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The Hempire Collective

Sign-Up for Deal Alerts from The Hempire Collective
10147 N Loomis Rd., Clare, MI 48617
  • 989-424-6665
  • Today: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    • Monday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    • Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    • Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    • Thursday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    • Friday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    • Saturday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    • Sunday: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM



Premium Medical and Recreational Dispensary, Serving Mid-Michigan.

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$25 1/8th Strain of the Day!


The Hempire Collective

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Retail Medical Deal Alerts
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11-20-2023 05:17 PM

The Hempire Collective

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11-20-2023 03:27 PM

The Hempire Collective

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11-15-2023 05:00 PM
lak 11.4 111ft lt.14 MP I c sr A 0 zt O /

The Hempire Collective

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11-11-2023 02:12 PM
5 for 549 on Barracuda Bars 1 for 510.99 3 for 535 on Barracuda Cannabis Cups 1 for $12.99 ALL VETERANS WILL GET A FREE POTDOT OR DREAM CARAMEL WITH EVE ORDER ALSO A FREE GOODY BAG LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER BUY FROM THE FOOD TRUCK GET A FREE GOODY BAG Flower ALL 8THS S5 OFF 5100 Ounces of OMFG 585 Ouncos of Giscotti 550 Half Ounces of Giscotti 540 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 575 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for S12 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Prerolls 510 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks BOLO on 305 Proroll Packs Concentrates 2 for S25 on Drip Carts 2 for 525 on Crude Boys Carts 55 off Kushy Punch Disposables S5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates 55 off Cannabee Concentrates 55 oft 3Lefts Concentrates S5 off Peachy Concentrates Edibles BOLO on Northern Connections BOLO on Triple Phoenix BOLO on Wyld 80G0 on Dixie Commies BOLO on Just Edibles 2 for 530 on 200MG RSO Commies 2 for 515 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for 520 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 for S25 on Kola Commies 2 for 515 on Magic Commies 2 for 520 on 200MG Banned Commies 2 for 515 on MCC Edibles 2 for 515 On Royal Bars 2 for S15 on Ubaked Bars 2 for S15 on Banned Popcorn 2 for 512 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN. THCCBG Commies E AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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11-11-2023 01:51 PM
5 for 549 on Barracuda Bars 1 for 510.99 3 for 535 on Barracuda Cannabis Cups 1 for $12.99 ALL VETERANS WILL GET A FREE POTDOT OR DREAM CARAMEL WITH EVE ORDER ALSO A FREE GOODY BAG LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER BUY FROM THE FOOD TRUCK GET A FREE GOODY BAG Flower ALL 8THS S5 OFF 5100 Ounces of OMFG 585 Ouncos of Giscotti 550 Half Ounces of Giscotti 540 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 575 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for S12 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Prerolls 510 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks BOLO on 305 Proroll Packs Concentrates 2 for S25 on Drip Carts 2 for 525 on Crude Boys Carts 55 off Kushy Punch Disposables S5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates 55 off Cannabee Concentrates 55 oft 3Lefts Concentrates S5 off Peachy Concentrates Edibles BOLO on Northern Connections BOLO on Triple Phoenix BOLO on Wyld 80G0 on Dixie Commies BOLO on Just Edibles 2 for 530 on 200MG RSO Commies 2 for 515 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for 520 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 for S25 on Kola Commies 2 for 515 on Magic Commies 2 for 520 on 200MG Banned Commies 2 for 515 on MCC Edibles 2 for 515 On Royal Bars 2 for S15 on Ubaked Bars 2 for S15 on Banned Popcorn 2 for 512 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN. THCCBG Commies E AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /

The Hempire Collective

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11-07-2023 03:02 PM
THE MONTH OF CHOCOLATE WITH DETROIT EDIBLES 5 for $49 on Barracuda Bars1 for $10.S9 3 for $35 on Barracuda Cannabis Cups 1 for $12.99 Ask your budtender about Just Edibles Products They get a reward if you buy .11 Flower SOTD is Prodigy 545 Giscotti Half Ounces $80 Giscotti Full Ounces 540 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud $75 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for S12 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Prerolls S10 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks Concentrates 55 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates $30 Rkive Concentrates regularly $60 $5 off Cannabee Concentrates Vapes 2 for $25 on Drip Carts 2 for $25 on Redbud Carts $5 off Kushy Punch Disposables Edibles 2 for $30 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for 515 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 for 525 on Kola Gummies 2 for 520 on Triple Phoenix Edibles except 50mg Brownie Bite 2 for S15 on Magic Gummies 2 for 520 on 200MG Banned Gummies 2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for S35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix 2 for 535 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for 515 on Royal Bars 2 for .5 on Ubaked Bars 2 for 515 on Banned Popcorn 2 for 512 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN THCCBG Gummies ORDER ONLINE AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /

The Hempire Collective

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11-06-2023 08:01 PM
to not forget about our food drive Please bring it 311 nonperishable food you would like to donate Ssk your budtender about Just Edibles Products They get a reward if you buy Flower SOTD is Gorilla Grease 545 Giscotti Half Ounces 580 Giscotti Full Ounces 540 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud S75 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for 512 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Prerolls 510 Grams of Ut.ked Moon Rocks Vapes 2 for 525 on Drip Carts 2 for 525 on Redbud Carts 55 off Kushy Punch Disposables Concentrates 55 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates S30 Rkive Concentrates regularly S60 S5 off Cannabee Concentrates Edibles 2 for 530 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for S15 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for S20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 .r S25 on Kola Commies 2 for 520 on Triple Phoenix Edibles except 50mg Brownie Bite 2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2 for 520 on 200MG Banned Gummies 2 .r S15 on MCC Edibles 2 for S35 on Northern Connections Mix Silk 2 for S35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for 515 on Royal Bars 2 for 515 on Ubaked Bars 2 for S15 on Bann. Popcorn 2 for 512 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN THCCBG Gummies ORDER ONLINE AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /

The Hempire Collective

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11-03-2023 02:50 PM
BOGO ON HONOLULU BLUE PREROLLS FOR LIONS MONDAY NIGHTS WIN. Our Veterans Day Party is Saturday November 11 2023 all day We will have vendors The Twisted Fork Food Truck giveaways and donations set up for veterans If you buy from the Twisted Fork Food Truck you will get a gift bag for free BOGO ON TRIPLE PHOENIX ALL DAY TRIPLE PHOENIX WILL BE HERE FROM 11AM - 1PM FOR VENDOR DAY Flower $40 Half Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud S75 Ounces of Ubaked Popcorn Bud 3 for $12 on Giscotti Snoberry Kush and Double OG Preroll Concentrates S10 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks SS off Light Sky Farms Concentrates S5 off Redbud Concentrates 4t9 yr HEMP /RE TIIC 4.4tr Vapes 2 for 525 on Drip Carts S5 off Kushy Punch Disposables Edibles 2 for 530 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies 2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars 5 for 525 on Kola Gummies 2 for 520 on Triple Phoenix Edibles except 50mg Brownie Bite 2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2 for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies 2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for 535 on Northern Connections Mix Stix 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars 2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars 2 for 515 on Banned Popcorn 2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies excludes the THCCBN THCCBG Gummies ORDER ONLINE AT THEHEMPIRECOLLECTIVE.COM /

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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11-02-2023 07:56 PM

The Hempire Collective

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10-31-2023 12:17 PM
livedeal image / For the third year in a row, The Hempire Collective is doing a food drive! Please bring in all nonperishable food items from now until Thanksgiving! LIONS WIN! That means with every order, you get a free Quicky sucker while supplies last! Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!25% off all Wyld and Good Tide Gummies!FLOWERSOTD is Moose Traxx$45 Half Ounces of Ubaked Bud$80 Ounces of Ubacked Bud$5 Double OG and Ghost Pepper PrerollsCONCENTRATES$10 Grams of Ubaked Moon Rocks$15 Hempire House Cannabee Terp Sugar $5 off Redbud ConcentratesVAPES2 for $25 on Redbud Roots Carts$5 off Kushy Punch Disposables  EDIBLES2 for $30 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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10-21-2023 12:13 AM
livedeal image / Reminder: Braylon Edwards event has been cancelled for tomorrow! We will still have Bubba Q tomorrow for food and fun! Buy anything from the food truck, get a free fall gift bag! Here are the rest of tomorrows deals!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!25% off all Wyld and Good Tide Gummies!2 for $20 on Infused Gorilla Grease Prerolls!BOGO on Glorious Cannabis Honolulu Blue Prerolls!FLOWERSOTD is Musty Buffalo$100 OZ of Rainbow Belts$5 Double OG and Ghost Pepper PrerollsCONCENTRATES$5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Cannalicious ShatterVAPES2 for $20 on Crude Boy Carts 2 for $25 on Drip Carts EDIBLES2 for $30 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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10-20-2023 06:43 PM
Download today get access to EXCLUSIVE DEALS NOW AVAILABLE flmi Available on the iPhone LI App Store 4o. ANDROID APP ON Goole Play bitly/46sZq3P /

The Hempire Collective

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10-19-2023 07:50 PM
 / ICC and Caked Up Cherries are back and this is our best batch yet!! ICC - 35% Caked Up Cherries - 36% We are sad to report that our Braylon Edwards event have been canceled due to a scheduling conflict. We will still have Bubba Q here and if you buy from his food truck, you will receive a fall goody bag!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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10-17-2023 05:19 PM
 / ICC and Caked Up Cherries are back and this is our best batch yet!! ICC - 35% Caked Up Cherries - 36% We are sad to report that our Braylon Edwards event have been canceled due to a scheduling conflict. We will still have Bubba Q here and if you buy from his food truck, you will receive a fall goody bag!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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10-17-2023 04:57 PM
 / ICC and Caked Up Cherries are back and this is our best batch yet!! ICC - 35% Caked Up Cherries - 36%We are sad to report that our Braylon Edwards event have been canceled due to a scheduling conflict. We will still have Bubba Q here and if you buy from his food truck, you will receive a fall goody bag!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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10-12-2023 04:59 PM
Ae 316000 .1 NO ddV 010110NV 41/4 ens ddy 0000dOUI UO aneeAV iS1V3C1 3A1S111DX3 01 ssane lag 2 Aepo peoiumoa /

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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10-06-2023 07:39 PM
livedeal image / NO WORRIES, WE HAVE POWER!! We have a ton of deals going on and are open until 8pm!

The Hempire Collective

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10-06-2023 04:31 PM
rt 4Ir 4 . 1At...740 r di / We have some awesome deals going on right now! Just Edibles and Stiiizy are here from 12-3pm! While they are here it is BOGO on all their product! Also, because the Lions won last weekend, BOGO on Honolulu Blue Glorious Prerolls!Here are the rest of the deals we have going on!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!25% off all Wyld and Good Tide Gummies!FLOWERSOTD is Cookies Brand Day Day, Doggy Bagg, & Gary Payton ($20)$100 OZ of Moose Trax$5 Double OG, Giscotti, and Ghost Pepper PrerollsCONCENTRATES2 for $25 on Kola Concentrates$5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Cannalicious ShatterV@PES$5 off 269 Disposables$5 off Element CartsEDIBLES2 for $30 on 200MG RSO Gummies 2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40 200mg Choice ChewsSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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10-03-2023 01:10 PM
attrarelz. ii3OKe TICAL / CORRECTION: These are today's deals, some of you received an text message yesterday that was sent it error. Sorry for the confusion! Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!FLOWERSOTD is Musty Buffalo ($20)$65 Half Ounces of Tical Flower (mix and match strains!) $5 Double OG, Giscotti, and Ghost Pepper PrerollsCONCENTRATES2 for $25 on Kola Concentrates$5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Cannalicious ShatterVAPES$5 off 269 Disposables$5 off Element CartsEDIBLES2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice ChewsSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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10-02-2023 01:05 PM
A PORTION OF SALES WILL BE DONATED TO THE GLADWIN CLARE ANIMAL SHELTER IN HONOR OF OUR LATE MACI / Here are tomorrows deals! Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!FLOWERSOTD is Moose Trax ($20)$65 Half Ounces of Tical Flower (mix and match strains!) $5 Double OG, Giscotti, and Ghost Pepper PrerollsCONCENTRATES2 for $25 on Kola Concentrates$5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Cannalicious ShatterV@PES$5 off 269 Disposables$5 off Element CartsEDIBLES2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice ChewsWe look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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09-29-2023 05:35 PM
livedeal image / LIONS WIN! FROM NOW UNTIL WE RUN OUT, A FREE WYNK DRINK TO EVERY CUSTOMER! ALSO, BOGO ON ALL HONOLULU BLUE PREROLLS! HERE ARE THE REST OF THE DEALS!UNICORN PISS WORKERS CANNABIS DISPOSABLES ARE BACK IN STOCK!DEATHSTOMPER AND ANIMAL MINTZ ARE BACK IN STOCK! 33% ON ANIMAL MINTZ, 26% ON DEATHSTOMPER!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!FLOWERSOTD is Grape Sherbet$100 Ounces of Musty Buffalo$5 Double OG, Giscotti, and Ghost Pepper Prerolls$10 off Tical 8ths ($20)$10 off Cookies 8ths ($20)CONCENTRATES2 for $25 on Kola Concentrates$5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Cannalicious ShatterV@PES$5 off 269 Disposables$5 off Element CartsEDIBLES2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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09-28-2023 05:48 PM
livedeal image / Its game day, people! Wear your Lions gear in today and you will get a free Wynk Seltzer!Also, starting this tomorrow and through the entire weekend, Glorious Honolulu Blue Infused Prerolls will be buy 1 get 1! Deal starts TOMORROW!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!Buy a Workers Cannabis 8th ($15), get  3 free Devil Driver 305 Farms Prerolls!FLOWERSOTD is Giscotti$100 Ounces of Ghost Pepper$5 Double OG, Giscotti, and Ghost Pepper Prerolls$10 off Tical 8ths ($20)$10 off Cookies 8ths ($20)CONCENTRATES$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES! (excludes Kola)V@PES2 for $60 on Kushy Punch Disposables2 for $20 on Crude Boy CartsEDIBLES2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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09-24-2023 10:55 PM
livedeal image / LIONS WIN! Tomorrow only, Glorious Honolulu Blue 1g Infused Prerolls with by Buy 1 get 1 Free! Here are the rest of the deals! Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!Buy a Workers Cannabis 8th ($15), get a free 305 Farms Preroll!FLOWERSOTD is Grape Sherbet$130 Ounces of Gorilla Grease$5 Double OG, Giscotti, and Ghost Pepper Prerolls$5 off Tical 8ths$10 off Cookies 8thsCONCENTRATES$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES! (excludes Trap House & Kola)VAPES2 for $60 on Kushy Punch Disposables2 for $20 on Crude Boy CartsEDIBLES2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bite)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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09-22-2023 01:21 PM
livedeal image / We have Honolulu Blue Glorious Prerolls back in stock as well as Cannalicious Shatter!!Here are todays deals!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!20% off Mary's Products!Buy a Workers Cannabis 8th ($15), get a free 305 Farms Preroll!FLOWERSOTD is Grape Sherbet$130 Ounces of Moonbow$5 Double OG, Giscotti, and Ghost Pepper Prerolls$5 off Tical 8ths$10 off Cookies 8thsCONCENTRATES$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES! (excludes Trap House & Kola)VAPES2 for $60 on Kushy Punch Disposables2 for $20 on Crude Boy CartsEDIBLES2 for $15 on 200MG Flight Gummies2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bites)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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09-16-2023 11:13 PM
livedeal image / REMINDER: Starting Monday, September 18th we are going to Fall Hours. Mon-Sat: 10am - 8pmSun: 11am -7pmHere are tomorrows deals! BOGO on Barracuda Bars!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!FLOWERSOTD is Giscotti$100 OZ of Grape Sherbet $5 Double OG, Giscotti, and Ghost Pepper Prerolls$5 off Tical 8ths$10 off Cookies 8thsCONCENTRATES$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES! (excludes Trap House & Kola)V@PES2 for $60 on Kushy Punch Disposables2 for $65 on 989 Live Rosin Carts$5 off 3 Lefts Rosin DisposableEDIBLES2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bites)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews   5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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09-15-2023 12:06 AM
livedeal image / HERE ARE TOMORROWS DEALS! BOGO on Glorious Cannabis LIONS THEMED Honolulu Blue Infused Prerolls!BOGO on Barracuda Bars!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!FREE JUST EDIBLES BRAND EDIBLE TO EVERYONE THROUGH THE DOOR! FLOWERSOTD is Double OG$130 OZ of Moonbow$5 Double OG, Giscotti, and Ghost Pepper Prerolls$5 off Tical 8ths$10 off Cookies 8thsCONCENTRATES$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES! (excludes Trap House & Kola)VAPES2 for $60 on Kushy Punch Disposables2 for $65 on 989 Live Rosin Carts$5 off 3 Lefts Rosin DisposableEDIBLES2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola Gummies2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles (except 50mg Brownie Bites)2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) 5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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09-08-2023 10:46 PM
EVENT SCHEDULE 11-2PM 12-3PM 12-2PM 3-6PM 4-7PM U44-4 TRUE NORTH VENDOR STIIIZY CHOICE BOGO ON STIIIZY KURT STONE MUSIC Ty/ MIRANDA THE M8OS MUSIC CANNABEE WYLD VENDOR V HEMP/RE t TUC 41.-11 THIS IS AN ALL-DAY EVENT / Tomorrow is the day and we are looking forward to seeing all of you!While supplies last, everyone with a purchase will get a goodie bag with a free shirt, edibles and prerolls! Please get here early for those as they will come quick!Stiizy will be here from 12 - 3PM and during that time they will be buy 1 get 1 ON ALL STIIIZY PRODUCT!Here are the rest of the deals we will be running!Buy a raffle ticket for $1 to enter to win a free ounce! TRIPLE POINTS!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!BOGO on all True North and Five Star Extracts brand products!BOGO on all Cannabee ConcentratesBOGO on all Wylds including their Good Tide BrandFLOWER$5 off all qualifying 8ths!$15 Wise Guys 8ths (excluded from the $5 off deal) $100 OZ of Grape Sherbet$100 OZ of Ghost Pepper$130 OZ of Super Boof$5 Double OG, Biscotti, and Ghost Pepper PrerollsCONCENTRATES$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES! (excludes Cannabee for the BOGO)V@PES8 for $100 on Redbud Carts2 for $60 on Kushy Punch Disposables2 for $35 on 989 Cured Resin Carts2 for $65 on 989 Hash Rosin Carts$5 off 3 Lefts Rosin DisposableElement Live Resin .5G for $20EDIBLES2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Edibles 2 for $15 on Magic Gummies 2  for $20 on Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 5 for $25 on Kola 200MG Gummies 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) $16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North  Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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09-08-2023 02:07 PM
EVENT SCHEDULE 11-2PM 12-3PM 12-2PM 3-6PM 4-7PM U44-4 TRUE NORTH VENDOR STIIIZY CHOICE BOGO ON STIIIZY KURT STONE MUSIC Ty/ MIRANDA THE M8OS MUSIC CANNABEE WYLD VENDOR V HEMP/RE t TUC 41.-11 THIS IS AN ALL-DAY EVENT / LIONS WIN! Today you will receive a free pack of Calvin Johnsons gummies with your purchase! Supplies are limited so get here fast!Attached is the schedule of events for tomorrow! We are looking forward to celebrating with you all!Here are todays deals!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!FLOWER   SOTD is  Giscotti$100 OZ of Galenas Stargazer$5 off Cookies Brand 8ths ($25 per 8th!)CONCENTRATES$5 off Cannabee Concentrates$5 Off Monster Extracts$5 off 3Lefts Concentrates$5 off Light Sky Farms  Concentrates$5 off Element ConcentratesVAPES2 for $35 on Five Star Nug Run Carts$5 off 3 Lefts Rosin DisposableElement Live Resin .5G for $20EDIBLES2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars2  for $20 on Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 5 for $25 on Kola 200MG Gummies 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) $16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North  Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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09-06-2023 11:16 PM
livedeal image / Tomorrow is the big day! We are having some great deals for the Lions game! Also, we now have Sweet and Sour Mambas back in stock! LIONS GAME DAY DEALS!Wear Detroit Lions apparel to get a pack of Calvin Johnson's Primitiv Gummies for free!20% off any blue product in the store!6 pack of mix and match Wynks for $15Mix and match 3 different Pretzels, 200 MG Cheez-its or Banned Popcorn for $25! Perfect for snacking on during the game!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!Buy 2 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies!FLOWERSOTD is  Double Baked Cake$100 OZ of Giscotti$5 off Cookies Brand 8ths ($25 per 8th!)CONCENTRATES$5 off Cannabee Concentrates$5 Off Monster Extracts$5 off 3Lefts Concentrates$5 off Light Sky Farms  Concentrates$5 off Element ConcentratesVAPES2 for $35 on Five Star Nug Run Carts$5 off 3 Lefts Rosin DisposableElement Live Resin .5G for $20EDIBLES2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars2  for $20 on Banned Gummies2 for $15 on MCC Edibles 5 for $25 on Kola 200MG Gummies 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) $16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North  Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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09-04-2023 12:53 PM
livedeal image / HAPPY LABOR DAY FROM THE HEMPIRE!  Here are the deals we have going on today!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!Disposable Kushy Punch Carts are back! 1.5G for $35FLOWER   SOTD is Super Runtz$100 OZ of Platinum Runtz $5 off Cookies Brand 8ths ($20 per 8th!)CONCENTRATES$5 Off Monster Extracts$20 True North Badder2 for $25 on Kola Farms Concentrates  VAPES2 for $35 on True North Nug Run Carts$5 off 3 Lefts Rosin DisposableElement Live Resin .5G for $20EDIBLES2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola 200MG Gummies 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) $16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North  Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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09-03-2023 03:58 PM
SEPT. 1ST 3RD 2023 10AM 7PM 80gGig AND VA ENTED M3 31133E UPP4MO S3QOME JO FEATURING LOCALITLENT AND VENDORS HELP US GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY 201MI3fflJ glETION -FLOWER COME EMI SOME DELICIOUS TR E ET IQ FROM GUE47 PA NTING -HAIR BRAID 3 gV8 3 0 MUERE DRIVE GOOFBA LS LOCATED AT HEMPIRE COLLECTIVE 10147 N LOOMIS RD. CLARE MI 48617 assli / LAST DAY FOR THE GOOFBALL GATHERING! FOOD/COFFEE TRUCKS ARE STILL HERE AND WE ARE STILL PARTYING! COME GET SOME FOOD AND SHOP SOME LOCAL VENDORS! DOUBLE POINTS ALL WEEKEND!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!Disposable Kushy Punch Carts are back! 1.5G for $35Moonbow is back at 29% It is a new indica hybrid customer favorite! Check out the rest of the deals for today!FLOWERSOTD is Platinum Runtz$100 OZ of Grape Sherbet$10 off Cookies Brand 8ths ($20 per 8th!)CONCENTRATES$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Wyldfire Concentrates$5 off Rkive Concentrates$5 off Light Sky Concentrates$5 Off Monster Extracts$20 True North Badder2 for $25 on Kola Farms Concentrates  VAPES2 for $35 on True North Nug Run Carts$5 off 3 Lefts Rosin DisposableElement Live Resin .5G for $20EDIBLES2 for $20 on 200MG Chocolate Kevy Bars5 for $25 on Kola 200MG Gummies 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies) $16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North  Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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09-01-2023 12:22 AM
SEPT. 1ST 3RD 2023 10AM 7PM 80gGig AND VA ENTED M3 31133E UPP4MO S3QOME JO FEATURING LOCALITLENT AND VENDORS HELP US GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY 201MI3fflJ glETION -FLOWER COME EMI SOME DELICIOUS TR E ET IQ FROM GUE47 PA NTING -HAIR BRAID 3 gV8 3 0 MUERE DRIVE GOOFBA LS LOCATED AT HEMPIRE COLLECTIVE 10147 N LOOMIS RD. CLARE MI 48617 assli / Our Goofball Gathering kicks off tomorrow! We will have tons of arts and crafts vendors, along with a coffee food truck and a taco food truck! Click the flyer above for all the details! DOUBLE POINTS ALL WEEKEND!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!Disposable Kushy Punch Carts are back! 1.5G for $35FLOWERSOTD is Giscotti$100 OZ of Grape Sherbet$5 off Cookies Brand 8thsCONCENTRATES$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Wyldfire Concentrates$5 off Rkive Concentrates$5 Off Light Sky Concentrates$5 Off Monster Extracts$20 True North Badder2 for $25 on Kola Farms Concentrates  V@PES2 for $35 on True North Nug Run Carts$5 off 3 Lefts Rosin DisposableElement Live Resin .5G for $20EDIBLES5 for $25 on Kola 200MG Gummies 2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 100mg MCC Pretzels$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North  Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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08-25-2023 10:27 PM
livedeal image / We now have Cookies and Tical prepackaged flower, come check it out and see our other amazing deals!!FlowerSaturday $100 Oz of Galenas Pound TownSaturday SOTD Ghost Pepper2 for $65 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksConcentrates$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Wyldfire Concentrates $5 off Rkive Concentrates Vapes2 for $26 on True North Carts2 for $35 on .5g Live Resin CartsEdibles2 for $35 Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 Northern Connections Liquid Loud2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on Primitiv Gummies2 for $15 Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200mg PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 MCC Pretzels 2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18 Nuggies$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 on 200mg Just Edibles2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200mg True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100mg Choice Chews5 for $40 on 200mg Choice ChewsWe can't wait to see you this weekend!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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08-20-2023 01:31 PM
livedeal image / ICC x Kush Mintz, Caked Up Cherries, and Lemon Cherry Gelato are finally back!ICC x Kush Mintz - 31% THCACaked Up Cherries - 34% THCALemon Cherry Gelato - 26% THCABUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!FLOWEROur SOTD is Grape Sherbet$100 Ounces of Ghost Pepper2 For $65 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsCONCENTRATES$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Wyldfire ConcentratesVAPES2 for $27 on Crude Boy Carts EDIBLES2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18 Nuggies $18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North  Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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08-18-2023 12:39 PM
SEPT. 1ST 3RD 2023 10AM 7PM 80gGig AND VA ENTED M3 31133E UPP4MO S3QOME JO FEATURING LOCALITLENT AND VENDORS HELP US GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY 201MI3fflJ glETION -FLOWER COME EMI SOME DELICIOUS TR E ET IQ FROM GUE47 PA NTING -HAIR BRAID 3 gV8 3 0 MUERE DRIVE GOOFBA LS LOCATED AT HEMPIRE COLLECTIVE 10147 N LOOMIS RD. CLARE MI 48617 assli / Happy Friday everyone! We have some exciting events coming up! September 1st - 3rd we will be hosting The Goofball Gathering! Click the flyer above to see details! Also, stay tuned for more details on our 3 year Anniversary Party happening September 9th! Here are tomorrows deals! BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!FLOWEROur SOTD is Giscotti$100 Ounces of Redbud Sherb Breath (not our flower)2 For $65 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsCONCENTRATES$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Wyldfire ConcentratesVAPES2 for $27 on Crude Boy Carts EDIBLES2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18 Nuggies $18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North  Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice ChewsSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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08-11-2023 01:10 PM
livedeal image / We haven't done double points in a while, so why not today? DOUBLE POINTS ALL DAY!Here are the rest of today's deals!BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!COVERT COMET CUPS ARE FREE TO EVERY CUSTOMER WITH ANY PURCHASE! (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST, WE HAVE A VERY LIMITED SUPPLY, SO GET HERE EARLY! (No substitutes when we run out)FLOWEROur SOTD is PBOG2 for $65 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand Prerolls5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls2 for $20 on Shattered Thoughts Infused Perolls CONCENTRATES$5 off Monster Concentrates$5 off Primitiv ConcentratesV@PES2 for $85 on 3Lefts Hash Rosin Disposable CartsEDIBLES2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 on Covert Comet Cups 2 for $15 100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18 Nuggies $18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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08-10-2023 03:00 PM
WIRE / Ubaked stopped by yesterday and dropped off Moonrocks! $15 for 1g! All prepackaged!Here are the rest of the deals we have going on today!BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!SPEND $150, GET A PACK OF COMET CUPS FOR FREE! FLOWEROur SOTD is Ghost Pepper2 for $65 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand Prerolls5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls2 for $20 on Shattered Thoughts Infused Perolls CONCENTRATES$5 off Monster Concentrates$5 off Primitiv ConcentratesVAPES2 for $85 on 3Lefts Hash Rosin Disposable CartsEDIBLES2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 on Covert Comet Cups 2 for $15 100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18 Nuggies $18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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08-10-2023 01:05 PM
WIRE / Ubaked stopped by yesterday and dropped off Moonrocks! $15 for 1g! All prepackaged!Here are the rest of the deals we have going on today! BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!SPEND $150, GET A PACK OF COMET CUPS FOR FREE! FLOWEROur SOTD is Ghost Pepper2 for $65 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand Prerolls5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls2 for $20 on Shattered Thoughts Infused Perolls CONCENTRATES$5 off Monster Concentrates$5 off Primitiv ConcentratesVAPES2 for $85 on 3Lefts Hash Rosin Disposable CartsEDIBLES2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 on Covert Comet Cups 2 for $15 100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18 Nuggies $18 Bee Sting Honey 2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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08-08-2023 05:12 PM
40a19F4J / Wise Guys stopped by and we are now restocked on Shake Ounces! $40 per ounce!Here are the rest of the deals we have going on today!BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!FLOWEROur SOTD is LA Kush Cake2 for $70 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on 305 Farms Prerolls5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsCONCENTRATES$5 off Monster Concentrates$5 off Primitiv ConcentratesV@PES2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Extracts Live Resin CartsEDIBLES2 for $35 on Northern Connections Mix Stix2 for $35 on Northern Connections Liquid Loud 2 for $15 on Royal Bars5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 on Covert Comet Cups 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18 Nuggies $18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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08-07-2023 03:29 PM
livedeal image / RED WHITE AND BOOM BARS ARE FINALLY BACK! We also got Raspberry Peanut Butter, Cookies and Cream, and Red Velvet Royal Bars!Here are the rest of today's deals! BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 ON ALL TRIPLE PHOENIX PRODUCTS!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!FLOWEROur SOTD is Double OG2 for $70 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on 305 Farms Prerolls5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsCONCENTRATES$5 off Monster Concentrate$5 off Cannabee Concentrates $ off Light Sky Farms ConcentratesV@PES2 for $85 on 3Lefts 1g Hash Rosin DisposablesEDIBLES5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 on Covert Comet Cups 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18 Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews   5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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08-05-2023 04:56 PM
MI Mt D El El ill MN / STIIIZY IS AT THE HEMPIRE COLLECTIVE UNTIL 3PM TODAY! DURING THAT TIME, ALL STIIIZY PRODUCTS ARE BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! Here are the rest of the deals we have going on!BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 ON ALL TRIPLE PHOENIX PRODUCTS!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!FLOWEROur SOTD is Snoberry2 for $70 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on 305 Farms Prerolls5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsCONCENTRATES2 for $45 on Primitiv 1g ConcentratesV@PES5 for $65 on True North CartsdEDIBLES5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 on Covert Comet Cups 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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08-03-2023 11:59 PM
livedeal image / Here are tomorrows deals, and YES, we finally have an ounce of the day! BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 ON ALL TRIPLE PHOENIX PRODUCTS!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!FLOWEROur SOTD is PBOG$100 Ounce of Grape Sherbet2 for $70 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on 305 Farms Prerolls5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsCONCENTRATES2 for $45 on Primitiv 1g ConcentratesV@PES2 for $35 on True North Nug Run Sauce CartsEDIBLES5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 on Covert Comet Cups 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice ChewsWE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ALL TOMORROW!

The Hempire Collective

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08-02-2023 12:11 AM
DISCO EVERYWHERE / SURPRISE! WE NOW HAVE SHATTERED THOUGHTS INFUSED PREROLLS BACK! Bomb Popz (Indica), Pear Sherbet (Hybrid) and Pink Pineapple (Sativa), ALL NEW FLAVORS! ALL ONLY $10!Here are the rest of tomorrows deals!BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 ON ALL TRIPLE PHOENIX PRODUCTS!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!FLOWEROur SOTD is LA Kush Cake$15 Wise Guys 8ths2 for $70 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on 305 Farms Prerolls5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsCONCENTRATES2 for $45 on Primitiv 1g Concentrates$5 off Monster Xtracts Concentrates 2 for $30 on Wyld Fire ConcentratesVAPES2 for $35 on True North Nug Run Sauce CartsEDIBLES5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $15 on Banned Popcorn2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)2 for $15 on Covert Comet Cups 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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08-01-2023 05:14 PM
40a19F4J / BACK FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!Caked Up Cherries, Gorilla Grease and 4 new strains of Doo Doo Creek! You are going to want to get here sooner rather than later because we will go through this product fast! See you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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07-28-2023 12:43 PM
LIKE A GREAT DEAL. / Here are todays deals!25% off all Wyld Gummies for the rest of the month!BUY 1 GET 1 ON PRIMITIV 200MG ELECTROLYTE/THC DRINK MIXES!BUY 1 GET 1 ON ALL TRIPLE PHOENIX PRODUCTS!BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ON 100MG JUST EDIBLES BRAND!FLOWEROur SOTD is PBOG$15 Wise Guys 8ths$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $70 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsCONCENTRATES2 for $45 on Primitiv 1g Concentrates$5 off all Cannabee$5 off Monster Xtracts Concentrates 2 for $15 on Trap House / Hempire Badder 2 for $30 on Wyld Fire ConcentratesVAPES2 for $27 on Crude Boy Carts2 for $90 on 3Lefts 1g Hash Rosin CartsEDIBLES5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the THC:CBN, THC:CBG Gummies)Buy 1 get 1 on Primitiv 200MG Electrolyte/THC drink mixes! Perfect for hangovers! 2 for $15 on Covert Comet Cups 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20 Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20 100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice ChewsWe are expecting some highly anticipated product later today that you guys have been asking about and we will send another text when it arrives!

The Hempire Collective

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07-26-2023 02:22 PM
A N A AL 7 77 / Animal Mintz is back at 32.5%! Come in and grab some before we are out again! Here are the rest of the deals we have going on today!25% off all Wyld Gummies for the rest of the month!Spend $150, get a free Blue Razz Cannabee pack of Gummies! (while supplies last)FLOWEROur SOTD is LA Kush Cake ($30)$15 Wise Guys 8ths$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $70 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsVAPES2 for $35 on .5g True North Nug Run Carts2 for $35 on Element .5g Live Resin CartsEDIBLES5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $45 on Primitiv 200MG Electrolyte/THC drink mixes! Perfect for hangovers!  2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $8 100mg Just Edibles 2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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07-21-2023 12:42 AM
PRIMITIV / The Hempire Collective now carries Hall of Famer, Calvin Johnson and former Detroit Lions player, Rob Sims Primitiv line! We have everything from CBD creams, to electrolyte/THC drinks, to prerolls! Also, we got a fresh Stiiizy drop! We now carry the new live resin pods, which most dispensaries do not have yet! Here are the rest of our deals!25% off all Wyld Gummies for the rest of the month!Buy 2 get 1 free on Wynk Seltzers to be entered to win 2 tickets to a Cannababe yacht party in Detroit!Buy 1 get 1 free on 305 Farms Preroll Packs FLOWERSOTD is LA Kush Cake $100 Ghost Pepper Ounces$15 Wise Guys 8ths$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $70 on Pure Leaf Preroll Packs5 for $20 on Calvin Johnson's Turf Brand PrerollsCONCENTRATES2 for $45 on Primitiv 1g ConcentratesVAPES2 for $35 on .5g True North Nug Run Carts2 for $35 on Element .5g Live Resin CartsEDIBLES5 for $35 on 200MG Primitiv Gummies2 for $45 on Primitiv 200MG Electrolyte/THC drink mixes! Perfect for hangovers!  2 for $16 on 100MG Dixie Tropic Twist Gummies2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $8 100mg Just Edibles 2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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07-17-2023 10:42 PM
WIN WITH WYNK .1115. RD WYNK Black Cherry Fizz. Seltzer THC 2 5mg 17.5 fl oz 222 ml WYNK Lime Twist Seltzer THC 2 5mg 17.5 fl oz 222 ml IYNK cy Mango r THC 7.5 fl oz 222 ml 14. PURCHASE WYNK AT HEMPIRE COLLECTIVE TO BE ENTERED TO WIN 2 TICKETS TO THE EXECUTIVE ESCAPE YACHT PARTY BY CANNAM1 / BIG NEWS! We will be one of the sponsors for a yacht party in St. Clair Shores / Detroit and you are all invited! Buy 2 get 1 free on Wynk Seltzers to be entered to win 2 FREE tickets to the Cannababe Yacht Party! If you would like to purchase your own tickets, here is the link: Here are the rest of our deals for tomorrow!25% off all Wyld Gummies for the rest of the month!FLOWERSOTD is Oishii$100 Grape Sherbet Ounces$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $70 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksVAPES2 for $35 on .5g True North Nug Run Carts2 for $35 on Element .5g Live Resin CartsEDIBLES2 for $16 on 100MG Dixie Tropic Twist Gummies2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $8 100mg Just Edibles 2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice ChewsLook forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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07-16-2023 01:30 PM
JESUS / Here are the deals we have going on today! 25% off all Wyld Gummies for the rest of the month!Buy 1 get 1 free on 305 Farms Preroll Packs Buy 2 get 1 free on Wynk Seltzers!FLOWEROUR SOTD IS OUR ONE AND ONLY JESUS OG! $30 AN 8TH!$120 Oz of Super Boof $40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $80 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksVAPES2 for $30 on Crude Boys Vapes2 for $35 on True North Nug Run CartEDIBLES2 for $6 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 on Mamba Gummies2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $8  100mg Just Edibles 2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  200mg Banned Gummies2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice ChewsSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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07-15-2023 12:42 PM
livedeal image / Here are today's deals! TRIPLE POINTS!FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS THROUGH THE DOOR GET A FREE TRUE NORTH EDIBLE!25% off all Wyld Gummies for the rest of the month!Buy 1 get 1 free on 305 Farms Preroll Packs Buy 2 get 1 free on Wynk Seltzers!FLOWERSOTD is Lemon Cherry ($30)$100 Oz of Oishii$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $80 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksVAPES2 for $30 on Crude Boys Vapes2 for $35 on True North Nug Run CartEDIBLES2 for $6 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 on Mamba Gummies2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $8  100mg Just Edibles 2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  200mg Banned Gummies2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice ChewsWe look forward to seeing you soon!

The Hempire Collective

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07-14-2023 12:25 PM
FRIDAY / We have the new Glorious Cannabis Summer Brunch Collection now at The Hempire! Mimosa OG, Rose Haze, and Sangria Spritzer!Here are the rest of our deals!25% off all Wyld Gummies for the rest of the month!Buy any Stiiizy product, get an exclusive 1g 710 Peach Gelato Pod for $1!Buy 1 get 1 free on 305 Farms Preroll Packs! Buy 2 get 1 free on Wynk Seltzers! FLOWERSOTD is GMO ($30)$100 Oz of Moonbow $40 Wise Guys Shake OuncesBOGO on 305 Farms Preroll Packs2 for $80 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksCONCENTRATES2 for $15 on Trap House / Hempire Concentrate CollabVAPES2 for $27 on Crude Boys VapesInstead of 7 for $100, we are doing 8 for $100 on Redbud Roots Carts! EDIBLES2 for $6 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $15 on Mamba Gummies2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $8  100mg Just Edibles 2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  200mg Banned Gummies2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews

The Hempire Collective

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07-11-2023 02:47 PM
 / Here are the deals we have going on today!25% off all Wyld Gummies for the rest of the month!Buy any Stiiizy product, get an exclusive 1g 710 Peach Gelato Pod for $1! FLOWERSOTD is Grape Sherbet$40 Wise Guys Shake OuncesBOGO on 305 Farms Preroll Packs we2 for $80 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksCONCENTRATES10 for $100 on Trap House / Hempire Concentrate CollabVAPES2 for $55 on Church Carts (excludes Trick Trick OG)5 for $65  True North CartsEDIBLES2 for $6 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $25  Dream Caramels2 for $8  100mg Just Edibles 2 for $15  Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  200mg Banned Gummies2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews2 for $25 on 200mg Potarts

The Hempire Collective

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07-09-2023 12:48 AM
a INDICA sTiiilr 40 PREMIUM FLOWER CANNABIS-INFUSED PREROLL NET .040 WATERMELON Z ilk / We are in full swing with our 7/10 day deals! Wax Day is Monday!We are still running our Stiiizy promo, Buy any 3 Stiiizy products, get a 1g Gelato Pod for $1!Here are the rest of our deals!Spend $150, get a 200MG Kaya Granola Bar for free!SOTD is Lemon Cherry ($30)$100 Ounces of Ghost Pepper$40 Wise Guys Shake OuncesBOGO on 305 Farms Preroll Packs we2 for $80 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksCONCENTRATES10 for $100 on Trap House / Hempire Concentrate CollabBOGO ON ALL CANNABEE CONCENTRATES!$5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates$10 off all 3Lefts Live Rosin2 for $50 on Monster Xtracts 1G Concentrates$10 off all Rkive ConcentratesVAPES2 for $55 on Church Carts (excludes Trick Trick OG)5 for $65  True North CartsEDIBLES2 for $6 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $25  Dream Caramels2 for $8  100mg Just Edibles 2 for $15  Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  200mg Banned Gummies2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews2 for $25 on 200mg PotartsSee you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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07-08-2023 01:13 PM
WIRE / 7/10 weekend deals!Buy any 3 Stiiizy products, and get an exclusive 1g 710 Peach Gelato Pod for $1! Spend $150, get a 200MG Kaya Granola Bar for free!FLOWERSOTD is Teddy Tartz $100 Ounces of Ghost Pepper$40 Wise Guys Shake OuncesBOGO on 305 Farms Preroll Packs2 for $80 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksCONCENTRATES10 for $100 on Trap House / Hempire Concentrate CollabBOGO ON ALL CANNABEE CONCENTRATES!$5 off Light Sky Farms Concentrates$10 off all 3Lefts Live Rosin2 for $50 on Monster Xtracts 1G Concentrates$10 off all Rkive ConcentratesVAPES2 for $55 on Church Carts (excludes Trick Trick OG)5 for $65  True North CartsEDIBLES2 for $6 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $25  Dream Caramels2 for $8  100mg Just Edibles 2 for $15  Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  200mg Banned Gummies2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews2 for $25 on 200mg Potarts

The Hempire Collective

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07-05-2023 03:56 PM
 / BOGO on all Stiiizy Products from now until 3pm at The Hempire Collective! Here are the rest of the deals we have going on today!FLOWERSOTD is Grape Sherbet$130 GMO Ounces$40 Wise Guys Shake OuncesBOGO on 305 Farms Preroll Packs2 for $80 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksCONCENTRATES10 for $100 on Trap House / Hempire Concentrate CollabVAPES2 for $55 on Church Carts (excludes Trick Trick OG)5 for $65  True North CartsEDIBLES2 for $6 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10  5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $15  100mg MCC Pretzels2 for $20 on 100mg Dixies2 for $30 on 200mg Dixies2 for $15 Mojo Edibles2 for $18  Nuggies 2 for $15  Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15  Covert Cups2 for $25  Dream Caramels2 for $8  100mg Just Edibles 2 for $15  Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 200mg Just Edibles 2 for $20  200mg Banned Gummies2 for $20  Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15  200mg True North Gummies5 for $20  100mg Choice Chews 5 for $40  200mg Choice Chews2 for $25 on 200mg PotartsSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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07-01-2023 05:57 PM
3 ra C4.177 / f 1 / THE TWISTED FORK IS HERE AND SETTING UP! COME EAT LUNCH OR AN EARLY DINNER AND GET A FREE TSHIRT!!We have over 7 vendors set up selling their product as well and Wise Guys is already here for their vendor day! Come help us bring in the holiday! See you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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06-30-2023 11:50 PM
-GUEST VENDORS- LOCAL VENDORS HUGE DEALS FOOD TRUCK 2PM-7PM SATURDAY JULY 1ST - ALL DAY EVENT 10147 N LOOMIS RD CLARE MI / TOMORROW IS THE DAY! Vendors will be here all day selling their crafts, as well as Twisted Fork Food Truck from 2pm-7pm!Here are the rest of tomorrows deals!TRIPLE POINTS! FREE 10MG GUMMY WITH EVERY ORDER!BOGO ON 305 FARMS PREROLL PACKS!BOGO ON ALL WYLD GUMMIES!SPEND OVER $150, GET A HEMPIRE GOODY BAG FOR FREE!BUY FOOD FROM THE TWISTED FORK FOOD TRUCK, GET A SHIRT OR GOODY BAG! YOUR CHOICE!FLOWER/PREROLL DEALSAll 8ths are $5 off! $100 Ounces of Platinum Max OG$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on 1g TICAL Infused Prerolls2 for $75 on 2g TICAL Preroll Packs2 FOR $80 on Pure Leaf Preroll PacksEDIBLE DEALS  2 for $6 on 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 on 5mg Wynk Seltzers $12 on Detroit Edible SAP Syrup2 for $15 on 100MG MCC Pretzels2 for $15 on Mojo Edibles2 for $18 on Nuggies 2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15 on Covert Cups2 for $25 on Dream Caramels2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $15 on Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $20 on Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews2 for $25 on 200MG PoTartzCART DEALS2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Rosin Carts5 for $65 on True North CartsCONCENTRATE DEALS10 for $100 on Trap House / Hempire Collab Badder$5 off all other Concentrates!

The Hempire Collective

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06-29-2023 10:26 PM
3 ra C4.177 / f 1 / We are kicking off the holiday weekend tomorrow! If you spend $150, you will get a free Hempire Goody Bag! Each goody bag will have a gram of Hempire wax, an infused Hempire preroll and a single 10mg gummy! On Saturday, we will be doing a lot more deals and will have tons of vendors here! Make sure you bring cash or the local craft vendors that will be here!Also, Stiiizy will be here from 12pm - 3pm tomorrow! During that time period all Stiiizy products will be buy 1 get 1!Here are the rest of the deals for tomorrow!TRIPLE POINTS! FLOWER DEALSSOTD is Teddy Tartz $40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on 1g TICAL Infused Prerolls2 for $75 on 2g TICAL Preroll PacksEDIBLE DEALS 2 for $6 on 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 on 5mg Wynk Seltzers $12 on Detroit Edible 200MG SAP Syrup2 for $15 on Mojo Edibles2 for $18 on 200MG Nuggies 2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15 on Covert Cups2 for $25 on Dream Caramel Packs2 for $10 on Triple Phoenix Brownie Bites2 for $20 on Triple Phoenix Rice Krispies and Lemon Chiffon Cookies 2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $15 on Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts2 for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice ChewsCART DEALS 2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Rosin CartsCONCENTRATE DEALS10 for $100 on Trap House / Hempire Collab BadderSee you all tomorrow!!

The Hempire Collective

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06-27-2023 09:07 PM
-GUEST VENDORS- LOCAL VENDORS HUGE DEALS FOOD TRUCK 2PM-7PM SATURDAY JULY 1ST - ALL DAY EVENT 10147 N LOOMIS RD CLARE MI / Do not forget our 4th of July Party is this Saturday, July 1st all day!Come support some local business vendors!  They will have freeze dried candy, cake pops, homemade crafts, soaps and more!Twisted Fork Food Truck will be here from 2pm-7pm! If you purchase anything from the food truck you will get a holiday gift bag filled with wax, an infused preroll and some coupons!We also will be having BOGO on 305 Farms Preroll Packs and Wyld Gummies and with every order through the door, you will receive a free 10MG Shattered Thoughts gummy!We are so excited to celebrate one of our favorite holidays with all of our favorite people! Make sure you tell your friends!

The Hempire Collective

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06-24-2023 12:25 AM
11r HEM PIKE -GUEST VENDORS-VISE GUYS -rARMS . LOCAL VENDORS HUGE DEALS FOOD TRUCK 2PM-7PM SATURDAY JULY 1ST - ALL DAY EVENT 10147 N LOOMIS RD CLARE MI / Come check us out before or after the Clare Summer Fest tomorrow! You may catch some of us down there giving out coupons and other stuff as well! Here are tomorrows deals! Our SOTD is Gorilla Grease!$100 Ounces of Snoberry Kush$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on 1g TICAL Infused Prerolls2 for $75 on 2g TICAL Preroll Packs  2 for $6 on 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 on 5mg Wynk Seltzers $12 on Detroit Edible SAP Syrup2 for $15 on Mojo Edibles2 for $18 on Nuggies 2 for $15 on Ubaked Bars$18 Bee Sting Honey2 for $15 on Covert Cups2 for $25 on Dream Caramels 2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Rosin Carts2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $15 on Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola BarsAttached, is the updated version of our 4th of July Party! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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06-22-2023 12:20 AM
MI Mt D El El ill MN / Edibles blow out sale starting tomorrow and lasting all weekend! Also, we now have Gorilla Grease back in stock! Check out all the deals we have going on!SOTD is Snoberry Kush $100 Ounces of Platinum Max OG$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on 1g TICAL Infused Prerolls2 for $75 on 2g TICAL Preroll Packs  2 for $6 on 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 on 5mg Wynk Seltzers $12 on Detroit Edible SAP Syrup2 for $15 on Mojo Edibles2 for $18 on 200MG Royal Nuggies 2 for $15 on 200MG Ubaked Bars$18 200MG Bee Sting Honey2 for $15 on Covert Cups2 for $25 on ALL Dream Caramels 2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Rosin Carts2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $15 on Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies2 for $12 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies2 for $12 on 200MG PC Pure Gummies (excludes the CBG and CBN flavors)$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola BarsDO NOT FORGET ABOUT OR 4TH OF JULY PARTY ON JULY 1ST! Good food, tons of craft vendors and unbeatable sales!

The Hempire Collective

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06-20-2023 12:44 PM
40a19F4J / The Hempire Collective is doing something very special for the next month or so. 10% of profits on our 2 strains Teddy Tartz and Platinum Max OG will go to the Clare and Gladwin Animal Shelter! Ask your Budtenders about Max and Teddy's stories!Here are today's deals! SOTD is Platinum Max OG $130 Ounces of Jesus OG$100 Ounces of Snoberry Kush$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on 1g TICAL Infused Prerolls2 for $75 on 2g TICAL Preroll Packs  2 for $6 on 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 on 5mg Wynk Seltzers $12 on Detroit Edible SAP Syrup2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge 2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Rosin Carts2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $15 on Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola BarSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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06-17-2023 12:22 AM
livedeal image / We now have TICAL Preroll Packs and 1g Prerolls! Also, Light Sky Farms stopped by to drop off some Live Rosin! Here are the rest of tomorrows deals!TRIPLE POINTS!SOTD is Grape Sherbet $130 Ounces of Jesus OG$100 Ounces of Apple Tartz  $40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$15 Wise Guys 8ths$10 Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on 1g TICAL Infused Prerolls2 for $75 on 2g TICAL Preroll Packs  2 for $6 on 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 on 5mg Wynk Seltzers $12 on Detroit Edible SAP Syrup2 for $25 on 200MG Fudge 2 for $30 on Nine8Nine Shatter2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $15 on Just Edibles BBQ Chips  2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola BarsSee you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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06-16-2023 01:46 PM
THC 4Lt LOCAL VENDORS HUGE DEALS FOOD TRUCK SATURDAY JULY 1ST I / We are having a 4th of July Party and we want you there! Customer favorite Twisted Fork will be here all day serving up their famous tacos and sliders! Also, if you are a craft, jewelry, etc. vendor, you can set your tables up all day to sell your product! We will also be doing crazy deals all day long, you do not want to miss this! Here are todays deals! SOTD is Rainbow Beltz 3.0$130 Ounces of Jesus OG$100 Ounces of Apple Tartz $100 Ounces of PBOG $40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$15 Wise Guys 8ths$10 Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $6 on 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 on 5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $30 on Nine8Nine Shatter2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Banned Gummies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola BarsSee you soon!

The Hempire Collective

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06-15-2023 12:46 AM
DISCO EVERYWHERE / Shattered Thoughts and Detroit Edibles stopped by today to drop off some brand new product! We now carry SAP (syrup) and Shattered Thoughts infused prerolls! Here are the rest of tomorrows deals!Shattered Thoughts Gummies are now only $8!SOTD is Tahoe OG$130 Ounces of Jesus OG$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$15 Wise Guys 8ths$10 Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $18 on Shattered Thoughts Infused Prerolls 2 for $6 on 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 on 5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $30 on Nine8Nine Shatter2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $25 on Detroit Edibles 200MG OG Brownies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola Bars

The Hempire Collective

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06-10-2023 05:41 PM
THE EmpIRE c 0 E cr i v r. / Happy Saturday! Catch us in Coleman today selling merch and handing coupons out! Here are today's deals!SOTD is Snoberry Kush ($20)$100 Ounces of PBOG$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$40 8ths of Cheetah Piss Moonrocks2 for $25 on Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $6 on 2.5mg Wynk Seltzers2 for $10 on 5mg Wynk Seltzers 2 for $30 on Nine8Nine Shatter2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles See you all soon! 2 for $20 on 200MG Freeze Dried Skittles2 for $25 on Detroit Edibles 200MG OG Brownies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola Bars

The Hempire Collective

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06-09-2023 04:10 PM
livedeal image / Stiiizy is here from 12-3pm! During this time, Stiiizy will be buy 1 get 1 free! The Hempire will be at the burnouts in Coleman tonight! Come and see our tent and buy some merch and get a free gift!Here are today's deals! SOTD is Mark of Michigan$100 Ounces of Jealousy$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$40 8ths of Cheetah Piss Moonrocks2 for $25 on Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts 2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Live Rosin Carts2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Freeze Dried Skittles2 for $25 on Detroit Edibles 200MG OG Brownies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola BarsSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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06-07-2023 12:20 AM
THE EmpIRE c 0 E cr i v r. / We apologize if you have not been getting our text blasts. We have been flagged for the last week by cellphone providers, but we are up and running now! Here are tomorrows deals! SOTD is PBOG$130 Ounces of Lemon Cherry$100 Ounces of Jealousy$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$40 8ths of Cheetah Piss Moonrocks2 for $25 on Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts 2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Live Rosin Carts2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Freeze Dried Skittles2 for $25 on Detroit Edibles 200MG OG Brownies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola BarsSee you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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06-05-2023 09:57 PM
A ALERT / ATTENTION:OUR CARD READERS ARE CURRENTLY DOWN. WE DO HAVE AN ATM SO PLEASE BRING CASH, OR BE PREPARED TO USE OURS!SOTD is Grape Sherbet$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$40 8ths of Cheetah Piss Moonrocks2 for $25 on Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Live Rosin Carts2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles2 for $20 on 200MG Freeze Dried Skittles2 for $25 on Detroit Edibles 200MG OG Brownies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola Bars

The Hempire Collective

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06-05-2023 03:46 PM
A ALERT / ATTENTION: OUR CARD READERS ARE CURRENTLY DOWN. WE DO HAVE AN ATM SO PLEASE BRING CASH, OR BE PREPARED TO USE OURS!SOTD is Grape Sherbet$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$40 8ths of Cheetah Piss Moonrocks2 for $25 on Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts 2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Live Rosin Carts2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Freeze Dried Skittles2 for $25 on Detroit Edibles 200MG OG Brownies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola Bars

The Hempire Collective

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06-03-2023 01:42 PM
MI Mt D El El ill MN / HAPPY SATURDAY! HERE ARE TODAYS DEALS!SOTD is Snoberry Kush ($20)$100 Ounces of PBOG$100 Ounces of Apple Tartz$130 Ounces of Caked Up Cherries$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$40 8ths of Cheetah Piss Moonrocks2 for $25 on Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls2 for $70 on Redbud Hash Holes$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $35 on Nine8Nine Cured Resin Carts 2 for $65 on Nine8Nine Live Rosin Carts2 for $8 on 100MG Just Edibles 2 for $18 on 200MG Just Edibles 2 for $20 on 200MG Freeze Dried Skittles2 for $25 on Detroit Edibles 200MG OG Brownies$8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola BarsSEE YOU ALL SOON!

The Hempire Collective

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06-02-2023 12:10 AM
A N A AL 7 77 / We have so many new things at The Hempire! Animal Mintz is back at 32.5% and OMFG at 24%!We now have Church Carts back again! Including the new disposable live resin cart, Trick Trick OG! Our SOTD is Jealousy!$100 Ounces of Snoberry Kush$100 Ounces of Tahoe OG$100 Ounces of Apple Tartz$40 Wise Guys Shake Ounces$40 8ths of Cheetah Piss Moonrocks2 for $25 on Trap House Company / Hempire Collab Badder2 for $25 on Cannabee / Hempire Infused Pre Rolls$5 off Cannabee Concentrates2 for $55 on 5/10 Thread Church Carts2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on Magic Gummies2 for $15 on UBaked Bars2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies2 for $25 on Kaya Granola BarsSee you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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05-27-2023 04:38 PM
law. Immor Nadi / HAPPY SATURDAY! WE HOPE YOU ALL ARE ENJOYING YOUR HOLIDAY WEEKEND SO FAR! Here are our deals!DOUBLE POINTS ALL WEEKEND LONG!$5 off ALL Hempire 8THS!$100 Ounces of Tahoe OG and Snoberry KushBuy a Wise Guys 8th, get a free 1.5g Wise Guys Preroll!$10 grams of Trap House Company / Hempire Collective Badder$50 Wise Guys Shake Ounces BOGO on Wyld GummiesBOGO on Dixie GummiesBOGO on Barracuda BarsBOGO on all Wyld Gummies5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls 5 for $70 on Crude Boy Carts5 for $60 on True North Carts2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 on Magic Gummies2 for $15 on UBaked Bars2 for $15 on ALL Motor City Edibles2 for $15 on 200MG True North Gummies$16 200MG True North Peanut Butter5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice ChewsSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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05-26-2023 04:25 PM

The Hempire Collective

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05-26-2023 01:55 AM
livedeal image / ITS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND AND WE ARE READY! Wise Guys will be here tomorrow from 10am - 2pm! Buy a Wise Guys 8th, receive a free 1.5g Wise Guys Preroll!TRIPLE POINTS FOR TODAY ONLY!$5 off ALL 8THS!$100 Ounces of PBOG$100 Ounces of Grape Sherbet$4 Mark of Michigan Prerolls5 for $25 of Hempire Prerolls$75 Hempire Shake Ounces / $45 Hempire Shake 1/2 Ounces$100 Hempire Popcorn Ounces / $60 Hempire Popcorn 1/2 Ounces$65 Wise Guys Shake Ounces BOGO on Dixie GummiesBOGO on Barracuda BarsBOGO on all Wyld Gummies5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls 5 for $70 on Crude Boy Carts5 for $60 on True North Carts2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 fpr $15 on Ubaked 200MG Bars2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 Magic Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch GummiesLets have great weekend!

The Hempire Collective

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05-25-2023 12:16 PM
law. Immor Nadi / We are starting some of our Memorial Day Weekend deals today! Also, we have now have plenty of shake! DOUBLE POINTS ALL WEEKEND LONG!Our SOTD is our new strain, Rainbow Belts 3.0!$4 Mark of Michigan Prerolls$100 Ounces of PBOG$100 Ounces of Tahoe OG$75 Hempire Shake Ounces / $45 Hempire Shake Ounces$100 Hempire Popcorn Ounces / $60 Hempire Popcorn Ounces $65 Wise Guys Shake Ounces 5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls 5 for $70 on Crude Boy Carts2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 Magic Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch GummiesSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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05-20-2023 03:26 PM
YODERS AMISH FLEA MARKET GUILT AUCTION WWW.CLAREMICHIGAN.COM / Today is the last day we are at the Yoder's Flea Market!We have still $5, $10, $20, $30, and $50 Grab Bags as well as our new T-shirts for sale! Buy a T-shirt at the Flea Market, get a free 8th coupon! Big Show's Crazy Idea Food Truck is set up and ready to serve you!Here are today's deals! DOUBLE POINTS ALL WEEKEND LONG! SOTD is Lemon Cherry Gelato ($30)$100 Ounces of Snoberry$150 14g Trap House / Hempire Collective Collab Baller Buckets$10 Trap House Company / The Hempire Collective Concentrates$15 Wise Guys 8ths 5 for $60 on True North Carts 5 for $25 on The Hempire Collective Prerolls$25 Hempire Preroll Packs$4 Apple Tartz and Super Runtz Prerolls 5 for $70 on Crude Boy CartsBOGO on all Wyld GummiesBOGO on all Dixie Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 Magic Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies

The Hempire Collective

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05-19-2023 03:24 PM
livedeal image / We are set up at the Yoder's Flea Market and ready to see you all! We have $5, $10, $20, $30, and $50 Grab Bags as well as our new T-shirts for sale! Buy a T-shirt at the Flea Market, get a free 8th coupon! Big Show's Crazy Idea Food Truck is set up and ready to serve you! Buy from the food truck, get a penny preroll coupon! Come and see us! We are open until 9pm!

The Hempire Collective

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05-18-2023 11:52 PM
livedeal image / We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Make sure you bring your appetite! Big Show's Crazy Idea Food Truck will be here both TOMORROW AND SATURDAY! If you buy something from the food truck, you will be given a penny preroll card! They even have Pulled Pork Parfaits which are pictured above!Here are tomorrows deals!DOUBLE POINTS ALL WEEKEND LONG! The SOTD is Member OG!$100 Ounces of Snoberry Kush$100 Ounces of Ghost Pepper$150 14g Trap House Baller Buckets5 for $60 on True North Carts $10 Trap House Company / The Hempire Collective Concentrates$15 Wise Guys 8ths 5 for $25 on The Hempire Collective Prerolls$4 Apple Tartz and Super Runtz Prerolls 5 for $70 on Crude Boy Carts5 for $65 on True North CartsBOGO on all Wyld GummiesBOGO on all Dixie Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 Magic Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch GummiesAlso, we are going to have a booth set up at Yoder's Amish Flea Market! Stop by there to buy merch, get coupons, and a free water bottle if you are thirsty!See you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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05-18-2023 02:56 PM
A ALERT / CORRECTION ON THE FOOD TRUCK! THE FOOD TRUCK WILL BE HERE TOMORROW! NOT Sunday! We will be sending this weekends deals out later today!

The Hempire Collective

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05-17-2023 11:46 PM
MI Mt D El El ill MN / We are going to be having amazing deals over the weekend for the Yoders Amish Flea Market! We are only a couple miles away so stop in before or after you head out there! OR come see our tent at the market to buy merch and grab bag coupons! We also will have Big Show's Crazy Idea Food Truck both Saturday and Sunday! Buy anything from the food truck, receive a coupon for a penny preroll! They will have pulled pork, burgers and more! Here are tomorrows deals!DOUBLE POINTS ALL WEEKEND LONG! SOTD is Snoberry Kush2 for $25 on 1g Trap House Company / The Hempire Collective Collab Concentrates$15 Wise Guys 8ths $5 Apple Tartz and Super Runtz Prerolls 5 for $70 on Crude Boy Carts2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 Magic Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies

The Hempire Collective

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05-16-2023 04:56 PM
 / We now have our collab with Trap House Company! Our collab concentrates are only $15 per gram!Here are the rest of the deals we have going on! SOTD is Ghost Pepper! ($20)$5 Apple Tartz and Super Runtz Prerolls 2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 Magic Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch GummiesSee you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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05-12-2023 04:04 PM
 / Stiizy is here until 3pm! while they are here we are doing BOGO on all Stiiizy products! See you soon!

The Hempire Collective

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05-12-2023 12:15 AM
livedeal image / CAKED UP CHERRIES IS BACK! IT CAME IN AT 30.6%! Our SOTD tomorrow is Push Pop! A 28% INDICA HYBRID!$110 Ounces of OMFG$5 Apple Tartz and Super Runtz Prerolls 2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical Rub2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 Magic Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch GummiesWE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ALL TOMORROW! ENJOY THE WEATHER!

The Hempire Collective

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05-06-2023 01:20 PM
THE EmpIRE c 0 E cr i v r. / HAPPY SATURDAY! WE ARE STILL DOING OUR MKX SALE! $11 CARTS, $6 CHEESEBALLS, POPCORN AND CASHEWS, AND $4 GUMMIES!RETURN OF THE PRIZE WHEEL! TODAY, EVERY CUSTOMER THROUGH THE DOOR WILL GET A SPIN ON THE WHEEL! NO ORDER MINIMUM! FREE EDIBLES AND CARTS! DOUBLE POINTS!The SOTD is our new Member OG!$90 Ounces of Forbidden Fruit $4 Tier 3 Grape Sherbet Prerolls$15 Wise Guys 8ths 5 for $15 Wise Guys Prerolls$5 Super Runtz and Apple Tartz Prerolls5 for $25 on all Hempire Collective Prerolls $5 off ALL Concentrates$25 Hempire Preroll Packs2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical RubBOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 Magic Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies    2 for $15 on 100MG True North Gummies  We look forward to seeing you soon!

The Hempire Collective

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05-05-2023 12:15 AM
 / Its Cinco De Mayo tomorrow so that means DOUBLE POINTS! We also got a fresh drop of Redbud C@rts today so we are fully restocked!WE ARE STILL HAVING OUR HUGE MKX SALE! $11 C@RTS, $6 CHEESEBALLS, POPCORN AND CASHEWS, AND $4 GUMMIES!RETURN OF THE PRIZE WHEEL FROM 4/2O! SPIN FOR A FREE C@RT OR EDIBLE IF YOU SPEND OVER $75!SOTD is our new Ghost Pepper! Just in time for the Holiday!$90 Ounces of Forbidden Fruit $100 Ounces of Super Boof$100 Ounces of Super Runtz$4 Tier 3 Grape Sherbet Prerolls$15 Wise Guys 8ths 5 for $15 Wise Guys Prerolls$5 Super Runtz and Apple Tartz Prerolls2 for $75 on Redbud Hash Holes $5 off ALL Concentrates5 for $25 on all Hempire Collective Prerolls$25 Hempire Preroll Packs BOGO on Wyld Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $7 CBD Cream  $8 Transdermal Patches$35 Mary's Topical RubBOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $20 on Wana Gummies2 for $15 Magic Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies    2 for $15 on 100MG True North Gummies  See you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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05-04-2023 12:20 AM
Ply D I C. weedmaps PREMIL . HYBRID DISTILLA1 CAC Lab Taste Pled in Mk PREMIUM DISTILLATE CART PREMIUM DISTILLATE CART Lao Tested Oil Made in Michigan POWERED BY Lab Tested Oil Made in Michigan / HUGE MKX SALE STARTING TOMORROW AND GOING ALL WEEKEND LONG! $11 C@RTS, $6 CHEESEBALLS, POPCORN & CASHEWS, AND $4 GUMMIES! THIS IS A GREAT TIME TO STOCK UP ON C@RTS AS THE PRICES WILL CONTINUE TO RISE!Our SOTD is Mark of Michigan $100 Platinum Runtz Ounces $4 Tier 3 Grape Sherbet Prerolls$5 Super Runtz and Apple Tartz Prerolls5 for $25 on ALL Hempire Collective Prerolls $55 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Homboldt Headband2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies $7 CBD Cream  BOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies    2 for $15 on 100MG True North Gummies

The Hempire Collective

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05-02-2023 05:22 PM
livedeal image / ICC x Kush Mintz and Lemon Cherry Gelato is back! ICC came in at 31.5% and Lemon Cherry came in at 26%! See you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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05-02-2023 12:25 AM
GOMA GREW / HUGE MKX SALE TOMORROW! $11 1G CARTS AND $4 100MG PACKS OF GUMMIES! SOTD is Gorilla Grease$130 Ounces of Grape Sherbet$140 Ounces of Jesus OG$4 Tier 3 Grape Sherbet Prerolls$5 Super Runtz and Apple Tartz Prerolls$55 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Homboldt HeadbandBuy 2 get 1 free on Wyld Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Fluresh Gummies2 for $10 on 100MG Fluresh Gummies 2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies $7 CBD Cream  BOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies See you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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04-30-2023 11:40 PM
 / Here are our deals for tomorrow!Our SOTD is Super Boof$90 Ounces of Forbidden Fruit $100 Ounces of Platinum Runtz $4 Tier 3 Grape Sherbet Prerolls$5 Super Runtz and Apple Tartz Prerolls5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls$55 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Homboldt HeadbandBuy 2 get 1 free on Wyld Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Fluresh Gummies2 for $10 on 100MG Fluresh Gummies 2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Gummies $7 CBD Cream  BOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

The Hempire Collective

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04-30-2023 12:02 AM
HEMPIRF. / IT IS DOUBLE POINTS SUNDAY! Also, we still have our crazy ounce specials going on! Check out the rest of tomorrows deals! SOTD is Mark Of Michigan$90 Ounces of Apple Tartz$130 Ounces of Grape Sherbet$135 Ounces of Jesus OG 5 for $30 on The Hempire Collective Prerolls$5 Tier 3 Grape Sherbet Prerolls5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls$15 Wise Guys 8ths $55 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Homboldt Headband$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES 10 for $130 on MKX CartsBuy 2 get 1 free on Wyld Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Fluresh Gummies2 for $10 on 100MG Fluresh Gummies $7 CBD Cream  BOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies2 for $15 on MKX Cheese Balls5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Do not forget to check your Glorious Cannabis product in store so you can redeem your free .5g preroll before you leave! See you tomorrow! Reminder we are open from 10am - 8pm!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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04-29-2023 12:36 PM
THE HENTIRE C 1 I V / We have some amazing ounce deals and preroll deals going on today! Check them out! FREE 305 FARMS PREROLL WITH EVERY PURCHASE!SOTD is Forbidden Fruit ($20!)$90 Ounces of Apple Tartz$130 Ounces of Grape Sherbet$140 Ounces of Jesus OG 5 for $30 on The Hempire Collective Prerolls$5 Tier 3 Grape Sherbet Prerolls5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls$15 Wise Guys 8ths $55 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Homboldt Headband$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES 10 for $130 on MKX CartsBuy 2 get 1 free on Wyld Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Fluresh Gummies2 for $10 on 100MG Fluresh Gummies $7 CBD Cream  BOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies2 for $15 on MKX Cheese Balls5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Buy a Glorious Cannabis product! They are giving away Golden Tickets!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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04-28-2023 02:03 PM
MVOW10014103411M S30011 Olt INI1t1131dS In/ sulosln HSVIdS SMILIO tiON9 311W. x S13VILLX3 INAS 3A1.4 /ONO LE / True North will be here for a vendor day today from 12pm - 3pm! True North Gummies will be buy 1 get 1 and the peanut butter will be $5 off! Here are the rest of the deals we have going on! FREE 305 FARMS PREROLL WITH EVERY PURCHASE!SOTD is Gorilla Grease$90 Ounces of Apple Tartz$100 Ounces of Mark of Michigan$130 Ounces for Tier 1 Grape Sherbet! Our new in house favorite! 5 for $30 on The Hempire Collective Prerolls5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls$15 Wise Guys 8ths $55 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Homboldt Headband and Crazy Glue$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES 10 for $130 on MKX CartsBuy 2 get 1 free on Wyld Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Fluresh Gummies2 for $10 on 100MG Fluresh Gummies $7 CBD Cream  BOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies2 for $15 on MKX Cheese Balls5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Buy a Glorious Cannabis product! They are giving away Golden Tickets!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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04-28-2023 12:16 AM
LIKE A GREAT DEAL. / WE ARE HAVING SOME POST 420 SALES TOMORROW FOR EVERYONE WHO ALREADY NEEDS TO RE-UP! COME CHECK US OUT!FREE 305 FARMS PREROLL WITH EVERY PURCHASE!Spend over $300, you will be entered to win a free ounce! Our SOTD is Gorilla Grease$90 Ounces of Apple Tartz$100 Ounces of Mark of Michigan$130 Ounces of Tier 1 Grape Sherbet! Our new in house favorite! 5 for $30 on The Hempire Collective Prerolls5 for $15 on Wise Guys Prerolls$15 Wise Guys 8ths $55 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Homboldt Headband and Crazy Glue$5 off ALL CONCENTRATES 10 for $130 on MKX CartsBuy 2 get 1 free on Wyld Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Fluresh Gummies2 for $10 on 100MG Fluresh Gummies $7 CBD Cream  BOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies2 for $15 on MKX Cheese Balls5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  We are still running the Glorious Cannabis Promotion! Make sure you check your lid while you are in the store to asee if you have won a free .5g Lemon Pound Cake Preroll! We have yet to announce our winners of the grow tour, stay tuned for that next week! REMINDER:Our new summer hours are 9am - 9pm Mon - Sat and 10am - 8pm on Sundays!

The Hempire Collective

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04-26-2023 12:06 PM
 / WISE GUYS WEDNESDAY! All Wise Guys Prerolls will be $3, all 8ths will be $17!Here are the rest of the deals we have going on!Our SOTD is Super Boof!$100 Ounces of Platinum Runtz! $55 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Homboldt Headband and Crazy Glue$5 off Cannabee ConcentratesBuy 2 get 1 free on Wyld Gummies2 for $75 on Redbud Hash Hole Prerolls2 for $15 on 200MG Mamba Solventless Gummies $7 CBD Cream  BOGO on 100MG Mojo ChocolatesBOGO on 100MG Quicky GummiesBOGO on 100MG Quantum Energy Gummies2 for $15 on 200MG Shattered Thoughts Gummies 2 for $15 on MKX Cheese Balls5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 2 for $15 on Motor City Stixx2 for $15 on Motor City Pretzel Sticks2 for $15 on 200MG Kushy Punch Gummies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Buy a Glorious Cannabis product! They are giving away Golden Tickets! Remember, our new summer hours are 9am - 9pm Monday - Saturday and 10am - 8pm on Sundays!

The Hempire Collective

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04-21-2023 01:55 AM
THE EmpIRE c 0 E cr i v r. / THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING TODAY! YOU GUYS REALLY SHOWED OUT FOR US! WE BEAT RECORDS, ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! The Hempire Collective would be nothing without our customers and we loved seeing our family today! HAPPY HOLIDAZE! LETS SPARK SOMETHING!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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04-20-2023 12:00 PM
41APBY 420 / Good morning everyone and Happy 420!!! The greatest Holiday of the year!We had some late night developments! Jesus OG came back at 30.5% and is now for sale in Tier 1 along with our newest batch of Grape Sherbet that came in at 26.1%! Also, we will have a photo booth from 12pm-9pm! Every customer will receive 1 free 5x7 photo with their friends or just themselves! If you forgot, here are today's deals!EVERYONE THROUGH THE DOOR WILL HAVE FREE GOODIES IN THEIR CHECKOUT BAGS WAITING FOR THEM! THIS INCLUDES A FREE WORKERS CANNABIS DISPOSABLE, FREE EDIBLES, FREE PREROLLS, A FREE CANNABEE INFUSED PREROLL, SWAG FROM WYLD AND MORE! The earlier you get here, the better your bag will be! ALL HEMPIRE FLOWER WILL BE DISCOUNTED BY 20%! $90 Grape Sherbet Tier 3 Ounces! Spend over $300, you will automatically be entered to win a free ounce! We will be giving out 3 free ounces tomorrow! Spend $150, be eligible to buy a $40 Sensi Bag! (Bag is worth $150!) $50 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Crazy Glue and Homboldt Headband $15 Wise Guys 8ths 5 for $15 Wise Guys Prerolls 5 for $25 on The Hempire Collective Prerolls Buy 1 get 1 free on 305 Farms Prerolls Buy an infused SLAMMER, get a classic for $10 10 for $120 on Redbud Roots Carts 10 for $130 on MKX Carts 2 for $80 on 3Lefts Concentrate 2 for $35 on True North Concentrates 2 for $20 on Green Gruff Bags (cannot forget the pups!) 5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews 5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews 5 for $20 on MKX Gummies Buy 2 get 1 free on Wana Gummies Buy 1 get 1 free on Wyld Gummies Buy 2 get 1 free on Barracuda Bars Buy 1 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies Buy 1 get 1 free on Just Edibles Brand Food trucks will start serving food around 10:30 - 11am (more like 11am) and Miranda and the M80's will be going on stage at 3pm! We also have a ton of local vendors coming out so make sure to bring cash for their artwork, shaved ice, freeze dried candy, soaps and more! These are all local vendors and we love supporting them!We are making sure our ATM is stocked as well. So if you need to come in and just use our ATM to buy from our local vendors, let the budtender at the door know and they will let you right through! See you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

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04-19-2023 09:51 PM
seay. aztr-Z I / HUGE DEALS GIUEAWAYS RAFFLES LIUE MUSIC GOOD TIMES EXCIi. SIAMINER5 tc EDIBLES FOOD TRI / Good evening everyone! Tomorrow is the day and we are so excited to see all of you! First off, here are the AMAZING deals we will be running!EVERYONE THROUGH THE DOOR WILL HAVE FREE GOODIES IN THEIR CHECKOUT BAGS WAITING FOR THEM! THIS INCLUDES A FREE WORKERS CANNABIS DISPOSABLE, FREE EDIBLES, FREE PREROLLS, A FREE CANNABEE INFUSED PREROLL AND MORE! The earlier you get here, the better your bag will be!ALL HEMPIRE FLOWER WILL BE DISCOUNTED BY 20%!$90 Grape Sherbet Tier 3 Ounces!Spend over $300, you will automatically be entered to win a free ounce! We will be giving out 3 free ounces tomorrow! Spend $150, be eligible to buy a $40 Sensi Bag! (Bag is worth $150!) $50 Ounces and $30 Half Ounces of Paisley Trees Crazy Glue and Homboldt Headband$15 Wise Guys 8ths5 for $15 Wise Guys Prerolls  5 for $25 on The Hempire Collective PrerollsBuy 1 get 1 free on 305 Farms PrerollsBuy an infused SLAMMER, get a classic for $1010 for $120 on Redbud Roots Carts10 for $130 on MKX Carts 2 for $80 on 3Lefts Concentrate2 for $35 on True North Concentrates2 for $20  on Green Gruff Bags5 for $40 on 200MG Choice Chews5 for $20 on 100MG Choice Chews5 for $20 on MKX Gummies Buy 2 get 1 free on Wana GummiesBuy 1 get 1 free on Wyld GummiesBuy 2 get 1 free on Barracuda Bars Buy 1 get 1 free on Dixie Gummies Buy 1 get 1 free on Just Edibles Brand Now, we have had a ton of people asking about our new 420 shirts this year! If you buy from either food truck, come and see Bri and Nikki at their vendor table for a free shirt! You will also get 1 free spin on our prize wheel and will be entered to win a tour of our grow facility! We will be picking 5 winners!Food trucks will start serving food around 10:30 - 11am and Miranda and the M80's will be going on stage at 3pm! We also have a ton of local vendors coming out so make sure to bring cash for their artwork, shaved ice, freeze dried candy and more! We are really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and as always, thank you for your continued support over the last 2.5 years! Happy Holidaze!

The Hempire Collective

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04-19-2023 03:27 PM
 / Stiiizy is going to be here from 12pm - 3pm and all Stiiizy product will be buy 1 get 1 free! Later tonight we will be blasting out all of our deals for tomorrow! We are so excited to see you all!

The Hempire Collective

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04-17-2023 03:09 PM
RInsTAR APLADE TriKEOVEP v THE NY HEMPIRE t ie. THC tt -RP ENJOY 2 DRINK TICKETS COURTESY OF THE HEMPIRE COLLECTIVE WORKERS CANNABIS 2 DRINK TICKETS PER PATRON - CAN NOT BE COMBINED JOIN US AT BRINSTAR ARCADE APRIL 17TH FROM 600pm - 1000pm Amom 0 - 1/./ .. MAMMr Ml. mmr 415 E Main St Midland MI 48640 .. MEMOMM MEM/ MIMI -1 WWMn mm MAIWANIMPAMIKMINfl0 Mnn WA A / 1n1. rnn / We know some of you have been asking for the event schedule for 4/20, here it is!9am - Open - If you are looking to get in and out, I would get here before open!10:30am - 7pm - Twisted Fork and Bubba Q Food Trucks! 3pm - 7pm - Miranda and The M80s performance 9pm - CloseWe are doing Sensi Bags again! If you spend $150 you will be eligible to get a Sensi Bag for $40! Retail value is $150! DO not forget about our Midland event tonight at Brinstar! Workers Cannabis will be there handing out merch and we will be handing out coupons and drink tickets! See you all soon!

The Hempire Collective

Closes at: 8:00 PM
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