea While supplies last. Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. CO2 Live Resin Carts. Distillate Carts. Flower SQL SQL ..... Strain-Specific Gummies 0ICANIC ... C1/4 1-47 Live-Resin Concentrate Was844 DePensary 80057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Met 05344592693159836450 -Keep out of reach of chtldren For use only by wives 21 years of ago or older / Wednesday only - Mix-n-Match 5/$100 + tax at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

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02-14-2025 01:26 AM
V SOLV V V cannabis VAI I MY SPFPIAI S ALL SPECIALS TAX 2 PRE-PACKAGED OUNCES V OR 10/$200 MIX-N-MATCH FLOWER CARTS DAB 2 looMG EDIBLES mai $ 2 2 2 TAX $15 SPECIALS PRE-SELECTED 1G DABS PRE-SELECTED CARTS PRE-SELECTED 1/8THS V $5-$10 DEALS PRE-SELECTED 1G PRE-ROLLS- $5 PRE-SELECTED 100MG EDIBLES- S10 1G WEDDING CAKE BLUNT MARYS MEDICINALS MASSAGE OIL-Sio V V EVEN MORE IN-STORE Weshoe Decease 80057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159636450 -Keep out of reach of teutdren For use only by adults 21 years of age or older V V V / Happy Valentine's Day from SoL!

SoL Cannabis

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02-12-2025 04:02 PM
1 Sobt -4- cannabis /1 V V 5/ Wednesday Special MIX--MATCH mod-tax or io/ 200tax loomg Cannabella Gummies $5 tax ea Last day Marys Medicinals Massage Oil $io tax 3o off All accessories Even more in-store CO2 Live Resin Carts. Distillate Carts. SOL cannabis S12GM TO SNOWS 617 SNIT 7..r77 Live-Resin Concentrate Strain-Specific Gummies xsexORCAMC to At SOL cannabss tot WAIN SPEOSC MA 1 ES 9 441 Wiliot10-tt. V While supplies last. Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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02-08-2025 04:02 PM
SOL cannabis Big Game Specials 2.8.25-2.9.25 All Specials Tax All specials while supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. Outside Vendor Mix-and-Match 1/8ths 4 1/8ths - $70 1/2oz 6 1/8ths- $90 8 1/8ths - $120 1oz 16 1/8ths - $200 2oz OR Outside Vendor Mix-and-Match 1/2oz Pre-Packaged 1/2oz - $50-$85 Mix-n-Match 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz - $80-$125 Pre-Roll Mix-and-Match 1g Non-Infused 5/$50 10/$80 14/$100 1/2oz 28/$1601oz OR Infused Pre-Roll Mix-and-Match 5 .5g/$50 10 .5g/ $80 14 .5g/ $100 or 51 g/$80 71g/$100 Cartridges Concentrate CO2 Distillate Live Resin Carts Mix-and-Match 3/$80 Mix-and-Match 4/5100 Mix-and-Match 7/$160 Mix-and-Match 10/$200 Edibles 100mg Edibles Mix-and-Match 4/$70 Mix-and-Match 8/$130 Mix-and-Match 12/$180 Live Resin 1g Concentrates Mix-and-Match 3g/$60 Mix-and-Match 7g/$105 Pre-Selected lg Dabs from $10 Drinks Skip the hangover 20 off ALL drinks 100mg Cannabella Gummies $10/ea or 5/$25 Even more in-store Wostuut Repone. RD057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Mod 05344592693159836450 Reap out of roach of cMdoen. For use only by Putts 21 years of apu or ckktr / Big Game, big deals at SoL all weekend! Stop by and say HIGH!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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02-05-2025 04:17 PM
So L cannabis Wednesday Special MIX--MATCH 5/ motax or io/ 200tax ioomg Cannabella Gummies $10 tax ea or 5/$25 tax While supplies last. Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. CO2 Live Resin Carts. Distillate Carts. Flower soL cannabis SQL c STROmXE ST cannabis SNIT Strain-Specific Gummies 00Reames04 100 Spein Specific Conran kitKeit SOL CbOna lry Live-Resin Concentrate SoL cannabis MAIN SRECTIC r1t 44. Vani-705-9 Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden / Let SoL help you get over the mid-week slump! 5/$100 + tax Wednesday only!

SoL Cannabis

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02-01-2025 08:40 PM
SoL cannabis Try Something New All specials tax. May not be combined with any other discounts. 2.1.25 $5 Pre-Rolls S-D Gary Payton 19.26 S-D Rainbow Sherbert 14 I-D Dosi-G 22.4 I-D Gelato 41 15.85 I-D Grape Cream 18.21 I-D Slurty 3 12.43 I-D Triple Chocolate Chip 17.07 I Wedding Crasher 18.67 $15 Cartridges 5 Chemdawg Cart. 65.97 S-D Apricot Glazed Gelato Cart. 68.56 I-DBig Apple Cart. 67.45 I-D Bubblegum Cart. 66.48 I-D Do-si-Dos Cart. 71.99 I-D Grape Cream Cart. 67.91 I-DSuper Glue Cart. 63.47 $15 lg Concentrates 5 Chemdawg 91 Live Badder 69.17 5 Iced Lemonade Live Badder 66.9 5-D Apricot Glazed Gelato Live Badder 69.66 S-D Marshmallow OG Live Sauce 67.45 S-D Oreos Live Resin Sugar 70.2 S-D Rainbow Sherbert Live Diamonds 64.30 I-D Big Apple Live Badder 56.99 I-D White Runtz Live Badder 66.84 I Hippie Crasher Live Resin Sauce 70.58 $15 1/8ths S-D Chimera 2 15.65 S-D Congolese Ticket 14.67 S-D Super Lemon MAC 15.48 S-D Zoap 11.88 I-D Forbidden Runtz 17.31 I-D Slurty 3 13.67 I-D White Runts 15.20 $10 Add-Ons lg Wedding Cake Blunt 26.96 S-D Apple Fritter Live Budder lg 58.38 S-D Soap Live Badder lg 68.92 I-D Super Glue Live Badder lg 66.49 100mg Uncle Arnies Drinks 100mg Cannabella Gummies / These deals and more at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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01-30-2025 04:02 PM
So L cannabis 1.30.25-2.3.25 All specials tax. May not be combined with any other discounts. While supplies last. Mix-n-Match Outside Vendor Pre-Roll Mix-and-Match 1/8ths Mix-and-Match 4 1/8ths - $70 1/2oz 6 1/8ths- $90 8 1/8ths - $120 loz 16 1/8ths - $200 2oz Pre-Selected 1/8ths from $10 OR Outside Vendor Mix-and-Match 1/2oz Pre-Packaged 1/2oz - $50-$85 Mix-n-Match 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz - $80-$125 1g Non-Infused 5/$50 10/$80 14/$100 1/2oz 28/$1601 oz Pre-Selected Pre-Rolls from $5 OR Infused Pre-Roll Mix-and-Match 5 .5g/$50 10 .5g/ $80 14 .5g/ $100 or 51 g/$80 71g/$100 Concentrate Cartridges Concentrate CO2 Distillate Live Resin Carts Mix-and-Match 3/580 Mix-and-Match 4/$100 Mix-and-Match 7/$160 Mix-and-Match 10/$200 Pre-Selected Carts from $15 Edibles 100mg Edibles Drinks Mix-and-Match 4/$70 10 off Mix-n-Match 6 Packs Mix-and-Match 8/$130 20 off Mix-n-Match Cases Mix-and-Match 12/$180 24 100mg Cannabella Gummies $10/ea or 5/$25 Gummy Giveaway Make a qualifying purchase this weekend and get some 100mg Cannabella gummies for $.01 Spend $50 pre-tax get 1 for $.01 Spend $100 pre-tax get 3 for $.01 Spend $150 pre-tax get 5 for $.01 Spend $200 pre-tax get B for $.01 Mix-and-Match 3g/$60 Mix-and-Match 7g/$105 Pre-Selected 1g Dabs from $10 Was. RD057 Roc 02411041096250902247 Med 05344592693159636450 Keep out of reach 01 chicken. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older / Don't miss these deals at SoL this weekend! While supplies last!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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01-18-2025 04:02 PM
SoL n b I FOR L ess 0es erd cts ALL SPECIALS TAX Vet1/4 Vs NEW STRAINS AVAILABLE rk PRE-PACKAGED 1/20Z $40-$85 PRE-PACKAGED 10Z $69-$125 PRE-SELECTED 1/8THS FROM $10 PRE-SELECTED 1G PRE-ROLLS $5 EVEN MORE IN-STORE Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden / More tree for less green at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

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01-16-2025 05:31 PM
So L cannabis 7C1AT 9t1 4 TH1 S ID /A All Specials tox LOW-DOSE DRINKS 10MG SPARRKLING WATERS 10 THCIcan - SUGAR FREE Grapefruit or Lune 10MG SODAS lOrns THC/con Grope or Rootker 25MG SODAS 25ms/co n Lemon Lime or Rootbeer it 100MG DRINKS $5 $5 $10 UNCLE ARNIES - 20Z Blueberry 201 CBN. Mango. Orange with Caffeine. $10 or Strawberry Kiwi 100MG KEEF MOCKTAILS Fruit Punch Lemonade. or Pineapple KEEF SODA Blue Raspberry Dr. Puffer Grape Orange Original Cola. or Root Beer $20 $16 Mix-n-Match 6/$48 tax Uncle Arnies 10 off Mix-n-Match 6 Packs 20 off Mix-n-Match Cases 24ct Even more in-store See Sale Items on our In-Store Menu at Washoo asponsary. 80057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Mod 05344592693159836450 eeout of reach of children. For use eel adults 21 ars of ae or okk / Thirsty Thursday at SoL! Stop by and say HIGH!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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01-15-2025 05:27 PM
So L cannabis Wednesday Special MIX--MATCH 5/Siootax or iotootax Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. Flower CO2 Live Resin Distillate Carts. Carts SQL SQL coo rig STROIXEST Strain-Specific Gummies Live-Resin Concentrate Washoe Dispensary R0057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of roach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of ago or older- / Thank you for shopping and supporting local at SoL! Mix-n-Match 5/$100+ tax Wednesdays only!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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01-09-2025 07:24 PM
Its Thirsty Thursday at SoL 1.9.25 30 off all cases of infused drinks. Uncle Arnies 100mg 6 packs $48 500mg infused Medical Drinks b2g1. As always ounces from $69-125 1/8th carts and concentrates from $15. Come in a say HIGH to these two from 10-7pm. Thank 1 you for your continued support. Without U there would be no US All prices plus tax while supplies last rd057 21 and over keep out of Lzeacbaf chakken .r---------------ft---./ / Thirsty Thursday helping you keep your commitment to Dry January, its The Hayley and Ed Show Today from 10-7pm Stop in for a smile and one heck of a good time! Thank you for supporting locally owned and organically grown SoL!!!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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01-08-2025 06:21 PM
So L cannabis Wednesday Special MIX- AND-MATCH 5/loo tax Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. CO2 Live Resin Carts Distillate Carts. So L SQL Strain-Spe mmies Flower 901 SOLI Live-Resin Concentrate DSRI198 R0057 Rea 0.111001046250902297 Nletl. 053.582693159.8.150 / Wednesday's only at SoL! Mix-n-Match 5/$100 + tax - some exclusions apply.

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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01-04-2025 06:16 PM
C SoL cannabis WEEKEND SPECIALS 1.4.25-1.6.25 ALL SPECIALS TAX. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNTS. OUNCES 1/2 OUNCES CARTS FROM $15 TAX FROM $40 TAX EDIBLES FROM $15 TAX EIGTHS DABS FROM S10 TAX IS DRINKING LESS ALCOHOL ONE OF YOUR NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS TAKE 20 OFF MIX-N-MATCH 24 PACK INFUSED BEVERAGES 30 OFF ACCESSORIES EVEN MORE I N-STORE Washoo Dispensary RI1057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592653159536450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Weekend Specials at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

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01-01-2025 06:38 PM
So L cannabis NEW YEARS DAY SPECIALS Happy New Year from your friends at SoL. We are all looking forward to a great 2025 and are grounded in gratitude for your continued support. Remeber without U there is no US. 1.1.25 May not be combined with any other discounts. While supplies last. All specials tax 9 10mg Haha Sparkling Waterls 10mg Haha Sodas Pre-Selected lg Pre-Rolls Pre-Selected .5g Infused PR $10 100mg Uncle Arnies Drinks 40mg Peanut Butter Chews 25mg Haha Sodas 2.5oz Marys Medicinals Salve Pre-Selected .5g Carts Pre-Selected 1/8ths 100mg Chipotle Seasoning 100mg Keef Drinks ROWER Pre-Selected 1/2 oz $40tax Pre-Selected 1 oz $69 tax Mix-n-Match Pre-Pack loz $80-$125 tax Wednesdays Only Mix-n-Match 5/$100 tax 1/8ths Carts. Concentrates and Edibles some exclusions apply Even more deals in-store 30 off Accessories New Inspo colors Washoe Dispensary 80057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 053445926931591336450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Happy New Year from your friends at SoL! We look forward to a great 2025 with your support and remember that without U, there is no US. 5/$100 + tax Wednesdays!

SoL Cannabis

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12-31-2024 04:46 PM
IN R 1ALS START 2025 OFF STRONG AND SKIP THE HANGOVER 12.30.24-1.1.25 May not be combined with any other discounts. While supplies lost All specials tax 10mg Mato Sparkling Waters temp Haha Sodas Pre-Selected lig Pre-Mulls Pre-selected .59 Infused PR $10 100mg Uncle Antlers Drinks 40mg Peanut Butter chews 25mg Haha Sodas 2.5oz Marys Medicinal. Salve SP Pre-Selected .5g Carts Pre-Selected 118ths 100mg Chipotle seasoning 100mg Keel Drinks I I OXi I R Pee-Selected 1/2 oz $40stax Pre-selected loz See tax mix-n-Hatch Pee-Pack loz 580-5125 ems Even more deals in-store 30 off Accessories New Inspo colors Washoe 116463446 FID057 Pen 02411041046250902247 meal 05344592093159836450 .689 out eel meth 814514448 FCIPUIS016144441464 21 years 6 pa or o6ar. / Get ready for NYE with your locally owned and organically grown friends at SoL. Thanks for making 2024 a year to remember without U there is no US!! We will be open 10-7 12/31 and 1/1/25

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-31-2024 04:47 AM
IN R 1ALS START 2025 OFF STRONG AND SKIP THE HANGOVER 12.30.24-1.1.25 May not be combined with any other discounts. While supplies lost All specials tax 10mg Mato Sparkling Waters temp Haha Sodas Pre-Selected lig Pre-Mulls Pre-selected .59 Infused PR $10 100mg Uncle Antlers Drinks 40mg Peanut Butter chews 25mg Haha Sodas 2.5oz Marys Medicinal. Salve SP Pre-Selected .5g Carts Pre-Selected 118ths 100mg Chipotle seasoning 100mg Keel Drinks I I OXi I R Pee-Selected 1/2 oz $40stax Pre-selected loz See tax mix-n-Hatch Pee-Pack loz 580-5125 ems Even more deals in-store 30 off Accessories New Inspo colors Washoe 116463446 FID057 Pen 02411041046250902247 meal 05344592093159836450 .689 out eel meth 814514448 FCIPUIS016144441464 21 years 6 pa or o6ar. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-27-2024 07:19 PM
SOL cannabis SoL-ful Weekend Specials 12.27.24-12.28.24 All Specials lax Food drive ongoing Bring in a bag of unexpired non-perishables and get a gift on us Ere-Selected 1/2 oz Flower 40-$85 tax 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz. ioz - $8o-Sioo tax 5 Pre-Selected Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz. 2.5oz - $200 tax 2 Pre-Packa ed Hi h THC 1/2 oz. ioz - $125 tax Pre-Selected Carts. 1/8ths and le Dabs from $15 2.5 oz Mar s Medicinals Salve $io Pre-Selected 1 Pre-Rolls 1. 3o off Accessories even more in-store Some exclusions apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Our @solisbetter Insta got taken down by the powers that be.  Follow our new account @solisbetternv to stay updated on our latest shenanigans, or stop by and say HIGH to witness them in person!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-24-2024 08:54 PM
S L Pre-Packaged Ounces $69-$125 TAX cannabis -4 SoL Peach or Grape Gummies .$5 TAX Happy Holidaze We will be open until 7pm Christmas Eve for our last-minute shoppers and CLOSED Christmas Day so our our team can spend time with their families. Thank you for your coninued support. lg Pre-rolls from $5 tax 1/8ths from $10 tax 100mg Sandalwood CBD Bath Bombs $5 tax LAST DAY FOR 50 OFF ACCESSORIES EVEN MORE DEALS IN-STORE GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE Washoe Dispensary R0057 Flee 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Happy Holidaze from your friends at SoL! We are open until 7pm Christmas Eve for our last-minute shoppers and will be CLOSED Christmas Day.

SoL Cannabis

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12-21-2024 04:02 PM
Try Something New All specials tax. May not be combined with any other discounts. 12 71 24-12 77 24 $40 1/2 oz or $69 loz I-D Larrys Breath 10.61 I Jealously 14.71 $5 Pre-Rolls S-D Apricot Glazed Gelato 15.28 S-D Gary Payton 19.26 S-D Rainbow Sherbert 14 I-D Gelato 41 15.85 I-D Grape Cream 18.21 I-D Horchata 17.6 I-D Slurty 3 12.43 I-D Triple Chocolate Chip 17.07 $15 Cartridges S-D Guava Gelato Cart. 64.33 I-DBig Apple Cart. 67.45 I-D Bubblegum Cart. 66.48 I-D Mendo Breath Cart. 64.57 I-D Platinum Kush Mints 69.38 I-D Super Glue Live Resin Cart. 63.47 I-D White Runts Live Resin Cart. 67.24 $15 ig Concentrates 5 Chemdawg 91 Live Badder 69.17 5 Iced Lemonade Live Badder 66.9 S-D Apricot Glazed Gelato Live Badder 69.66 S-D Marshmallow OG Live Sauce 67.45 S-D Oreos Live Resin Sugar 70.2 S-D Rainbow Sherbert Live Diamonds 64.30 I-D Big Apple Live Badder 56.99 I-D White Runtz Badder 66.84 $15 1/8ths S-D Cheetah Piss 15.16 S-D Super Lemon MAC 15.48 S-D Zoap 11.88 I-D Sturty 3 13.67 ND White Runts 15.20 I Wedding Crasher 16.96 $10 Add-Ons I-D Cherry Do-si-Dos 1/8th 17.59 S-D Apple Fritter Live Budder 58.38 I-D Super Glue Live Badder 66.49 40mg Dreamland Peanut Butter Cubes 100mg Uncle Arnies Drinks 100mg 11 Caramel Brownie / We have what you need to get through the holidaze at SoL! Stop in, say HIGH, and let us remind you why #solisbetter!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-20-2024 07:11 PM
to tieeto Vast ke t 03w soft 00Ni 100g ppa me- a et 60 fat c.o 03. o it 2 COI sfie-g SQL cannabis HRISTMAS GIFTING GUIDE FLOWER LOVERS 1 oz Mix-n-Match SoL Flower SoL Stash Box Choice of any 5 papers or wraps $200 tax 12.14.24-12.23.24 Give the gift of choice SoL Gift Cards available DAB LOVERS 7g SoL Concentrate SoL Stash Box Torrch Portable Vaporizer $200 tax Stocking Stuffers All specials tax LIMITED TIME SoL 11 Grape or Peach Cream Soda Gummies $15 ey.00 . -5. Pre-Selected lg Pre-Rolls $5 100mg Sandalwood Bath Bombs $5 Pre-Selected .5g Cartridges $15 Ounces from $69-$125 50 off all accessories even more in-store Washoe Dispensary PI0057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Kee out of reach of children. For use onl adults 21 ars of a e or older / Last day to be entered into the Pot-o-Gold Giveaway when you spend $200 pre-tax! $20,000+ in prizes drawn at SoL tonight, + killer deals for the holidaze!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-18-2024 07:40 PM
4-500 off all accessories perfect last minute stocking stuffers Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. CO2 Cart Distillate Carts. SQL onnabis Skff COME TO STROXIST Strain-Specific Gummies Flower Live-Resin Concentrate MirWashoe Dispensary RD057 02411041046250902247 Med 0534459269315983645 p out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older / 5/$100 + tax at SoL Wednesdays only + 50% off accessories!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-14-2024 09:42 PM
SoL CHRISTMASanlb GIFTING GUIDE FLOWER LOVERS 1 oz Mix-n-Match SoL Flower SoL Stash Box Choice of any 5 papers or wraps $200 tax 12.14.24-12.23.24 Give the gift of choice SoL Gift Cards available DAB LOVERS 7g SoL Concentrate SoL Stash Box Torrch Portable Vaporizer $200 tax Stocking Stuffers All specials tax LIMITED TIME SoL 11 Grape or Peach Cream Soda Gummies $15 ey.00 . -5. Pre-Selected lg Pre-Rolls $5 100mg Sandalwood Bath Bombs $5 Pre-Selected .5g Cartridges $15 Ounces from $60-$125 50 off all accessories even more in-store Washoe Dispensary PI0057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Kee out of reach of children. For use onl adults 21 ars of a e or older sit / SoL has everything you need to deck the halls! Stop by and say HIGH! Pro tip - Call before you stop in, hours may vary due to snow!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-13-2024 07:23 PM
V S I I/cannabis sc Without thete 14 tw In VOSS Mawr fitn-ttr 12.13.24-12.15.24 All Specials tax Pre-Packaged Ounces from $69-$125 Pre-Packaged Halves from $40-$85 1/8ths from $10 Cartridges from $15 lg Concentrate from $10 lg Pre-Rolls from $5 Pre-Selected .5g Infused Pre-Rolls $6 100mg Chipotle Seasoning $25 100mg Uncle Arnies Drinks $10 100mg CBD Bath Bombs $5 Get your stocking stutters 50 off all accessories Even more deals in-store Items are pre-selected and may be subject to change OMB um a iii .IIII F it I I Washiispens RD057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older / Knock out your favorite hippie's Christmas list at SoL with 50% off accessories! Donate to our toy & food drive for a gift from us!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-11-2024 04:02 PM
SoL can HELP US HELP OTHERS FOOD TOY DRIVE BRING IN A BAG OF NON-PERISHABLE FOOD OR A BRAND-NEW UNWRAPPED TOY TO HELP A FAMILY THIS HOLIDAY SEASON AND GET A GIFT ON US DONT HAVE TIME TO GO SHOPPING BUT STILL WANT TO HELP ASK YOUR BUDTENDER HOW TO MAKE A CASH DONATION AND WE WILL DO THE SHOPPING FOR YOU / One more week to donate to our 6th annual Food and Toy Drive at SoL! Bring in a brand-new, unwrapped toy, a bag of non-expired, non-perishable food, or make a cash donation and get a gift from us!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-08-2024 09:39 PM
Try Something New All specials tax. May not be combines with any other discounts. 12.8.2024-12.9.24 $40 1/2 oz or $69 loz I-D Larrys Breath 10.61 I-D Medijuana 18.32 I Jealously 10.71 $5 Pre-Rolls S-D Apricot Glazed Gelato 15.28 S-D Gary Payton 13.38 5-D Rainbow Sherbert 14 I-D Gelato 41 15.85 I-D Grape Cream 18.21 I-D Horchata 17.6 I-D Slurty 3 12.43 I-D Sugar Cone 16.95 ND Triple Chocolate Chip 17.07 I Purple Kush 14.35 $15 Cartridges S-D Cheetah Piss Live Cart. 71.06 5-D Oreos Live Resin Cart. 71.25 I-D Mendo Breath Cart. 64.57 I-D Platinum Kush Mints 69.38 I-D Super Glue Live Resin Cart. 63.47 I-D White Runts Live Resin Cart. 67.24 $151g Concentrates 5 Chemdawg 91 Live Badder 69.17 5 Iced Lemonade Live Badder 66.9 S-D Apricot Glazed Gelato Live Badder 69.66 5-D Marshmallow OG Live Sauce 67.45 5-D Rainbow Sherbert Live Diamonds 64.30 I-D Big Apple Live Badder 56.99 kW Triple Chocolate Chip Live Badder 70.5 I-D White Runtz Badder 66.84 $15 1/8ths 5-D Cheetah Piss 15.16 S-D Super Lemon MAC 15.48 S-D Zoap 11.88 I-D Slurty 3 13.67 I Wedding Crasher 16.96 $10 Add-Ons I-D Cherry Do-si-Dos 17.59 S-D Apple Fritter Live Badder 58.38 I-D Super Glue Live Badder 66.49 40mg Dreamland Peanut Butter Cubes .. - - . / Try something new at SoL + take 50% off all accessories! Open until 6pm Sundays!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-06-2024 04:01 PM
V S I I/cannabis sc Without thete 14 no reod011151 011det fitn-ttr 12.6.24-12.8.24 All Specials tax Pre-Packaged Ounces from $69-$125 Pre-Packaged Halves from $40-$85 1/8ths from $10 Cartridges from $15 lg Concentrate from $10 lg Pre-Rolls from $5 Pre-Selected .5g Infused Pre-Rolls $6 100mg CBD Bath Bombs $5 Get your stocking stuffers 50 off all accessories Even more deals in-store Items are pre-selected and may be subject to change based upon availability. OMB um a iii .IIII F it I I Washiispens RD057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older / Get your stockings stuffed at SoL! 50% off all accessories + deals on some  in-store!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-05-2024 04:02 PM
4/20/24 - 12/20/24 SOLE POT GOLDcannabisstwa GIVEAWAY OVER $30.000 TOTAL CASH AND PRIZES TWO MORE WEEKS TO GET ENTERED TO WIN SOL CANNABIS PRESENTS THE 2024 POT OF GOLD GIVEAWAY Spend $200.00 pre-tax and get entered into the SoL 2024 Pot-of-Gold Giveaway Monthly drawings for $420 in SoL Credit drawn 8pm on the 20th. The monthly winner remains eligible for December drawing no limit to number of times you can enter. Grand prizes drawn at 8pm on 12/20/24. 1ST TICKET $1000 2ND TICKET $4000 3RD TICKET $20000 Winners are responsible for all taxes. Limited to 5000 tickets. Ask your budtender for more details SQL Woshoo Papont.ary 80057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Mod 05344592693159836450 Keep out of roach of chtldron. For u-e oral by 06070521 year 01 .90 or Rice SQL / Last week to earn an entry to the $20,000 Pot-o-Gold Giveaway! Spend $200 pre-tax to get entered to win!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-04-2024 05:06 PM
Wednesday Special MIX- ND-MATCH / mo tax Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. CO2 Live Resin Carts Distillate Carts. cannabis Flower SOLffin STROMST cannabis 5101 Strain-Specific Gummies cannabis STAN SPIECIFIC try 41/4 Washoc Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Wednesday's only! Mix-n-match 5/$100 at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-02-2024 04:01 PM
SQL 9 b MONDAY SPECIAL 12.02.2024 $69 TAX OUNCE Mix-n-Match 11Z oz $40 tax or loz $69 tax c4iftwohoar I-D LARRYS BREATH I-D MEDIJUANA I JEALOUSLY 8 STRAINS OF SHAKE- GREAT FOR BAKING EVEN MORE IN-STORE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. MAT NOT BE CONSKEDICH Mn OTHER DISCOUNTS. W0 aPeneisey. 00057 nay 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159838450 Keep 0. of roach of choiron. For um My by sluts 21 pan of as or Oise / Monday Specials at SoL! While supplies last!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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12-01-2024 06:46 PM
WINTER HOURS MONDAY-SATURDAY 1000AM - 700PM up SUND4L 10 00AM 600PM OUNCES FROM $69 TAX Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older / Winter hours start today! Monday - Saturday 10am-7pm, Sundays 10am-6pm. Small Business Saturday deals extended today!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-29-2024 04:31 PM
SoL cannabis BLACK FRIDAY DEALS ALL SPECIALS TAX. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNTS. OUNCES 1/2 OUNCES CARTS FROM $10 TAX FROM S40 TAX EIGTHS EDIBLES DABS tr41 FROM $10 TAX FROM $10 TAX BOGO FOR $.01 ALL REGULAR $11-$20 PRE-ROLLS 50 OFF ACCESSORIES EVEN MORE I N-STORE Washoo Dispensary RD057 Rao 02411041096250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /  Black Friday Deals at SoL! RSVP for Friendsgiving at SoL (11/30 @ 2pm) by 5pm tonight!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-27-2024 05:22 PM
Ores nieteitzt S SP CIALS 11.27.2024 Stock up for the holiday We will be CLOSED Thanksgiving Day cr-T its. Pre-Packaged Flower 118ths from $15 IM 112 oz from $40-$85 1 oz from $69-$125 1 Dabs from $10 .5g Applicators $10 Carts Concentrates .5g Carts from $15 I Edibles Sim 20 off Drinks BOLO 100me Seasonin Is Mix-n-Match 100m Edibles 41$70 Pre-Rolls More Pre-Selected lg Pre-Rolls $5 .5 Infused Pre-Rolls $6 $5 100m CBD Bath Bombs GET A HEAD START ON HOLIDAY SHOPPING 30 OFF ALL ACCESSORIE GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE / Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at SoL! We have what you need for the holidaze! We will be closed Thanksgiving Day!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-25-2024 07:47 PM
IITS MONDAY Doikt FORGET TO BE i A vt LouivIE BoGo on all medical edibles Ounces from $69-125tax Carts 1/8th dabs and 100mg edibles from $15. Get ready for Turkey Day. SoL Cannabis /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-25-2024 06:59 PM
TS MONDA DoiArt FORGET TO BE AWESOME. / Hurry in for Miracle Monday @SoL is Better!!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-22-2024 08:23 PM
SO L cannabis Weekend Sale All specials tax Pre-Selected 1/2oz Flower $40 Pre-Selected lg Pre-Rolls from $5 Pre-Selected .5g Carts from $15 lg Concentrates from $15 Pre-Selected 1/8ths from $15 4/$70 Mix-n-Match 100mg Edibles even more in-store like pre-packaged ounces from $69-$125 While supplies last. Some exclusions apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med. 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /  Stock up at SoL before the storm! Check out Specials and Sale items for even more deals by following the link!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-22-2024 05:24 PM
So L .1 11 rl d h i s Weekend Sale 11.22.2024-11.25.2024 All specials lax Pre-Selected 1/2oz Flower $40 Pre-Selected lg Pre-Rolls from $5 Pre-Selected .5g Carts from $15 lg Concentrates Dabs from $15 Pre-Selected 1/8ths from $15 4/$70 Mix-n-Match 100mg Edibles even more in-store like pre-packaged ounces from $694125 While supplies last. Some exclusions apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older / Stock up at SoL before the weather hits! New harvest available! Check out Specials and Sale Items for even more deals!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-21-2024 06:37 PM
So L cannabis fresh from the Greenhouse Candy Runts Chocolate Thai GG4 Glitter Bomb Grandaddy Black Lemon Bean X Zkittlez X Animal Mints Moonbends Purple Gorilla Skywalker OG Slurricrushre Sour Juicy Fruit Super Runts Super Sour Diesel Mix-n-Match 5/$100 tax extended to Thursday due to power outages Washoe Dispensary FID057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / We are open! New  drop at SoL! 5/$100 Mix-n-Match extended today due to power outage!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-20-2024 04:56 PM
SOL cannabis Sowj we4e Closed We will be closed today. Wednesday. November 20th due to power outages. We look forward to welcoming everyone back as soon power is restored with a fresh flower drop Thank you for understanding and continued support. IIP Tea Washoe Dispensary R0057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 p out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or old / SoL is CLOSED today due to power outages. We look forward to welcoming everyone back once power is restored.

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-16-2024 04:02 PM
So L cannabis Sale $-$315 11.16.2024-11.19.2024 All specials 4- tax Pre Selected lg Pre-Rolls from $5 Pre-Selected .5g Carts from $15 lg Concentrates Dabs from $15 Pre-Selected 1/8ths from $15 even more in-store like pre-packaged ounces from S69-$125 While supplies last. Some exclusions apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /  Check out our sale items by following the link and checking

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-15-2024 06:25 PM
11 KO THC Pre-Pack 1oz Flower U specials tax - 24 Weekend Specials 23 - 26 $125 High THC Pre-Pack 2.5oz Flower $300 Pre-Selected 1 oz Flower $69 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz 1oz $8o-$3.00 Pre-Selected 1/8ths $3.5-$2o lg Live Resin Concentrate Dab From $io Pre-Selected .5g Carts $15 Mix-n-Match any 4 100mg Edibles $70 Pre-Selected 1g Pre-Rolls $5 30 off all accessories While supplies Last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older- / Stock up at SoL before the weather hits!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-13-2024 06:55 PM
Wednesday Special MIX- ND-MATCH / mo tax Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. CO2 Live Resin Carts Distillate Carts. cannabis Flower SOLffin STROMST cannabis 5101 Strain-Specific Gummies cannabis STAN SPIECIFIC try 41/4 Washoc Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Mix-n-Match 5/$100 + tax on Wednesdays only at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-12-2024 06:45 PM
SoL A -441 1- 4 4fr VETERANS DAYSI CONTINE11- avc-11 12 2024 cannabt WE ARE OPEN THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR VETERANS WHO HAVE ON FOILIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM OUNCES FROM $69 $25 SOL 1/8THS $25 SOL CO2 OR DISTILLATE CARTS MIX-N-MATCH 4/$70 ANY EDIBLE EXCLUDES MEDICAL $10 100MG UNCLE ARNIES DRINK $5 CBD BATH BOMB $6 PRE- SELECTED .5G INFUSED PRE-ROLL EVEN MORE IN-STORE MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNTS. SOME EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Pee 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 -Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / We are open! Veteran's Day Specials continued today!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-11-2024 09:22 PM
Seelrity /Vete Closed We will be closing at 2pm today due to power outages. Vie look forward to extending our Veterans Dal specials and thanking our Veterans in person tomorrow. To our neighbors and first responders. star sale. Teo Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-10-2024 04:31 PM
SOL r VETERANS uAY SALE 11.10.2024-11.11.2024 THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR VETERANS WHO HAVE CONTINUOUSLY FOUGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM. OUNCES FROM $69 $25 SOL 1/BTHS $25 SOL CO2 OR DISTILLATE CARTS MIX-N-MATCH 4/$70 ANY EDIBLE EXCLUDES MEDICAL $10 100MG UNCLE ARNIES DRINK $5 CBD BATH BOMB $6 PRE- SELECTED .5G INFUSED PRE-ROLL EVEN MORE IN-STORE MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNTS. SOME EXCLUSIONS MAY APPLY. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 -Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Make sure to thank a Veteran today! Deals on SoL products all day!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-10-2024 04:00 PM

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-08-2024 05:17 PM
Weekend Specia 11.8.24 -11.10.24 High THC Pre-Pack loz Flower 23 - 26 $125 High THC Pre-Pack 2.5oz Flower $300 Pre-Selected loz Flower $69 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz 1 oz $8o-$1oo Pre-Selected 1/8ths $15-$20 lg Live Resin Concentrate Dab From $10 Pre-Selected .5g Carts 1/8ths $15 Mix-n-Match any 4 100mg Edibles $70 Pre-Selected 1g Pre-Rolls $5 Baked goods back in stock While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary. RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden T / Weekend deals at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-05-2024 05:34 PM
GG4 Glitter Bomb Slurricrusher Super Sour Diesel Sour Juicy Fruit Today is Double Point Tuesday WOla104 Dsponeary RD057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Mod 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of childron. For use only by adults 21 years of ago or old / New  drop today at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-03-2024 05:01 PM
Sunday Specials 11.3.24 -11.4.24 High THC Pre-Pack loz Flower 23 - 26 $125 High THC Pre-Pack 2.5oz Flower $300 Pre-Selected 1 oz Flower $69 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz 1oz $8o-Si.00 Pre-Selected 1/8ths $15-$20 1 g Live Resin Concentrate Dab From $3.o Pre-Selected .5g Cart. 100mg Uncle Arnies Drink Pre-Selected 1g Pre-Roll Chocolate Bars back in stock While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Med. 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older /Mt r / You asked, we listened! Two more days of sales!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-02-2024 03:02 PM
SOL TODAYS nikCIAL 112 2024 HIGH THC OUNCES Mix-n-Match 1oz for $125 tax 2.5oz for $300 tax 4 t4-.boor S-D THE DRIP 23.430 S-D ROLLS 25.60 I-D ANIMAL MINTS 26.44 I-D DO-SI-DOS 26.79 10Z ONLY 1-0 KUSH CAKE 24.500 I-D KUSH MINTS 24.11 1-0 LA KUSH CAKE 26.180 10Z ONLY 1-0 SKID ROW 4 24.57 I WHITE CLOUD OG 25.680 I WEDDING CAKE 23.4960 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. MAT NOT BC CONBNED ICH ANY OTHER DiSCCNAIS / Save even more at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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11-01-2024 03:02 PM
So L Weekend Specials 11.1.24 -11.4.24 ALL specials tax Pre-Selected 1 oz Flower 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz 1oz $69 $804150 Pre-Selected 1/8ths $15-$2o lg Live Resin Concentrate Dab From $10 Pre-Selected .5g Cart. $15 100mg Uncle Arnies Drink $10 Pre-Selected 1g Pre-Roll $5 Many more specials on accessories and more While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Med. 05344592693159836450 Kee out of reach of children. For use onl b adults 21 ears of a e or older / Weekend specials at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-31-2024 05:02 PM
S L ca nna bis HALLOWEEN SPECIALS 10.31.2024 ALL SPECIALS TAX PRE-SELECTED PRE-PACKAGED 10Z FLOWER FROM $66 PRE-SELECTED 1G LIVE RESIN CONCENTRATE FROM $10 PRE-SELECTED .5G CARTS FROM $15 PRE-SELECTED 1/BTHS $15-$18.64 1G PRE-SELECTED PRE-ROLLS $5 PRE-SELECTED .SG INFUSED PRE-ROLL $6 MEDICAL ONLY BLUE RASPBERRY GUMMIES $20 COME SAY HIGH IN A COSTUME AND GET A GIFT ON US EVEN MORE IN-STORE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNTS. Washoe Dispensary 80057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Med. 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children For use only by was 21 pears of age or older / Halloween at Sol! Stop by in your costume and let us show you some love!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-30-2024 03:02 PM
So L cannabis HALLOWEEN SPECIALS 10.30.2024-10.31.2024 ALL SPECIALS TAX PRE-SELECTED PRE-PACKAGED 10Z FLOWER FROM PRE-SELECTED 1G LIVE RESIN CONCENTRATE FROM $10 PRE-SELECTED .5G CARTS. FROM 315 1G PRE-SELECTED PRE-ROLLS 35 PRE-SELECTED .56 INFUSED PRE-ROLL $6 EVEN MORE IN-STORE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNTS. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Mcd 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older / Halloween specials at SoL! Get them before they're gone!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-27-2024 04:53 PM
So L cannabis Sairfut Special 10.27.24-10.29.24 Thank you for 6 years of support Without U there is no US All specials tax Pre-Selected Pre-Packaged 1oz Flower $66 Mix 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz Flower $80-$150 Mix-n-Match 5 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz Flower 2.5oz From $200 Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz. From $50 Pre-Selected .5g Live Resin Carts. $25 Pre-Selected .5g CO2 Carts. $15 Pre-Selected 1g Live Resin Concentrate From $10 1g Wedding Cake Blunt $10 Pre-Selected 1g Pre-Rolls $5 Pre-Selected .5g Infused Pre-Rolls $6 even more in-store May not be combined with any other discounts. While supplies last. See store for details. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Sol-ful Sunday Specials! Thank you for 6 years of support!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-25-2024 04:17 PM
SO L cannabis GfigUditU day Sptriuts 10 25 24-10 31 24 Thank you for supporting our Locally-owned business for 6 years Without U there is no US All deals tax Pre-Selected Pre-Packaged 1oz Flower Mix 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz Flower Mix-n-Match 5 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz Flower 2.5oz Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz. Pre-Selected .5g Live Resin Carts. Pre-Selected .5g CO2 Carts. Pre-Selected 1g Live Resin Concentrate 1g Wedding Cake Blunt Pre-Selected 1g Pre-Rolls Pre-Selected .5g Infused Pre-Rolls $66 $80-$150 From $200 From $50 $25 $15 From $10 $10 $5 $6 White supplies Last May not be combined with any other discount. See store for gaits 30 off Accessories even more deals in-store Washos INropensary R0057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Pek1 05344542693159836450 Keep out of roach of choldren. For use only by adults 21 yews of ago or ock / Nevada Day Specials At SoL! Help us celebrate 6 years!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-22-2024 06:13 PM
SoL cannabis 2X POINT TUESDAY MI Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Double Point Tuesday at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-19-2024 05:42 PM
cannabis SOL PRESENTS MUSIC ON THE GRASS THE WRECKORDS FORMERLY THE WEIGHT Join us for our LAST CONCERT OF THE YEAR TODAY Saturday October 19th from 430-7pm as we welcome The Wreckords to the stage Chairs provided Dont forget your sunglasses and sweaters/blankets Dogs on leashes are welcome ALL AGES ON GRASS ONLY 4001k y Consumption of alcohol or other substances prohibited on-site. htsi or O 7 75-451-7 290 OTIME 430PM - 7PM QLOCATION 275 South US Highway 395 Washoe Valley 89704 WaMoo Mpomary1110057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Mod 05244592693159836450 Keep out of rooch of cheldran. For use only by adults 21 yon of ago or dee / Last concert of the year at SoL today at 4:30pm!

SoL Cannabis

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10-18-2024 05:19 PM
Jarmo Jo obe o slam a AllnPe Aq /quo osn Joj uaJpOt43 to pew p viol 05179E86S C69Z6SPPCSO -Patql LAPZZ060Sa9D0 WM I. I. A/Z3 wit LGO021 tuestladill reM1 1 ih I .. 7 -4 j0.103S-U1 s ea OJOW I P sluyo saLuv apun 6w00 L 01$ lop s L$ WOJJ saJe3 6paValeS-auld g$ 9110E1-aid 6 Le paloalaS-at1/41 C L$ WOJJ qe usau ann 6 08$ woJj saauno el slmact IIV dOdO 1-was VO I. 511113345 4113133tA Er scieuueD 1 0 S / Weekend specials at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-16-2024 06:33 PM
We i nesday Special MIX-AND-MATCH 5/$wo TAX Includes Live Resin Carts Excludes $45 i/8ths. Wednesday ONLY 5oomg/$5o Cannabella Gummies ilea pple Cherry OR la Watermelon maCO2 Cart Distillate Carts. SoL Flower S 0 L. 1/2111 SW Strain-Specific Gummies Live-Resin Concentrate May not be combined with any other discounts. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. / Wednesday only deals at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

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10-13-2024 03:31 PM
Sunday Special Buy 2 get 1 for .5g Live Resin Cartridges Save up to $40 even more in-store SOL SQL SQL cannabis cannabis cannabis Coo 10 .6ga Sonar Soot Canrut. Teepee. Urn COSI. . Ain Onpsk pooh Sod .nab. .peer Many more specials on accessories and more While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Woshoe Dispensary RD057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Kee out of reach of children. For use only b adults 21 ars of a e or nIcir. / Save on even more in-store at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-11-2024 03:02 PM
1/4 A OCTOBER SPECIALS 10.11.24-10.13.24 All specials tax 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz 1oz $80-150 Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz. Flower $50-$85 Pre-Selected 1/8ths $15-$20 1 g Live Resin Concentrate Dab $15 Pre-Selected .5g Cart. $15 1 00mg Cannabella Gummies $im Pre-Selected 1g Pre-Roll $5 Many more specials on accessories and more While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Med. 05344592693159836450 Kee out of reach of children. For use onl b adults 21 ears of a e or older / Freaky good deals at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-04-2024 06:08 PM
So L umber opecas 10.4.2024-10.8.211 All specials tax 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz 1 oz Pre-Packaged 1/2 or Pre-Selected 1/8ths 1 g Live Resin Concentrate Pre-Selected Cart. $8o-15o $5o-$85 $15-$20 $15 $15 1 00mg Cannabella Gummies $10 Pre-Selected 1 g Pre-Roll $5 Many more specials on accessories and more While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec. 02411041046250902247 Med. 05344592693159836450 Kee out of reach of children. For use onl b adults 21 ears of a e or older / Scary good deals at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

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10-03-2024 05:46 PM
SoL cannabis 1 00mg Edible cials $10 tax Cannabella Gummies -Vegan Gluten Free 100mg 11 Watermelon 100mg Pineapple Cherry Sativa or 100mg Uncle Arnies Elixir Blueberry Orange Mango or Strawberry Kiwi While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. 41.41P Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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10-02-2024 06:55 PM
So L cannabis Wednesday Special MIX-AND-MATCH 5/Sioo tax Includes Live Resin Carts Excludes $45 i/8ths. CO2 Cart Distillate Carts. Flower SL canna bs S I COW 10 STROM-Sr Strain-Specific Gummies SOL cannabis 1 kniumsmix Live-Resin Concentrate scounts. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-30-2024 04:31 PM
Parking lot work in Progress 9/30/24 SoL Cannabis Please follow posted signs for Entry and Exit into our Parking lot 9/30/24 Parking is available in our overflow lot with entrance through our front door via sidewalks in front of the Greenhouse We appreciate your support and apologize for any inconvenience Team SoL /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-28-2024 06:03 PM
4 fr-SOL PRESENTS MUSIC ON THE GRASS F. MP MARGRETS FUNK BAND Looking for a great way to spend your Saturday afternoon Join us from 4-7pm TODAY Saturday 9128 to help us welcome Margrets Funk Band 4 to the stage as we continue our FREE Summer Music Series As a reminder there is no consumption of alcohol or any other substances permitted on-site. ALL AGES allowed on grass. Dont forget the sunscreen and your dancing shoes ALL AGES ON GRASS ONLY or 775-451-7290 TIME 4PM - 7PM 2024 1ne... corn 4-.11 V1/4.4 Gc1-44t4143vAirs-4 9 275 South uth US Highway 395 Washoe valley 89704 /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-27-2024 04:11 PM
SOL cannabis SoL-ful Weekend Specials 9.27.24-9.30.24 Beetlejuice - Friday Night 745 Margrets Funk Band - Saturday 4-7pm All Specials tax 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz. ioz - $80 tax 5 Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz. 2.5oz - $200 tax 2 Pre-Packaged High THC 1/2 oz. ioz - $15o tax Pre-Selected Carts. 1/8ths and ig Dabs from 15 2.5 oz Marys Medicinals Salve $io Pre-Selected ig Pre-Rolls 5 limit 5 per person even more in-store Spend $200 pre-tax and get entered to win $20000 in December as part of our Pot-o-Gold Give Away Some exclusions apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary R0057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 053445921393159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-26-2024 03:32 PM
SoL c a n n a b i s Flower Special 9.26.24-9.30.24 All specials tax Mix n Match 4 Pre-Packaged High THC 1/2 oz Flower 23-26 2oz total - S300 tax even more in-store While supplies last. Some exclusions apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-21-2024 03:02 PM
Janis Jo aBe jo sueaA L.E Tope Aq Apo asn .10d uaJpityo pew jo no dam OS V9C86G LE6986SVVEGO PalAl LPZZ060SZ9b0LbOtI.baO aati Lsooti fuesuadsO acnIseAA spelap ao aJo3s aas Ise saJddns apq -saunoosw .1 aglo Aue q3An pauplwoo aq iou AeLAR. sr i3301S-U 330U1 113A3 siloa-add t PaPaIDS-Ddd ot$ - sapciffq 2tuom papops-oad uosaad aad T TRITID el ipapnpui ann gimp tplutv-put-xm oozvoi /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-14-2024 04:19 PM
SOL cannahrs SoL-ful Weekend Specials 9.13.24-9.16.24 Movie Night cancelled Mix n Match 5 Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz Flower 2 oz total - $200 tax Mix 6n Match 10 CO2 or Live Resin Carts - $200 tax Mix 6n Match 7 ig Dabs - $130 tax Pre-Selected Carts. 1/8ths and ig Dabs from $i even more in-store 5 While supplies last. Some exclusions apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-13-2024 04:22 PM
SOL cannahrs SoL-ful Weekend Specials 9.13.24-9.16.24 Movie Night cancelled Mix n Match 5 Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz Flower 2 oz total - $200 tax Mix 6n Match 10 CO2 or Live Resin Carts - $200 tax Mix 6n Match 7 ig Dabs - $130 tax Pre-Selected Carts. 1/8ths and ig Dabs from $i even more in-store 5 While supplies last. Some exclusions apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-10-2024 03:31 PM
SoL Cannabis will resume normal operations at 10am September 10th We are looking forward to seeing each of our guests We want to extend a warm thank you to everyone that checked on us during the Davis Creek Fire we hope each of you keeps those still fighting the fire in your thoughts We will continue to provide a place for love laughter friendship and good old Organic Medicine for years to come Grounded in gratitude for your support Team SoL rd057 21 and over s Open.1. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-10-2024 02:04 AM
SoL Cannabis will resume normal operations at 10am September 10th We are looking forward to seeing each of our guests We want to extend a warm thank you to everyone that checked on us during the Davis Creek Fire we hope each of you keeps those still fighting the fire in your thoughts We will continue to provide a place for love laughter friendship and good old Organic Medicine for years to come Grounded in gratitude for your support Team SoL rd057 21 and over s Open.1. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-09-2024 04:03 PM
sovw wew Closed We will be closed on Monday due to the continuous power outage but we will keep everyone posted on reopening. Please avoid the area and allow crews to do their jobs and pray For your neighbors. Thanks. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-08-2024 03:02 PM
63e/ay wee Closed We are sale and sending our thoughts out to those less fortunate. We will he closed Sunday and will keep everyone posted on reopening. Please avoid the area and allow crews to do their jobs. f hank. Sd Washoe Dispensary R0057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-06-2024 03:02 PM
SoL cannabis SoL-ful Weekend Specials 9.6.24-9.9.24 Harvest starts this weekend Get your pictures before the next cycle Mix n Match 5 Pre-Packaged 1/2 oz Flower 2.5oz total $200 tax even more in-store While supplies last. Maynot be combined with any other discounts. bee store for details Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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09-04-2024 05:57 PM
So L cannabis Wednesday Special MIX-AND-MATCH 5/Sioo tax Includes Live Resin Carts Excludes $45 i/8ths. CO2 Cart Distillate Carts. Flower SL canna bs S I COW 10 STROM-Sr Strain-Specific Gummies SOL cannabis 1 kniumsmix Live-Resin Concentrate scounts. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /

SoL Cannabis

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08-31-2024 04:45 PM
Labor Day Weekend SPECIALS 8.31.24-9.2.24 All s e ecials tax Pre-Packaged Flower Mix 2 Pre-Packaged 112 oz. $80 or $100 - 5 Strains 112 Ounce from $50 118ths from $15 Pre-Rolls from $5 Concentrate 1g Dabs from $15 Carts from $15 Mix n Match 3.5g - $70 Live Resin Carts 31$80 Edibles Pre-Selected 100mg Edibles $10 20 off 24 Pack Mix n Match Drinks 100mg Uncle Arnies Drinks $10 I BOGO Marys Medicinals Topicals SEE STORE FOR EVEN While su MO ast. See store for details. I Osponsofy 120057 Ree. 02411041002150902247 Mat 053445922123159836150 out of roach of chlk1ron. For use only by sots 21 loon of ow or older / Labor Day Specials at SoL!

SoL Cannabis

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08-30-2024 07:08 PM
SQL SOL PRESENTS MOVIES ON THE GRASS TONIGHT Join us for a FREE all ages Movie Night Friday starting at 8pmish Dogs on leashes are welcome Chairs and bags of popcorn provided please dress for the weather and consider brining a blanket. Consumption of alcohol or other substances prohibited on-site. DATE FRIDAY AUGUST 30TH. 2024 or 43 77 5-4 5 1-72 9 0 TIME 81SH-10ISH Wash. llspansary R0057 Roo 02411041046250902247 Mod 05344592693159836450 Keep out ol reach of choldron For use only by adults 21 years ol aye or older LOCATION Q275 South US Highway 395. Washoe Valley 89704 /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-28-2024 06:37 PM
Bogo 100mg Spices 5 for $100 carts1/8ths and concentrates. 500mg medical edibles b2g1. Rd057 21 and over Thank you SoL SOL CANNABIS Experience the Natural Difference at SoL Cannabis LOCALLY OWNED ORGANICALLY GROWN HIGH.QUALITY CANNABIS PRODUCTS /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-27-2024 06:03 PM
Double Points Tuesday @ SoL is Better! Full OZ from $97 out the door! 500mg medical cookies $25, 100mg seasoning packs BOGO! Stock up at SoL Cannabis and celebrate all week long! Grounded in Gratitude for your support of Locally owned Organically Grown SoL!!! rd057

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-25-2024 08:27 PM
SoL cannabis SOL PRESENTS MUSIC ON THE GRASS are CLIFF PORTER FULL BLAST Join us for our Music Series TODAY from 4- V7pm as we welcome Cliff Porter Full Blast to --the stage You wont be able to stay still while they groove Chairs and shade will be Pi available Dont forget your sunglasses sunscreen and dancing shoes All ages I. allowed on the grass Dogs on leashes are 11/PC7i welcome k. - 411 4onsumption of alcohol or other substances prohibited on-site. DATE SUNDAY. AUGUST 25TH 2024 or 0 775-4 51-729 0 TIME 4PM - 7PM Washoe DI toonsaty 80057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Mod 05344592693159836450 Keep out of roach of tholdton. For ire only by attuks 21 years of ago or Okke QLOCATION 275 South US Highway 395. Washoe Valley 89704 /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-23-2024 04:19 PM
SOL cannabis 8.23.24-8.25.24 All deals tax FLOWER Mix et Match Ounce $160 High THC Pre-Pack Ounce Mix 2 Pre-Pack 1/2or. from $80-$125 Pre-Packaged 1/2 Ounce from $50 Pm-Selected 1/8ths $15 19 Pm-Selected Pre-Roll $5 oninKS 10mg HAHA Sparkling Water $5 25mg HAHA Soda $10 100mg Keef Sodas 6 flavors $16 100mg Uncle Arnies 3 flavors $10 20 off 24 Pack Drinks 30 off All Accessories COREIIIRRTES 3g Mix-and-Match Dabs $60 7g Mix-and-Match Dabs $1300 Any 4 .5g Infused Pre-Rolls $33 10 Pre-Selected Live Resin Carts $25 Pre-Selected .5g Carts $15 op Pre-Selected 19 Concentrate $15 EDIBLES 00mg Vegetable Seasoning Mix-and-Match Any 4 Edibles MEDICAL ONLY Chocolate Chip FREE ALL AGES Music on the Grass Sundaright from 4-7pm YA- with Cliff Potter Full Blast NO CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE IS PERMITTED ON-SITE. f Washoe Dispensary 913057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Mcd 05344592693159836450 Keep ono reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-21-2024 04:07 PM
BUy 3 get one for $.01 on MI infused beverages. Perfect for the Playa or cooling off on HOT August Evenings. While Supplies LaSt ROOST beep out of reach of /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-16-2024 05:08 PM
SOL cannabis 8.16.24-8.21.24 All deals tax FLOWER CODCEDTRATES Mix Et Match Ounce $160 High THC Pre-Pack Ounce $150 Mix 2 Pre-Pack 1/2oz from $80-$125 Pm-Packaged 1/2 Ounce from $50 Pm-Selected 1/8ths $15 lg Pm-Selected Pre-Roll $5 ORIDKS 10mg HAHA Sparkling Water $5 25mg HAHA Soda $10 100mg Keef Sodas 6 flavors $16 100mg Uncle Arnies 3 flavors $10 20 off 24 Pack Drinks 3g Mix-and-Match Dabs $60 7g Mix-and-Match Dabs $130 Any 4 .59 Infused Pre-Rolls $33 Pre-Selected .5g Carts $15 Pre-Selected 19 Concentrate $15 EDIBLES 10mg Oreo Cookie 100mg Magic Bar Mix-and-Match Any 4 Edibles MEDICAL ONLY Chocolate Chip 30 off All Accessories FREE ALL AGES Movie on the Grass Friday night from 830pm-v lOpm Ghostbusters Popcorn-71 and chairs provided NO CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE IS PERMITTED ON-SITE. Weshoe Dispensary FID057 Roc02411041046250902247 Mcd 05344592693159836450 Keep out of roach of children. For use only by adults 21 yours of ago or older - 71 /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-14-2024 02:09 PM
IMP 25mg beverages mix-n-match 6 packs $36tax $24 savings 100mg Keef beverages mix-n-match 6 packs $72tax $24 savings 10mg Smileys Cookies $1.00 with a 6 pack purchase I for $100 Specials on 1/8th carts and concentrates Ounces from $80-$100-$125tax 18 strains to choose from We are Grounded in Gratitude for your support. Team SoL RD057 keep out of reach of children for use 21 and older. All specials are while supplies last /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-09-2024 04:54 PM
SOL cannabis 8.10.24-8.12.24 All deals tax FLOWER MixMix Et Match Ounce $160 High THC Pre-Pack Ounce $150 Mix 2 Pre-Pack 1/2oz from $80-$125 Pm-Packaged 1/2 Ounce from $50 Pm-Selected 1/8ths $15 lg Pm-Selected Pre-Roll $5 num 10mg HAHA Sparkling Water $5 25mg HAHA Soda $10 100mg Keef Sodas 6 flavors $16 100mg Uncle Arnies 3 flavors $10 20 off 24 Pack Drinks COOCEOTRIITES 3g Mix-and-Match Dabs $60 7g Mix-and-Match Dabs $130 Any 4 .59 Infused Pre-Rolls $33 Pre-Selected .5g Carts $15 Pre-Selected 19 Concentrate $15 EDIBLES Omg Oreo Cookie 00mg Magic Bar Mix-and-Match Any 4 Edibles MEDICAL ONLY Chocolate Chip 30 off All Accessories FREE Karaoke with Cal Friday night from 5pm-7 NO CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE IS PERMITTED ON-SITE. Washoe Dispensary RD057 0ec 02411041046250902247 Mcd 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adult 21 year of age or older. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-07-2024 05:52 PM
So L cannabis Wednesday Special MIX-AND-MATCH 5/Sioo tax Includes Live Resin Carts Excludes $45 i/8ths. CO2 Cart Distillate Carts. Flower SL canna bs S I COW 10 STROM-Sr Strain-Specific Gummies SOL cannabis 1 kniumsmix Live-Resin Concentrate scounts. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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08-02-2024 04:53 PM
SOL 8.2.24-8.10.24 All deals tax FLOWER Mixmi. E Match Ounce $160 High THC Pre-Pack lox $150 Mix 2 Pre-Pack 1/2oz from $80 Pre-Packaged 1/2 Ounce from $50 Pre-Selected 1/8ths $15 19 Pre-Selected Pre-Roll $5 DRIOKS 10mg HAHA Sparkling Water $5 25mg HAHA Soda $10 100mg Keef Sodas 6 flavors $16 100mg Uncle Arnies 4 flavors $10 6 Packs 10off concEnTHRTES 3g Mix-and-Match Dabs $60 7g Mix-and-Match Dabs $130 00 Any 4 .5g Infused Pre-Rolls $33 111 Pre-Selected .5g Carts $15 Pre-Selected 19 Concentrate $15 110 EDIBLES Omg Oreo Cookie $5 20mg Rice Crispy $5 100mg Vert Red Velvet Cake $10 Mix-and-Match Any 4 Edibles $70 30 off All Accessories Mark your calendar for Karaoke on the Deck with Cal 8.9.24 from 5-7pm Washoe Dispensary RD057 0ee 02411041046250902247 Mcd 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older NE NY t rbk t// /

SoL Cannabis

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08-01-2024 07:57 PM
Tth /

SoL Cannabis

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07-28-2024 03:31 PM
Apples 8 Bananas Cherry Pie Grapefruit Jack Herer Lemon Thai Panama Red 2 Panama Red 7 Purple Thai Purple Urkle Purple Wreck Snowman Super Silver Haze Ultraviolet OG Wedding Cake x Forbidden Fruit Washoe Dispensary RD057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of ago or older /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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07-27-2024 03:03 PM
SOL PRESENTS MUSIC ON THE GRASS BLUESBERRY JAM Join us TODAY for the FIRST concert of the year as we welcome Bluesberry Jam to the grass. BluesBerry Jam is a Blues and Rock band based in South Lake Tahoe California and they are ready to bring MAJOR Energy to the grass for our Summer Kick-off Concert Food shade and chairs provided. IFT ALL AGES ON GRASS Consumption of alcohol or other substances prohibited on-site. TIME 4PM - 7PM Dwernev MOW ie 0Q41110411C46210902247 Mid 053441S126.9311013114150 Won or. t ors. Ivr et eq. aeuutl immoni a sq... WON LOCATION Q275 South US Highway 395 Washoe Valley 89704 /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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07-26-2024 05:40 PM
7.26.24-7.28.24 All deals tax FLOWER Mix Match Ounce Mix 2 Pre-Pack 1/2oz from Pre-Packaged 1/2 Ounce from $50 Pre-Selected 1/8ths $15 1g Pre-Selected Pre-Roll $5 COnCEDTRRTES 3g Mix-and-Match Dabs 7g Mix-and-Match Dabs Any 4 .5g Infused Pre-Rolls Pre-Selected .5g Carts Pre-Selected lg Concentrate $60 0130 $33 $15 $15 DRIOKS 10mg HAHA Sparkling Water $5 25mg HAHA Soda $10 100mg Keef Sodas 6 flavors $16 100mg Uncle Arnies 4 flavors $10 EDIBLES 10mg Oreo Cookie 20mg Rice Crispy 100mg Vert Red Velvet Cake Mix-and-Match Any 4 Edibles $5 S5 $10 570 30 off All Accessories FREE LIVE MUSIC Saturday 7/27 from 4pm-7pm Join us for the FIRST concert of the year as we welcome Bluesberry Jam to the grass All ages are welcome on the z grass Food shade and chairs provided. NO CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANCE IS PERMITTED ON-SITE. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Mud 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children For use only by adults 21 years of age or older INI W. 1 -711 /

SoL Cannabis

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07-19-2024 05:30 PM
HINT Of GRIIPUBIIII ioucofmc Il I 071355M1 INC 41. M1 HINT Of IIMT iPfAl SOL WEEKENDViEselfilsS 7.19.24-7.22.24 All specials tax FLOWER CONCENTRAES 2 PRE-PACKAGED 1/2.0Z FLOWER From $80 PRE-PACKAGED 1/2 OZ. FLOWER From $50 PRE-PACKAGED 1/2 OZ. SHAKE $50 PRE-SELECTED 1/8THS From $15 1G PRE-SELECTED PRE-ROLLS $5 PRE-SELECTED 1G DABS From $15 PRE-SELECTED CARTS $15 DRINKS 10 OFF NEW AND RETURNING FAVORITES 10MG HAHA SPARKLING WATER $5 Grapefuit and Lemon Lime 25MG HAHA SODA $10 Grapefuit and Lemon Lime 100MG KEEF SODA $16 Blue Razz Cola Grape Orange Purple Passion and Mr. Puffer Extreme 100MG UNCLE ARNIES - 20Z $10 Blueberry Nightcap Magic Mango Orange Energy Pineapple Punch or Strawberry Kiwi Even more In-Store Stop in and say HIGH Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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07-17-2024 06:33 PM
So L cannabis Wednesday Special MIX-AND-MATCH 5/sioo tax Flower Some exclusions may apply. See store for details. CO2 Cart Distillate Carts. SL canna bs S 017171f TO STROOCISi 51111 Strain-Specific Gummies SOL cannabis 1 kniumPEmc Live-Resin Concentrate scounts. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /

SoL Cannabis

Closes at: 7:00 PM
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