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Marijuana Dispensary Live Deals in Mt Pleasant, Michigan

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03-10-2025 05:05 PM
TAP HOLD TO INTERACT Mix Match 3.5gs Deals valid 3/10 - 3/13. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. PREPACK FLOWER cvo R I 00s. C N CO. NABIS elanteay. 25 OFF All Branded Prepack Flower NOT ALREADY DISCOUNTED MAC 011-S cmneacp reptip 4 for $30 15 for $99 Mix Match lg Carts 5 for $35 15 for $90 Mix Match lg Carts 8 for $50 Mix Match ig Carts 10 for $100 Mix Match lg disposables CHOICE 9 for $25 Chocolates Gummies Gummies Gummies 4 for $29 15 for $99 lg Concentrates 3 for $80 lg Rosin 9 for $50 Mix Match lg Concentrates 1.2 LIQUID DIAMOND OR 10 TARANTULAS Mix Match lg IKHC Wojo Doobee PRIMO lg pre-rolls 16 D SIM OFF FLOWE ICOAEW MI -D GkI PaTIWN tilTh fJEN 1017 Restrictions may apply r COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD PORTAGE I ROSEVILLE 365 N Willowbrook Rd 130 E Cork St 160 S Telegraph Rd 1707 S Mission St 18300 US-12 592 E Lakeville Rd 5741 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. Coldwater MI 49036 Kalamazoo MI 49001 Monroe MI 48161 Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 New Buffalo MI 49117 Oxford MI 48311 Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 1 19/4-12.5L 1.cf9 743-7444 734 364 ./ 5kt317 0/27 2 9 231 3473 2481562-7025 2 69 439-1204 5801 541 ottiv DM TAP HOLD EALSECOM L Leafty /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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03-07-2025 06:36 PM
MAR 7th MAR 9th PROPAGANDA CANNABIS CO TAP HOLD TO INTERACT A AST IffiRe Clit 171101a0 Ili INV ICICIVIB. I NV tem izon rip PUFF PUFF FOLLOW US GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS HERE Deals valid 3/1- 3/9. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. 3 for $60 2 for $55 PRIMITIV Mix Match 3.5gs PREPACK FLOWER MAC OILS amnesia CO1P BREEZE I DISPOSABLE THC DEVICE FIVE STAR EXTRACTS common Weittzen. CANNALICIOUS LABS s. 25 OFF All Branded Prepack Flower NOT ALREADY DISCOUNTED Atisu MIITTEN EXTRACTS 8 for $50 Mix Match 1g Carts Mix Match 3.5gs 4 for $30 15 for $99 1g Carts 6 for $90 MUHA MEDS Mix Match 2g disposables Pro Disposable 2 for $40 1g Disposable 2 for $36 WA CCS drip 5 for $35 15 for $90 Mix Match 1g Carts 2 for $55 Disposables 3 for $50 0 TimeTo Shine CANIAIXIOLS 4 for $29 15 for $99 1g Concentrates 2g XL disposables BOGO 50 25 OFF CHOICE Wax/ RSO/ Darts/ Bailer jars 5 for $25 Mix Match 1.2 Liquid Diamond or 1g Tarantulas A 25 OFF ig 2g XL 5pack ROCKET STICK Coldwater / Monroe only Portage on 1g brick hash 8 for $30 Mix Match 1.2g mac pharmas/ 1g rocket sticky lg Jeeter Baby Jeeter 3 for $50 3 for $99 2g XL 3 for $85 lg Jeeter 3 for $50 Baby Jeeter 25 OFF 2g XL 3 for $85 FREE WEED FRIDAY- Spend $100 after discounts before tax For your Choice of 1 FREE 345g or a 100mg Gummy Terms and conditions apply. See store for details. 20OOFF D STYL FLOW R OS C oo Ko-Aan D o Rings waimain 2GREMBURFA COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 365 N Willowbrook Rd 730 E Cork St 760 S Telegraph Rd 1707 5 Mission St 18300 US-12 592 E Lakeville Rd 5741 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. Coldwater MI 49036 Kalamazoo MI 49001 Monroe MI 48161 Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 New Buffalo MI 49111 Oxford MI 48311 Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 517 924-1232 269 743-7444 734 384-3248 989 317-0727 KDK TAP M HOLD 269 231-5473 248 562-7025 269 459-1204 586 541-8897 NTDEALS.COM 0 deafly Ton 0 /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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03-03-2025 04:47 PM
N TAP HOLD TO INTERACT MAR 3rd MAR 6th PREPACK FLOWER MITTEN EXTRACTS GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS HERE Deals valid 3/3 - 3/6. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. 25 OFF Mix Match Prepack Flower 5 for $35 15 for $90 Mix Match lg Carts 4 for $30 15 for $99 Mix Match lg Carts MITTEN EXTRACTS 3 for $40 Mix Match lg Disposables Ma COILS e2finnedal rr 2 for $50 Mix Match lg Carts Mix Match Disposables 2 for $40 Smart Puff Disposables 200mg 4pk Gummies nerds Potcorn 200mg Single Gummies w/nerds 200mg Single Gummies w/o nerds 6 for $19 Mix Match Gummies Last Bites DETROIT 41 EDIBLES GO 50 WOJ 0 CO lg Rosin Concentrates 4 $25 5 $25 7 $30 200mg 4pk Gummies w/o nerds5 $25 13 for $30 Mix Match Gummies B2G1 Rhino 200mg Gummies Tiny 11 Shine I ----- 4 for $29 15 for $99 Mix Match lg Concentrates 6 for $39 Mix Match ig Concentrates lg Rosin 8 for $30 CHOICE Mix Match Infused PR ASK A B 1.2 LIQUID DIAMOND OR 1G TARANTULAS 1.2 MAC PHARMS OR 1G ROCKET STICK OUT OUR SEC E 20OOFF LIATE pgrnsm9 am 2 RUM BOVA 0 r COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 365 N Willowbrook Rd 130 E Cork St 160 S Telegraph Rd 1707 S Mission St 18300 US-12 592 E Lakeville Rd 5741 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. Coldwater MI 49036 Kalamazoo MI 49001 Monroe MI 48161 Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 New Buffalo MI 49117 Oxford MI 48311 Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 1619/4-125Z 1.69 745-7444 734 3b4-3148 5119317 uth 69 131 5473 z pot /Ut 2o1-14.-114 560 541 68 DDD TAP HOLD EALS.COM Leafty wnT /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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02-28-2025 03:29 PM
.Y/ TAP HOLD TO INTERACT lk htFe 13 See 4f 47a alk ritR3sreerm.I it1P 7aWt 4 GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS HERE 28th a MAR 2nd See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Deals valid Z/28 - 3/2. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. DELI STYLE FLOWER MITTEN EXTRACTS TIDE CYS drip Mix Match Flower Strains All Branded Prepack Flower MONROE KZ00. PORTAGE. COLDWATER ROSEVILLE ONLY 4 for $30 15 for $99 lg Carts 5 for $35 15 for $90 3 for $40 Mix Match 1g Carts a. DISPOSABLE INC DEVICE 1g Disposables 2 for $40 II 19 Pro Disposables BREEZE 4$11/..t DISPOSABLE THC DEVICE 2 for $36 1g Disposables CHOICE ct2 4 for $13 idnight o s iceateant Sit Co. Gummies 3 for $18 200mg single chocolate 3 for $79 1g Rosin B 2G1 Last Bites 8261 100mg Beverage 5 for $35 15 for $99 lg Concentrates 2 for $75 1.2 Liquid Diamond or 1g Tarantulas Ce e 46 PRE-ROLLS 1g Jeeter Baby Jeeters 2g XL 1g Rosin 4 for $25 Mix Match ig Concentrates Moonrock Blunts 2 for $30 4 for $40 Moonrock Pre-roll 10 for $20 1g Prerolls PRINCIPLE A NANAS EXCLUDING MINIS 1.3g Bubble Hash 3 $30 Hash Multipack 2 $40 tr SP ND $100 on any items in-store After discounts before tax subtotal Get 3.5g Flower or Gummy Promo items may be pre-selected. COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 365 N Willowbrook Rd 730 E Cork St 760 S Telegraph Rd 1707 5 Mission St Coldwater MI 49036 Kalamazoo MI 49001 Monroe MI 48161 Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 517 924-1232 269 743-7444 734 384-3248 989 317-0727 KDDD TAP M HOLD 18300 US-12 592 E Lakeville Rd 5741 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. New Buffalo MI 49111 Oxford MI 48311 Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 269 231-5473 248 562-7025 269 459-1204 586 541-8897 NTDEALS.COM Cgr deafly /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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02-24-2025 06:55 PM
17 A S sr JO GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS HERE J V TAP HOLD TO INTERACT V FEB 24th - FEB 27th Deals valid 2/24 - 2/27. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. PREPACK FLOWER BOGO 50 Mix Match Prepack Flower ..CInr mtg. 4 for $30 15 for $99 Mix Match 1g Carts 3 for $40 Mix Match 1g Disposables 10 for $100 Mix Match 19 disposables 5 for $35 Mix Match 1g Carts CANNALICIOUS LABS BOGO 50 Smart Puff Disposables MAC OILS 5 for $30 Mix Match lg Carts On all Rosin Gummies 200mg 4pk Gummies 4pk w/ nerds 4 $25 200mg Single Gummies w/nerds 5 $25 200mg Single Gummies w/o nerds 7 $30 200mg Potcorn 4 $25 On all Gummies 15 for $89 2 for $56 19 Rosin CANNALICIOUS LABS Mix Match g Concentrates 20 OFF Shatter/Wax/Bailer Jars Darts RSO 4 for $29 1g Concentrates Mix Match Infused Pre-rolls 25 OFF 1g Jeeters Baby 5pk 2g XL 2 for $30 Mix Match Blunts Infused Pre-rolls 9 for $19 Mix Match 1g Pre-rolls 20 DOFF D ELI STYL FLOW R flans may apply COLDWATER 365 N Willowbrook Rd Coldwater MI 49036 / 31.4 11.54 KALAMAZOO 730E Cork St Kalamazoo MI 49001 2b9 MONROE 760 S Telegraph Rd Monroe MI 48161 734 584-3248 MT. PLEASANT 1707 S Mission St 18300 US-12 009.31/-u/2lNEW BUFFALO Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 New Buffalo Ml 49117 LW .2. I-54h OXFORD 592 E Lakeville Rd Oxford MI 48371 24W E62-7025 PORTAGE 5747 Westnedge Ave Portage MI 49002 269 459-1204 ROSEVILLE 28970 Hayes Rd. Roseville MI 48066 58b 341-8697 M TAPS HOLD ALS.COM Leafty wSlr /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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02-21-2025 05:20 PM
TAP HOLD INTERACT Jar 810.0.0 I 0 011 G/00. MINT CANNABIS FEB215t - FEB 23rd Strsthorvealfoldr2dietlail2A311Okiffheirsleasruellbesieclatsttcfangteswt without DELI STYLE FLOWER 20 OFF Mix S Match Flower Strains BOGO 50 Mix S Match Prepack Flower 10 for $59 Mix $ Match 19 Carts 4 for $30 15 for $99 Mix Match Ig Darts 10 for $100 Mix latchs disposables CANNALICIOUS IABS 5 for $35 15 for $90 Mix Match 19 Carts 3 for $40 Mix Si Match 19 Disposables BOGO 50 13 for $30 Mix Match 200mg Dummies Smart Puff Disposables 6 for $18 Mix it Match 200mg Gummi. Orno 4ok GpenniLes Joh -/ AMOS 4 $25 nomo saw summits...Met 5 $25 cc single /knits wiro nee 7 $30 zoom Poo4.A $25 ARHFMY 19 Concentrates 25 OFF All COnContratOS AFTERNOON /ilk PRINCIPLE PRIMCI 9 FOR $19 Mix 8 Match 19 Pre-rolls 25 OFF Baby bete IS Ig inters a 22 XL FREE VWEE D Y7 B261 19 Disposables 2 for $40 Ig brick hash 2 for $56 19 Rosin 2 for $28 19 Infused Drip Mc Me-rolls 3 It $30 Atom Bomb PrOronS 3 $35 4 Packs Prerolls 3 $60 SPEND $100 on any Items In-store After dtscounts before tax subtotal Get Mg Flower or Gummy Promo items may be pre-selected COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 365N Willowbiook Rd 730E Cork SI 160 S Telegraph Rd 11015 Mission 18300 US12 592 E lakeedk Rd 5741WeslneNe Aye 28910 Hayes Rd. Coldwalef 11149036 Xalamazoo M149001 tIontoeM148161 Mt. Memel M148858 New Burl ale N149Ill Orloid11148371 Reline MI 49002 Roseville. MI 48066 Ho o MINTDEALS.COM 0 /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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02-17-2025 03:13 PM
GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS HERE NT CANNABIS V TAP HOLD TO INTERACT Ny7 10. th FEB 20th OUNCES v STARTING AT 9t $50 or 2 for $89 28g prepackaged flower FRESHY FINE 2 for $45 alleN 0111074 Ig Disposables 4 for $30 15 for $99 Mix Match lg Carts --portr-ss4 FLAY micx anotte4142/ COMPANY TRAP HOUSE 10 for $59 Mix Match lg Carts 9 for $25 Gummies common citizen. rimerro Shine 3 for $10 Gummies 5 for $35 lg Concentrates 4 for $30 lg Pre-rolls EXCLUDING INFUSED PRE-ROLLS Deals valid 2/17 - 2/20. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. LIGHTSKYFARMS. 4Tbs.. PRIMITIV 1 3 for $59 Mix Match Prepack Flower EXCLUDING STARDUST Boys drip $4 ggib 5 for $35 ko 15 for $90 BREEZE DISPOSABLE THE DEVICE Mix Match lg Carts 3 for $40 Mix Match lg Disposables B2G1 lg Disposables 15 for $36 Mix Match Gummies 4 for $25 4pk 200mg Gummies 2 for $56 lg Rosin 6 for $30 Tarantula Infused Pre-rolls EXCLUDING S PACKS All Jeeter Pre-rolls lg Infused PR ...NOW OFFERING x4.riT PLEASANT COLDWATER 365 N Willowbrook Rd Coldwater MI 49036 01619/4-125Z KALAMAZOO 130 E Cork St Kalamazoo MI 49001 209 745-7444 MONROE 160 S Telegraph Rd Monroe MI 48161 734 564-5z MT. PLEASANT 1107 S Mission St Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 9d9 31 7-0/2 NEW BUFFALO 18300 US-12 New Buffalo MI 49117 c269 231 3473 OXFORD 592 E Lakeville Rd Oxford MI 48311 pot /U23 PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 5741 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 2619 439--1104 dt 541 bitsii MDDD TAP M HOLD NTD E LS.COM fi Leafty. vinT /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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02-14-2025 02:04 PM
I M NT CANNABIS QUADS Excludes Roseville Location FEB 16t 2 for $30 7g Flower sso vaiu. BUNDLE Buy 3.5g Flower Pack get lg PR MITTEN EXTRACTS EXCLUDES INFUSED PRE-ROLLS 3 for $40 Mix Match lg Disposables toys drip eh 5 for $35 15 for $90 Mix 8 Match ig Carts rne. gilt AM MITTEN EXTRACTS ice 4kacani iihsti n. Mix Match 19 Carts Mix Match Gummies 2 for $60 lg Rosin common NW citizen Ttimerin Shine MITTEN EXTRACTS 4 for $29 H Mix Match lg Concentrates EXCLUDING ROSIN lg Infused Pre-rolls 2 $24 Multlpack Pre-rolls 2 $55 SUShil FAWN RIVER roll PRINCIPLE ODYSSEY PRIMO CHOICE Mix Match lg Pre-rolls 6 for $30 Tarantula Infused Pre-rolls EXCLUDING S PACKS - TAP HOLD TO INTERACT V Deals valid 2/14 - 2/16. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. ChIPVGi PRIMITIV MITTEN EXTRACTS Pit Om 4149 TRAP HOUSE COMPANY 2 for $40 Mix Match 35g Flower 4 for $30 15 for $99 Mix Match Ig Carts 10 for $59 Ritual GOOD GOODMix Match lg Carts 6 for $99 2g Disposables 9 for $25 200mg Gummies 12 for $29 Mix Match Gummies CANNALICIOUS LABS ts BOGO 50 Shatter/Wax/Bailer Jars/Darts/RSO 10 for $55 Mix Match lg Concentrates 10 for $50 Infused Pre-rolls EXCLUDING AUNTS AND DONUTS 25 OFF ALL PRE-ROLLS EXCLUDING IFFIER EXCLUSIVE GOUTIOUE DROPS. FREE WEED FRIDAY Spen after discounts before tax or ymr Choice of 1 FRifiale biamg Gummy. Terms and conditions apply. See store for details. COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 365 N Willowbrook Rd 730 E Cork St 160 S Telegraph Rd 1707 S Mission St 18300 US-11 592 E Lakeville Rd 5141 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. Coldwater MI 49036 Kalamazoo MI 49001 Monroe MI 48161 Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 New Buffalo MI 49117 Oxford MI 48311 Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 1517 924-1232 269 743-7444 734 384-3248 989 317-0727 269 231-5473 248 562-7025 269 459-1204 586 541-8897 TAP HOLD NTDOttreoM Leafty. WnT /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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02-08-2025 12:39 AM
NT CANNABIS FEB 10th FEB 13th 1 BOGO 50 OFF Prepackaged 3.5gs 4 for $30 15 for $99 Mix Match 1g Carts 5 for $35 41 15 for $90 Mix Match 1g Carts Mix Match Disposables Mix Match Gummies A TRUE FIVE STAR /CONCENTRATES EXTRACTS rir lriVoRTgi VE STAR 1r TRACTS77r wantsll All Products 25 OFF All Products 12 for $25 Mix Match 1g PRs D STROI pj RCICKIT STICK 10 for $35 Mix Match Infused Pre-rolls NOW IN KZOO PORTAGE DELI STYLE FLOW R 15 OFF KA Excludes Coldwater / MT Pleasant Restrictions may apply. See store for details. V TAP HOLD TO INTERACT V PUFF PUFF FOLLOW US GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS HERE Deals valid 2/10 - 2/13. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. 2 for $40 Mix Match 3.5gs 3 for $40 Mix Match 1g Disposables 10 for $59 Mix Match lg Carts 8 for $50 Mix Match 1g Carts 3 for $27 RSO gummies 3 for $25 lg Concentrates excluding rosin 2 for $60 19 Rosin da lg Infused Pre-roll 3 $50 2g XL Infused PR 3 $85 Baby Jeeter 3 $99 Live Resin Pre-roll 3 $70 Rosin or Multipack LR 3 $85 Rosin Cannons 3 $85 Multipack Rosin 3 t $99 V-DAY BOXES anra lumrtsvol 2 EDIBLES 2 DISPOSABLES 2 INFUSED PREROLLS 2 REGULAR PREROLLS AND 1 MINT LIGHTER uALL IT161 BRANDS. AR PRE-5FLICTFO BY TALE COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 365 N Willowbrook Rd 730 E Cork St 760 S Telegraph Rd 1701 S Mission St Coldwater MI 49036 Kalamazoo MI 49001 Monroe MI 48161 Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 51/ 924-1252 269 743-Pli14 754 Sci4-3248 989 aii-udi MDM M TAP HOLD NTD E 18300 US-12 592 E Lakeville Rd 5141 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. New Buffalo MI 49111 Oxford MI 48311 Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 2b9 1.51-54/ 248 5b2-7025 209 459-1204 586 54189/ ICOM 0 Leafty. /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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02-07-2025 02:56 PM
NT CANNABIS TAP HOLD TO INTERACT PUFF PUFF FOLLOW US GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS HERE th th FEB 7 FEB 9 See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. Deals valid 2/7 - 2/9. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. Sungrown Bulk Flower LIMITED SUPPLY. EXCLUDES OXFORD LOCATION 2 for $55 Mix Match 3.5 Flower Packs daft. 5 for $35 15 for $90 Mix Match 1g Carts r 8 for $50 Mix Match lg Carts 9 for $25 200mg Gummies 2 for $60 SUShii FAWN RIVER roil PRINCIPLE ODYSSEY PRIMO 1g Rosin Concentrates 6 for $13 Mix Match lg Pre-rolls Ready to Roll Shake LIMITED SUPPLY. EXCLUDES OXFORD LOCATION 4 for $75 Mix Match 3.5 Flower Packs 10 for $59 Mix Match 1g Carts 2 for $50 Mix Match Disposibles 5 for $25 On all Rosin Gummies Timer 15 for $99 shim 1g Concentrates 7 for $27 Infused Pre-rolls 2 for $35 Infused Multipacks I MONROE COLDWATER. PORTAGE. NEW BUFFALO B ROSEVILLE ONLY AVAILABLE ON SATURDAY SUNDAY FRIDAY ONLY EXCLUDING TEETER DIG GAME LEGACY PACK DROP. lg Infused Pre-roll 3 $50 2g XL Infused PR 3 $85 Baby Jeeter 3 $99 Live Resin Pre-roll 3 $70 Rosin or Multipack LR 3 $85 Multipack Rosin 3 $99 NEW BLEND - ROSIN ENHANCED DIAMONDS PRODUCTS AVAILABLE $4 8AM I FEB. 7T EACH HONORING FOOTBALL LEGENDS RICKY WILLIAMS CALVIN JOHNSON PRIMITIV 83 LIMITED SUPPLY. - DISCOUNTS DO NOT APPLY. FREE WEED FRIDAY- Spend $100 after discounts aefore tax For your Choice of 1 FREE 35g or a 100mg Gummy. Terms and conditions apply. See store for details. COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 365 N Willowbrook Rd 730 E Cork St 160 S Telegraph Rd 1707 S Mission St 18300 US-11 592 E Lakeville Rd 5141 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. Coldwater MI 49036 Kalamazoo MI 49001 Monroe MI 48161 Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 New Buffalo MI 49117 Oxford MI 48311 Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 517 924-1232 269 743-7444 734 384-3248 989 317-0727 2 M TAP HOLD 269 231-5473 248 562-7025 269 459-1204 586 541-8897 NTDEALS.COM Leafty. wmg /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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02-03-2025 06:29 PM
BREEZE FEB rd FEB 6th 2 FOR $50 Mix Match Disposibles DISPOSABLE INC DEVICE 4ts MSTTEN 1111 EXTRACTS 2 FOR $40 19 Disposables 4 FOR $30 15 FOR $99 Mix Match lg Carts 8 FOR $50 Mix Match 19 Carts 9 FOR $25 I 200mg Gummies FASTADE ANHEMY 110LABS HED 304 OFF All Concentrates EXCLUDING MT PLEASANT KALAMAZOO lg Concentrates EXCLUDING ROSIN LIGHTSKYFARMS 3 FOR $14 FLWR 9i POT 10 FOR $50 Mix Match Ig Pre-rolls Mix Match lg Infused PRs INCLUDING CAL BLAZE 14G LIQUID DIAMOND PR 3 FOR $25 Mix Match lg Infused PRs EXCLUDES INFUSED. PRESSURE PACK INCL. AT SELECT STORES TAP HOLD TO INTERACT GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS HERE Deals valid 2/3 - 2/6. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. 10 FOR $59 Mix Match lg Carts TIDE drip it IDYS . MITTEN EXTRACTS CANNALICIOUS LABS ESTROW BITES gtd 5 FOR $35 Av 15 FOR $90 Mix Match lg Carts on KAKI ti Mix Match lg Disposables 3 FOR $27 RSO Gummies 3 FOR $30 Mix Match Gummies 4 FOR $30 1g Concentrates 2 FOR $32 Mix Match lg Rosin 5 FOR $25 Tarantulas Pre-rolls EXCLUDING S PACKS lg Infused Pre-roll 3 $50 2g XL Infused PR 3 $85 Baby Jeeter 3 $99 Live Resin Pre-roll 3 $70 Rosin or Multipack LR 3 $85 Multipack Rosin 3 $99 DELI STYLE FLOWER D CSC 97 COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE 365 N Willowbrook Rd 730 E Cork St 760 S Telegraph Rd Coldwater MI 49036 Kalamazoo MI 49001 Monroe MI 48161 517 924-1232 269 /43-///14i 134 .584-3246 MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD 1707 S Mission St 18300 US-12 592 E Lakeville Rd Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 New Buffalo MI 49117 Oxford MI 48311 989 317-u1 2/ 209 231-5413 248 562-7023 PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 5747 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 Loki 459-i204 580541-889/ TAP HOLD NTDEALS.COM fi Leafty. wmg /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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01-31-2025 05:01 PM
4 GET EXCLUSIVE OFFERS HERE 6 FOR $39 1g Concentrates EXCLUDING ROSIN TAP HOLD TO INTERACT PUFF PUFF FOLLOW US Deals valid 1/31 - 2/2. While supplies last. Cannot stack discounts. See store for details. All offers are subject to change without notice. $50 or 2 FOR $89 28g prepackaged flower Mix Match 1g Carts 2 FOR $50 Mix Match Disposibles 4 FOR $30 15 FOR $99 Mix Match lg Carts Mix Match Gummies SUShil FAWN RIVER roll PRINCIPLE 401v$54Y PRIMO 6 FOR $13 Mix Match 1g Pre-rolls 2 FOR $32 Mix Match 1g Rosin Spend More Spend $50 save $5 Spend $100 save $15 Save More Spend $150 save $25 CANNABIS JAN 31st - FEB 2nd 3 FOR $55 Mix Match 33 Flower Packs icit 2 FOR $55 Mix Match 33 Flower Packs eRUDE drip gdok Adak 4sts MiTTEN EXTRACTS BARRACUDA 5 FOR $35 15 FOR $90 Mix Match 19 Carts 2 FOR $35 Mix Match lg Disposables 3 FOR $30 Bars / Cups 0 FOR $50 Mix Match 1g Infused PRs INCLUDING CAU GLAZE 1.20 UQUID DIAMOND PR 15OOFF Mi D p KENg 11113.LFI Will 7111-11-1 D ELI STYL FLOWER Restrictions may apply FREE WEED FRIDAY- Spend $100 after discounts aefore tax For your Choice of 1 FREE 35g or a 100mg Gummy Terms and conditions apply. See store for details. COLDWATER KALAMAZOO MONROE MT. PLEASANT NEW BUFFALO OXFORD PORTAGE ROSEVILLE 365 N Willowbrook Rd 730 E Cork St 160 S Telegraph Rd 1707 S Mission St 18300 US-11 592 E Lakeville Rd 5141 Westnedge Ave 28970 Hayes Rd. Coldwater MI 49036 Kalamazoo MI 49001 Monroe MI 48161 Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 New Buffalo MI 49117 Oxford MI 48311 Portage MI 49002 Roseville MI 48066 1517 924-1232 269 743-7444 734 384-3248 989 317-0727 269 231-5473 248 562-7025 269 459-1204 586 541-8897 11144 MINTDEALS.COM HOLD Leafty. /
The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant logo

The Mint Cannabis - Mt Pleasant

1707 S Mission St, Mt Pleasant, MI

Opens at: 9:00 AM
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