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Marijuana Dispensary Live Deals in Incline Village, Nevada

299 live deals found

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03-09-2025 03:32 PM
Today only 3.9.2025 SoL Pineapple Jalapeno Gummies io tax each 00014 ORGANIC so4 S 0 1111h tir cannabis Cl/ -a -z STRAIN SPECIFIC 0 13 co o 7o itiIeS o - 4 c o iz 1 . o 0 wrm itioykt e 8st While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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03-07-2025 07:09 PM
S 0 L cannabis Flower Power 3.7.2025-3.10.2025 All deals tax ig Pre-Selected Pre-Rolls S5 Pre-Selected 1/8ths from Si5 Pre-Selected 1/2s from 50-$85 Mix-n-Match Pre-Selected ioz from $8o- 125 Mix-n-Match Pre-Selected 2.5oz 200-$25o even more in-store While supplies last. May not be col See store fo fried with any other discounts. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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03-03-2025 09:36 PM
s 0 L cannabis Today only 3.3.2025 SoL Blackberry Keylime tummies 5 tax each 4ortGANicsol4 q9 40...- V SoL . cannabis r ci STRAIN SPECIFIC 4 IIIS 1 guihm6 4.3 se -n/ gf. . e tvmouvcsiz. While supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden /
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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03-01-2025 07:21 PM
SoL cannabis 1111 e 1 hank You 7 7 for supporting4 local. . Every transaction like share and comment can mean the difference between a small business remaining open or corporate big-box stores taking over. We encourage you to support your favorite locally-owned businesses and we remain grounded in gratitude for your continued support. As one of the last locally owned and operated facilities in Northern Nevada remember that without U there is no US. IP Team SoL Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. /
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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02-25-2025 01:07 AM
SOL cannabis Best of Reno 2025 Last day to cast your vote for SoL as A404 Best Marijuana Dispensary in Reno 2025 Oho the link below to cast your vote or Goole Best of Reno 2025 tt s//bitly/BestofSoL2025 ready voted check your email to vote again 3ftget to vote for your other favorite locally-owned uginesses Thank you for your continued support Team SoL /
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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02-19-2025 04:02 PM
Wednesday Special MIX--MATCH 54motax othotootax ioomg Baked Goods tax ea While supplies last. Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. CO2 Live Resin Carts. Distillate Carts. Flower SQL SQL ..... Strain-Specific Gummies 0ICANIC ... C1/4 1-47 Live-Resin Concentrate Was844 DePensary 80057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Met 05344592693159836450 -Keep out of reach of chtldren For use only by wives 21 years of ago or older / Wednesday only - Mix-n-Match 5/$100 + tax at SoL!
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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02-14-2025 01:26 AM
V SOLV V V cannabis VAI I MY SPFPIAI S ALL SPECIALS TAX 2 PRE-PACKAGED OUNCES V OR 10/$200 MIX-N-MATCH FLOWER CARTS DAB 2 looMG EDIBLES mai $ 2 2 2 TAX $15 SPECIALS PRE-SELECTED 1G DABS PRE-SELECTED CARTS PRE-SELECTED 1/8THS V $5-$10 DEALS PRE-SELECTED 1G PRE-ROLLS- $5 PRE-SELECTED 100MG EDIBLES- S10 1G WEDDING CAKE BLUNT MARYS MEDICINALS MASSAGE OIL-Sio V V EVEN MORE IN-STORE Weshoe Decease 80057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159636450 -Keep out of reach of teutdren For use only by adults 21 years of age or older V V V / Happy Valentine's Day from SoL!
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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02-12-2025 04:02 PM
1 Sobt -4- cannabis /1 V V 5/ Wednesday Special MIX--MATCH mod-tax or io/ 200tax loomg Cannabella Gummies $5 tax ea Last day Marys Medicinals Massage Oil $io tax 3o off All accessories Even more in-store CO2 Live Resin Carts. Distillate Carts. SOL cannabis S12GM TO SNOWS 617 SNIT 7..r77 Live-Resin Concentrate Strain-Specific Gummies xsexORCAMC to At SOL cannabss tot WAIN SPEOSC MA 1 ES 9 441 Wiliot10-tt. V While supplies last. Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older /
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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02-08-2025 04:02 PM
SOL cannabis Big Game Specials 2.8.25-2.9.25 All Specials Tax All specials while supplies last. May not be combined with any other discounts. Outside Vendor Mix-and-Match 1/8ths 4 1/8ths - $70 1/2oz 6 1/8ths- $90 8 1/8ths - $120 1oz 16 1/8ths - $200 2oz OR Outside Vendor Mix-and-Match 1/2oz Pre-Packaged 1/2oz - $50-$85 Mix-n-Match 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz - $80-$125 Pre-Roll Mix-and-Match 1g Non-Infused 5/$50 10/$80 14/$100 1/2oz 28/$1601oz OR Infused Pre-Roll Mix-and-Match 5 .5g/$50 10 .5g/ $80 14 .5g/ $100 or 51 g/$80 71g/$100 Cartridges Concentrate CO2 Distillate Live Resin Carts Mix-and-Match 3/$80 Mix-and-Match 4/5100 Mix-and-Match 7/$160 Mix-and-Match 10/$200 Edibles 100mg Edibles Mix-and-Match 4/$70 Mix-and-Match 8/$130 Mix-and-Match 12/$180 Live Resin 1g Concentrates Mix-and-Match 3g/$60 Mix-and-Match 7g/$105 Pre-Selected lg Dabs from $10 Drinks Skip the hangover 20 off ALL drinks 100mg Cannabella Gummies $10/ea or 5/$25 Even more in-store Wostuut Repone. RD057 Roc 02411041046250902247 Mod 05344592693159836450 Reap out of roach of cMdoen. For use only by Putts 21 years of apu or ckktr / Big Game, big deals at SoL all weekend! Stop by and say HIGH!
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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02-05-2025 04:17 PM
So L cannabis Wednesday Special MIX--MATCH 5/ motax or io/ 200tax ioomg Cannabella Gummies $10 tax ea or 5/$25 tax While supplies last. Some exclusions may apply. May not be combined with any other discounts. See store for details. CO2 Live Resin Carts. Distillate Carts. Flower soL cannabis SQL c STROmXE ST cannabis SNIT Strain-Specific Gummies 00Reames04 100 Spein Specific Conran kitKeit SOL CbOna lry Live-Resin Concentrate SoL cannabis MAIN SRECTIC r1t 44. Vani-705-9 Washoe Dispensary RD057 Rec 02411041046250902247 Med 05344592693159836450 Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or olden / Let SoL help you get over the mid-week slump! 5/$100 + tax Wednesday only!
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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02-01-2025 08:40 PM
SoL cannabis Try Something New All specials tax. May not be combined with any other discounts. 2.1.25 $5 Pre-Rolls S-D Gary Payton 19.26 S-D Rainbow Sherbert 14 I-D Dosi-G 22.4 I-D Gelato 41 15.85 I-D Grape Cream 18.21 I-D Slurty 3 12.43 I-D Triple Chocolate Chip 17.07 I Wedding Crasher 18.67 $15 Cartridges 5 Chemdawg Cart. 65.97 S-D Apricot Glazed Gelato Cart. 68.56 I-DBig Apple Cart. 67.45 I-D Bubblegum Cart. 66.48 I-D Do-si-Dos Cart. 71.99 I-D Grape Cream Cart. 67.91 I-DSuper Glue Cart. 63.47 $15 lg Concentrates 5 Chemdawg 91 Live Badder 69.17 5 Iced Lemonade Live Badder 66.9 5-D Apricot Glazed Gelato Live Badder 69.66 S-D Marshmallow OG Live Sauce 67.45 S-D Oreos Live Resin Sugar 70.2 S-D Rainbow Sherbert Live Diamonds 64.30 I-D Big Apple Live Badder 56.99 I-D White Runtz Live Badder 66.84 I Hippie Crasher Live Resin Sauce 70.58 $15 1/8ths S-D Chimera 2 15.65 S-D Congolese Ticket 14.67 S-D Super Lemon MAC 15.48 S-D Zoap 11.88 I-D Forbidden Runtz 17.31 I-D Slurty 3 13.67 I-D White Runts 15.20 $10 Add-Ons lg Wedding Cake Blunt 26.96 S-D Apple Fritter Live Budder lg 58.38 S-D Soap Live Badder lg 68.92 I-D Super Glue Live Badder lg 66.49 100mg Uncle Arnies Drinks 100mg Cannabella Gummies / These deals and more at SoL!
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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01-30-2025 04:02 PM
So L cannabis 1.30.25-2.3.25 All specials tax. May not be combined with any other discounts. While supplies last. Mix-n-Match Outside Vendor Pre-Roll Mix-and-Match 1/8ths Mix-and-Match 4 1/8ths - $70 1/2oz 6 1/8ths- $90 8 1/8ths - $120 loz 16 1/8ths - $200 2oz Pre-Selected 1/8ths from $10 OR Outside Vendor Mix-and-Match 1/2oz Pre-Packaged 1/2oz - $50-$85 Mix-n-Match 2 Pre-Packaged 1/2oz - $80-$125 1g Non-Infused 5/$50 10/$80 14/$100 1/2oz 28/$1601 oz Pre-Selected Pre-Rolls from $5 OR Infused Pre-Roll Mix-and-Match 5 .5g/$50 10 .5g/ $80 14 .5g/ $100 or 51 g/$80 71g/$100 Concentrate Cartridges Concentrate CO2 Distillate Live Resin Carts Mix-and-Match 3/580 Mix-and-Match 4/$100 Mix-and-Match 7/$160 Mix-and-Match 10/$200 Pre-Selected Carts from $15 Edibles 100mg Edibles Drinks Mix-and-Match 4/$70 10 off Mix-n-Match 6 Packs Mix-and-Match 8/$130 20 off Mix-n-Match Cases Mix-and-Match 12/$180 24 100mg Cannabella Gummies $10/ea or 5/$25 Gummy Giveaway Make a qualifying purchase this weekend and get some 100mg Cannabella gummies for $.01 Spend $50 pre-tax get 1 for $.01 Spend $100 pre-tax get 3 for $.01 Spend $150 pre-tax get 5 for $.01 Spend $200 pre-tax get B for $.01 Mix-and-Match 3g/$60 Mix-and-Match 7g/$105 Pre-Selected 1g Dabs from $10 Was. RD057 Roc 02411041096250902247 Med 05344592693159636450 Keep out of reach 01 chicken. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older / Don't miss these deals at SoL this weekend! While supplies last!
SoL Cannabis logo

SoL Cannabis

275 South US-395 ALT, New Washoe, NV

Open 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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