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Marijuana Dispensary Live Deals in Michigan

103 live deals found

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11-22-2023 01:30 PM
CLUSTERFUNK 1 0 Z FOR $ 100 DEATH BY FUNK 102 FOR $ 100 MILK AND COOKIES 102 $ 100 GREEN WEDNEDAY $10 1G CARTS $10 1G SKY LOTUS CONCENTRATE BUY 2 GET 1 WYLD GUMMIES TREE TOWN GUMMIES $6 100MG $10 200MG PLUS A LOT MORE WEDNESDAY THE 22ND / It's Green Wednesday guys! Head on in to Green Labs to get all the munchies inducing smokes and edibles, we've got plenty of deals!! Stop on in and see us or head on over to our website for a full list of sales and promotions!
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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11-13-2023 04:14 PM
GREEN LABS PROVISIONS 41141 RcES ARE TAX INCLUDED Dutch Touch Shake 20 OFF Ounces Starting At $115 Garlic Breath loz - $115 Sherbanger loz - $140 Space Guava Quarter $75 I 30 TFIC1 Dutch Touch Green Labs Flower on sale for 20 OFF Cant St .k MONDAY OUNCES STARTING AT $115 OUT THE DOOR Dutch 200mg - $10 tmolabs 19 Vape -Dutch RSO Gummies $7 Sauce Resin - 3/$35 Gelato Vapes - $20 Redbud Roots 1 Full Just Edibles 200mg - $10 Spectrum 12/$10 TreeTown Gummies 20 OFF True North 200mg - $10 SEE WEBSITE FOR ALL DEALS 798912 Live Resin Carts - Dutch Touch 2isoea Disposables - Gelato1a Disposables - $35 Grape Cream Cake Hash Disposable 35 LSF Cured lg - $12 LSF Live lg - $20 Five Star Extracts - $ ALL ELEMENT WAX 50 OFF ROSIN DEALS HASH HEADS 3.SG - $117 Select Fifth Age Rosin $35 Eastside Rosin 1g - $55 Eastside Rosin 2g - $100 Open 9am to 9pm Everyday / It's Monday AGAIN? Thank goodness we've got some good deals to get you through the week!! Like ounces starting at $115, 200mg edibles for $10, bulk cart deals and tons more! Come on in and see us or visit our website for a full sales list under the Promotions tab!
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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11-11-2023 01:00 PM
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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11-09-2023 01:30 PM
BABY JITTER 5PCKS 513 OR 3/5115 STRAINS Strawberry Sour Diesel SATIVA Mai Tai SATIVA Maui Wowie SATIVA Bubba Gum INDICA .wErrEit XL 26s 535 Olt 3/S100 STRAINS Tropicana Cookies SATIVA Mai Tai SATIVA Sugar Plum INDICA Blueberry Kush INDICA Sour Tsunami INDICA JEETER IC 520 EACH STRAINS Mai Tai SATIVA Apples Bananas HYBRID Berry White INDICA Sour Tsunami INDICA TAX INCLUDED / happy thursday!! we've got a ton of sales to carry you through to the weekend, including some Jeeters!! come on in and see us or vist our website to place an online order and to see a full list of sales and promotions hit that Promotions tab!
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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11-05-2023 02:01 PM
ALL das GREEN LABS PROVISIONS FARE NtE SUNDAY DOME DUTOI COOYJES 102 - $110 Ma. Toach Shake 20 OFF killignIV 89 Oances Starting At $110 Dutch 200mg - 3/$35 time- 19 Vat. Y CPs 1 8th D RS Gi $7 Gelato Vapes - $20 ValorcraFt 3.59 - $35 Pc2TiliCS $70 Resin Eve 3/$35 Eve Star Extracts - $15 Light Sky Farms 1ox - $125 Edibles 200mg - $10 RsptvdrR614 ALL ELEMENT WAX 50 OFE reeTewrd Gammic Me Resk.Carts - Choice mg 10/545 Fkh Etiles - $35 FIbt T. mit n001 Su. Cale SEE WEBSITE FOR ALL DEALS 22i9118 -.Mr 424- ROSIN DEALS NAV HEADS 35G - $117 SelectEirth Age Rosin $35 Eostside Rosin tg - $55 Eostsidc Rosin 2g - $130 / Ahhhh it's finally Sunday, time to relax and eat those edibles or smoke that doobie we've got plenty of goodies to send you home with, including great ounce deals and some fire edible deals! Come see us or visit us online to place an order! For a full list of sales and promotions, visit our Promotions tab on our website.
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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11-02-2023 02:50 PM
NtE su nwm Dvkh Touch Shake 20 OFF Ounces Starting At $115 Cadaloc Rainbow. lot - $150 - 32 THC Cherry Chips 1 8th - $18 NEW STRAINS AT 30 THC - Ask fiudten Dvtch on 8. C.1-con Labs Flower onsale tee 20OfF ALL GREEN LABS PROVISIONSARE TAX PRICES INCLUDED THURSDAY ke Crcarn Calm Lemon Tree lox STS Datch 20Orng - 3/535 gr/Fiti 19 V9 NMI R50 Lennie $7 lAmno.i.carts 5/560 Sauce Resin - 3/$35 10eloto Vapes - $20 Tlust Edilsles 200mg $10I 2r070Texpn tummies S.nsigo1g tWe Resin ovi mg -10/545 Dvkh Touch 2g Disposables - 5$0ea SEE WEBSITE FOR ALL DEALS k ilet12 Big LOCO 20 JAR - 520 Five Star Extracts - $15 All ELEMENT WAX 50 OFF R0511 DEALS HASH HEADS 35G-337 Select Fifth Age Rosin $35 Rosati. - $35 Fastsde - $55 Eastside Rosin 2g - $100 rsp7setle 7/5120 Opus Stara Rros RmYd./ / Let's welcome November in together! Stop on in for some great OZ deals, bulk cartridge deals plus plenty of edibles and concentrates! For a full list of sales and promotions, visit our website under the Promotions tab! We can't wait to see you
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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10-31-2023 12:59 PM
HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM GREEN LAN STOP IN AND SEE U9 FOR SOME GREAT MIN / HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! If you missed our Halloween party on Saturday, don't worry! We still have plenty of good deals for you like an ounce for $115 of Icecream Cake x Lemon Tree!! Amnesia carts for $15!! And plus lots of adult candy to enjoy this Halloween
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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10-28-2023 01:00 PM
s4.GREEN Dutch Touch Shake 20 OFF Ounces Starting At $100 Cadillac Reiter loz - 5150 -32 Cherry 04. 1 8th -$20 NEW STRAIXT20 THC - Ask ijce Kt tn6d4E LABS PROVISIONS SATURDAY 50 OFF 01.0CHT01.101 GRIM LABS PRODUCT Er-FSh 2719 - ALL BR419 D1SPOS 2/Oa8 Dutch RSO Gsm-ornies $5 Green Labs$9 Vegas - $10 Monster 200rig - 510 Gelato Vopes - no Just Edibles 200m9 - $10 Redbud RostkRA Spectrum SW rooTown 100mg - $6 reeTown100mg - SIO g.rgisbs9 tire Reda . Dutch To c1/44oso -lava Arnne8a orb 5/$60 SEE WEBSITE FOR Arm . Doposoose 7/5120 ALL DEALS ALL PRICES ARE TAX INCLUDED ftteclir/Suir Miciffottdi Wax - Select Dutch Touch wax - 510 per gram ROSIN Dr5G . $17 Seim Riel Age Roby $35 Eestsde Roan 19 - $55 Fostark Roan 2g - $100 WIC teor r t WIND / GREEN LABS HALLOWEEN PARTY IS TODAY! Wear a costume and receive a free pre-roll (no mask). All Dutch Touch & Green Labs Flower on sale for 50% OFF!Visit our website for a full list of promotions and specials!
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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10-23-2023 01:03 PM
7-0150F SPEC/A/5 SALES AND nOMO-nots / Happy Monday!!! Join us next Saturday the 28TH for our Green Labs Halloween party!! Wear a costume, get a free preroll!! (No full face masks, health masks are of course okay) Today though, we've got some great deals for you too, like 2oz's of Cadillac Rainbows for $350(32% thc), Caesar or Rosetta 78 buds on sale $25 an 8th or $100 an oz!! Mozey Carts $15 or 13/$120!! Dutch Touch RSO gummies $7!! ALL Breeze dispos 2/$55!! Rollgantic live Rosin 1gs for $25!! Plus much more, come see us or vist our promotions tab on our website for a full list of sales! While supplies last.
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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10-19-2023 01:18 PM
ALL GREEN LABS PROVISIONS INCLUDED ARE TAX PRICES THURSDAY GOLDEN STATE EXOTIC 15/$120 Goactlyfe Shake - $40 TreeTown 20 OFF ALL B EEZE16 t9Onntn811-721harclt Dvtch RSO Commies $7 DI5P.I.t5 2/555 Valorcraft 5125 choke $6 Crude Boys -10/$120 NEW STRAINS AT 30 .clIvenRo611Foll THC - Ask Budtender Choice 20Orng - $10 Frott.T.ztZmkOFF Monster 200ng - $10 Arnntkia carVNS60 ivst Edibles 20Orng - $10 k$25 SEE WEBSITE FOR ALL DEALS irclr13t80 Daub Touch 2g Durables Dutch Touch wax 50 OFF Loco Live Resin2g 5/$110 Hash Head 3.5g Rosin $117 Eastside Akhemy Rosin 5.5 FeefersResin P2Cgrr Gam r aZ4 74 / We've got plenty of great deals going on for you today at Green Labs!!! GoldenState Exotic carts 15/$120, $40 shake Ozs, Dutch Touch RSO Gummies $7, ALL Breeze disposables 2/$55, Dutch Touch Wax 50% off and MUCH more!! Come see us or visit our website under the promotions tab to see the full list of deals!!
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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10-14-2023 02:16 PM
Head on into Green Labs to get Wild with Wynks!! Make a purchase, get a free thc Wynk Drink!! We have tons of other sales going on, visit our Promotions tab on our website for more info!!
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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10-13-2023 12:45 PM
ALL GREEN LABS PROVISIONS MX FRIDAY PROMOTIONS Rosette Bush$125eid FRAV SPECIAL CAVRBON FIBER 202 $22B ROSETTA BUDS W2.5125 Goldkine Half High S.PRIY Goodlyfe Shake - $40 Ny-ft INFusED prg $10 co es-10/575 TreeTown 20 OFF choico100.9 ch.. 200.3 Monster 200mg - $10 Just Edibles 20Orng $10 True North - 5/$55 Muha Med - $15 SEE WEBSITE FOR ALL DEALS ALL BREEZE IG DISPOS 2/$55 Dan Cara $12 or 14/5120 gi7111110a trn.41iiY$625 k-13V100 Distich Touch 29 8crbk Dutch Touch wax 50 OFF Loco 2.g Live Resin $35 Hash Head 3.5g Rosin $117 Eas-tside Akhemy Rosin $55 WINO t / Happy Friday!! We have Rosetta Oz's for $125! Drip carts $12ea or 14/$120!! All Breeze disposables 2/$55 or 4/$100 INCLUDES Live Resin!! Fresh Canna 200mg $10ea or 10/$60!! Rollgantic Live Resin on sale $10 per gram!! HashHead Rosin $35!! come see us!!
Green Labs logo

Green Labs

10701 Madison St, Luna Pier, MI

Closes at: 9:00 PM
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