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11-20-2023 05:17 PM
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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11-20-2023 03:27 PM
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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11-15-2023 05:00 PM
lak 11.4 111ft lt.14 MP I c sr A 0 zt O /
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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11-11-2023 02:12 PM
5 for 549 on Barracuda Bars 1 for 510.99 3 for 535 on Barracuda Cannabis Cups 1 for $12.99 ALL VETERANS WILL GET A FREE POTDOT OR DREAM CARAMEL WITH EVE ORDER ALSO A FREE GOODY BAG LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER BUY FROM THE FOOD TRUCK GET A FREE GOODY BAG Flower ALL 8THS S5 OFF 5100 Ounces of OMFG 585 Ouncos of Giscotti 550 Half Ounces of Giscotti 540 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 575 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for S12 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Prerolls 510 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks BOLO on 305 Proroll Packs Concentrates 2 for S25 on Drip Carts 2 for 525 on Crude Boys Carts 55 off Kushy Punch Disposables S5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates 55 off Cannabee Concentrates 55 oft 3Lefts Concentrates S5 off Peachy Concentrates Edibles BOLO on Northern Connections BOLO on Triple Phoenix BOLO on Wyld 80G0 on Dixie Commies BOLO on Just Edibles 2 for 530 on 200MG RSO Commies 2 for 515 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for 520 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 for S25 on Kola Commies 2 for 515 on Magic Commies 2 for 520 on 200MG Banned Commies 2 for 515 on MCC Edibles 2 for 515 On Royal Bars 2 for S15 on Ubaked Bars 2 for S15 on Banned Popcorn 2 for 512 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN. THCCBG Commies E AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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11-11-2023 01:51 PM
5 for 549 on Barracuda Bars 1 for 510.99 3 for 535 on Barracuda Cannabis Cups 1 for $12.99 ALL VETERANS WILL GET A FREE POTDOT OR DREAM CARAMEL WITH EVE ORDER ALSO A FREE GOODY BAG LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER BUY FROM THE FOOD TRUCK GET A FREE GOODY BAG Flower ALL 8THS S5 OFF 5100 Ounces of OMFG 585 Ouncos of Giscotti 550 Half Ounces of Giscotti 540 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 575 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for S12 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Prerolls 510 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks BOLO on 305 Proroll Packs Concentrates 2 for S25 on Drip Carts 2 for 525 on Crude Boys Carts 55 off Kushy Punch Disposables S5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates 55 off Cannabee Concentrates 55 oft 3Lefts Concentrates S5 off Peachy Concentrates Edibles BOLO on Northern Connections BOLO on Triple Phoenix BOLO on Wyld 80G0 on Dixie Commies BOLO on Just Edibles 2 for 530 on 200MG RSO Commies 2 for 515 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for 520 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 for S25 on Kola Commies 2 for 515 on Magic Commies 2 for 520 on 200MG Banned Commies 2 for 515 on MCC Edibles 2 for 515 On Royal Bars 2 for S15 on Ubaked Bars 2 for S15 on Banned Popcorn 2 for 512 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN. THCCBG Commies E AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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11-07-2023 03:02 PM
THE MONTH OF CHOCOLATE WITH DETROIT EDIBLES 5 for $49 on Barracuda Bars1 for $10.S9 3 for $35 on Barracuda Cannabis Cups 1 for $12.99 Ask your budtender about Just Edibles Products They get a reward if you buy .11 Flower SOTD is Prodigy 545 Giscotti Half Ounces $80 Giscotti Full Ounces 540 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud $75 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for S12 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Prerolls S10 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks Concentrates 55 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates $30 Rkive Concentrates regularly $60 $5 off Cannabee Concentrates Vapes 2 for $25 on Drip Carts 2 for $25 on Redbud Carts $5 off Kushy Punch Disposables Edibles 2 for $30 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for 515 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 for 525 on Kola Gummies 2 for 520 on Triple Phoenix Edibles except 50mg Brownie Bite 2 for S15 on Magic Gummies 2 for 520 on 200MG Banned Gummies 2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for S35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix 2 for 535 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for 515 on Royal Bars 2 for .5 on Ubaked Bars 2 for 515 on Banned Popcorn 2 for 512 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN THCCBG Gummies ORDER ONLINE AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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11-06-2023 08:01 PM
to not forget about our food drive Please bring it 311 nonperishable food you would like to donate Ssk your budtender about Just Edibles Products They get a reward if you buy Flower SOTD is Gorilla Grease 545 Giscotti Half Ounces 580 Giscotti Full Ounces 540 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud S75 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for 512 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Prerolls 510 Grams of Ut.ked Moon Rocks Vapes 2 for 525 on Drip Carts 2 for 525 on Redbud Carts 55 off Kushy Punch Disposables Concentrates 55 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates S30 Rkive Concentrates regularly S60 S5 off Cannabee Concentrates Edibles 2 for 530 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for S15 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for S20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 .r S25 on Kola Commies 2 for 520 on Triple Phoenix Edibles except 50mg Brownie Bite 2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2 for 520 on 200MG Banned Gummies 2 .r S15 on MCC Edibles 2 for S35 on Northern Connections Mix Silk 2 for S35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for 515 on Royal Bars 2 for 515 on Ubaked Bars 2 for S15 on Bann. Popcorn 2 for 512 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN THCCBG Gummies ORDER ONLINE AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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11-03-2023 02:50 PM
BOGO ON HONOLULU BLUE PREROLLS FOR LIONS MONDAY NIGHTS WIN. Our Veterans Day Party is Saturday November 11 2023 all day We will have vendors The Twisted Fork Food Truck giveaways and donations set up for veterans If you buy from the Twisted Fork Food Truck you will get a gift bag for free BOGO ON TRIPLE PHOENIX ALL DAY TRIPLE PHOENIX WILL BE HERE FROM 11AM - 1PM FOR VENDOR DAY Flower $40 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud S75 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for $12 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Preroll Concentrates S10 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks SS off Light Sky Farms Concentrates S5 off Redbud Concentrates 4t9 yr HEMP /RE TIIC 4.4tr Vapes 2 for 525 on Drip Carts S5 off Kushy Punch Disposables Edibles 2 for 530 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 for 525 on Kola Gummies 2 for 520 on Triple Phoenix Edibles except 50mg Brownie Bite 2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2 for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies 2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for 535 on Northern Connections Mix Stix 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars 2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars 2 for 515 on Banned Popcorn 2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN THCCBG Gummies ORDER ONLINE AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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11-02-2023 07:56 PM
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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10-31-2023 12:17 PM
livedeal image / For the third year in a row, The Hempire Collective is doing a food drive! Please bring in all nonperishable food items from now until Thanksgiving! LIONS WIN! That means with every order, you get a free Quicky sucker while supplies last! Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!25% off all Wyld and Good Tide Gummies!FLOWERSOTD is Moose Traxx$45 Half Ounces of Ubaked Bud$80 Ounces of Ubacked Bud$5 Double OG and Ghost Pepper PrerollsCONCENTRATES$10 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks$15 Hempire House Cannabee Terp Sugar $5 off Redbud ConcentratesVAPES2 for $25 on Redbud Roots Carts$5 off Kushy Punch Disposables  EDIBLES2 for $30 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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10-21-2023 12:13 AM
livedeal image / Reminder: Braylon Edwards event has been cancelled for tomorrow! We will still have Bubba Q tomorrow for food and fun! Buy anything from the food truck, get a free fall gift bag! Here are the rest of tomorrows deals!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!25% off all Wyld and Good Tide Gummies!2 for $20 on Infused Gorilla Grease Prerolls!BOGO on Glorious Cannabis Honolulu Blue Prerolls!FLOWERSOTD is Musty Buffalo$100 OZ of Rainbow Belts$5 Double OG and Ghost Pepper PrerollsCONCENTRATES$5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Cannalicious ShatterVAPES2 for $20 on Crude Boy Carts 2 for $25 on Drip Carts EDIBLES2 for $30 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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10-20-2023 06:43 PM
Download today get access to EXCLUSIVE DEALS NOW AVAILABLE flmi Available on the iPhone LI App Store 4o. ANDROID APP ON Goole Play bitly/46sZq3P /
The Hempire Collective logo

The Hempire Collective

10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI

Open 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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